Search Results: As a black woman can I still stand up for black

Fellow white guys, what makes white girls worth the trouble of dating? Why are most of us still dating them? Why aren’t we exploring better options?

Other women don’t cause half the trouble that white girls do. So why are most of us still dating them? What makes them so special? What makes them worth dating? I mean white girls are the only culture of women...
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So why are most white men still in relationships with white women? And why are most white men still attracted to them & defending them from criticism?

I’m just genuinely confused why anybody could be attracted to white women when there are such better options available. I mean its always been my experience that Asian and latina women are far more caring and...
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The Psychology of Men Who Are Racially Black Having to Proclaim Their Refusal to Date "Black" Women

If you meet a black male, who refuses to date "Black" women, it is time to run like the Road Runner. I just want to reiterate. Interracial relations are cool. I have dated non-"Black" women myself. And if a black guy...

Why I Love Black Women

I have always liked girls and loved women. But the first time I fell in love with a black woman was at my high school prom. I went with my friend. Two guys looking to meet girls there and dance. Most of the night I sat in...

Myth Busters: Black Girls Can't Grow Long Hair

Have you ever heard the phrase that black women can't grow long hair? We are black, therefore we cannot grow long hair. You may be a person who has thought this to be true, or maybe you've thought about this before and...

Where I Stand On Police Violence Against Blacks, and Racism

I have to admit it's been pretty appalling for me to witness racism lately here on GaG concerning the racial issues with the police in America. Of course, it isn't the first time I've seen it on the web, as I also saw it...

Black people criticising the #BlackLivesMatter for its hypocrisy, double standards and violence, which contradict the cause itself This is a must listen speech. This is better than all ted talks combined. He has summarised our emotions and pretty much said what people wanted to say in the past few days and...

My Follow Up to Being A Black Man Who Hates Rap and Hip Hop

So this comes a lot later than I wanted it to, because I've been so busy with work and other things that I've had to keep putting it off, but now I get a propertunity to follow up on my last Take that talked about why and...

7 Things I Dislike About White Women

In the past I’ve written about relationships between black men and white women and how I support them and think they’re beautiful, and I’ve stood up for both black men and white women when they get criticized for wanting...

Love for My Black History Month

In recognition of the approaching USA Black History month, I thought I'd explore my own black history! I'm not black, I'm some kinda cream color. Can you relate this to your own life experiences and prejudices? To me, we...

Black Lives Matter: Problems and Solutions

I don't want to drone on and on about this and I'm sure you don't want me to. I've already done a MyTake regarding race relations and race dialogue. Now I'm going to do a MyTake exploring the black lives matter movement...

What's Wrong with the Black Community?

So I've been meaning to make a Take on this for a while now, but recently I've been inspired to actually sit down and do this. What I've noticed lately here on GaG and offline is that black men like myself and black women...

My Experience As A Girl Living In One Of "The Most Dangerous Places" In The UK

I live in one of the most dangerous places in the UK - that's not just out of England, that's Wales, Scotland and Northen Ireland too. I am not saying where it is, or which city is, but where I live, is classed as one of...

5 of the Best Fast-Food/Casual Places To Meet Women — And 5 To Avoid

Get your hopes up, gentlemen! There are plenty of nice places to meet women that aren't the bar, the club, or the gym. Here in this article I will provide five of the best fast-food and fast-casual restaurants to meet a...

Women of History- Women's History Month of March.

The Great Women of History. We have Black History Month for February, and March is Women’s History Month. Here are some of the amazing women of history, historical and fun facts. Go girl power! Joan of Arc. She was...

A Letter to a Surprising Friend, and His Help in Climbing Out of What Seemed to be a Bottomless Black Hole

I know this will be more helpful to me than anyone else, and also since this is anonymous and the person I'm writing about doesn't know about my account nor that this site even exists, then its not going to get to back to...

Believe it or not, this is racist. This is as pure as racism gets.

The weirdness of the political conversation of GaG is always centered around who is most racist "supposed liberals" or "supposed conservatives". It is never about racism itself and how it is wrong. I guess because...

Growing Up Ginger

I was born into this world with a full head of bright red hair, the first ginger in 3 generations on either side of my family The rare genetic mutation of the recessive gene for red hair affects an estimated 2-4 % of the...

New Abortion Law Essentially Okays Crimes Against Women

It is one thing to stand up and shout from the rafters that if you willingly have sex with someone and get pregnant that according to pro-lifers, you should have that child and I can at least in the back of my mind...

The History of Women in Metal and Hard Rock- Part 2: The Early 1980s.

By the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, rock music in general was on it's death bed. Disco broke Rock & Roll's hold on pop culture during it's brief (1976-1979) tenure as the top dog of the music industry,...