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"Girls Don't Know What They Want [in Relationships]": The Real Reasons Behind This Male-Created Myth

This is the first in a series of articles I'll be writing debunking some commonly-held myths about dating, society and life. Myths are beliefs - widely-held but false and erroneous conclusions. They make sense, they're...

Arguments Against Romance Novels And Why They Are Stupid Sarah Maclean posted this on twitter and it is glorious. I will proceed most carefully. Romance writers and fellow romance readers please don't kill if I screw...

Both Anti-Feminists and Many Feminists Are Wrong About Whether Feminism Advocates "Equality"

As a note: GAG insists on putting this MyTake into "Sexual Behavior" and I have no idea why. If someone is able to put it into "Society & Culture" instead, that'd be great, thanks. Whether or not I'm a feminist is...

People Who Need to Get Off the Internet

Hi. I won’t even lie to you people, this Mytake is 100 per cent just to piss people off. I’m in that kind of mood today. I didn't go to the gym this morning, so, I had some time to kill. You're welcome. There are...