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"Why I Push Women Away": How One Man's Personal Revelation Linked Back to His Father's Affair

This is the real-life story of one man, and his journey to discover why he leaves. I listened to this last night, found it very interesting, and thought I'd share it with you today. "Why did I leave?" "Why did I lose...

Growing Up Ginger

I was born into this world with a full head of bright red hair, the first ginger in 3 generations on either side of my family The rare genetic mutation of the recessive gene for red hair affects an estimated 2-4 % of the...
Home Chats

"Girls Don't Know What They Want [in Relationships]": The Real Reasons Behind This Male-Created Myth

This is the first in a series of articles I'll be writing debunking some commonly-held myths about dating, society and life. Myths are beliefs - widely-held but false and erroneous conclusions. They make sense, they're...

What Women REALLY Want? Cutting trough the nice guy, alpha male, "confidence" bullshit... (Part 1)

I wish I could do a male version of this, but as it is, I only have insight into the brains of my fellow women. So let's begin now, shall we? ^^ You all heard  unclear, misleading  ideas men toss around like that...

Growing Up Different

Many people grow up and fit in. Some of us however don't. Sometimes it's more common things such as trends, local cultural bias, and being a nonconformist. But for some it is medical, their self identified gender, sexual...

Growing up with a narcissistic mother & subsequent abuse – Part 2.5

I was going to do a third and final part, but I’ve been leaving out the more severe, highly abusive details of my experience for the sake of not being TOO personal. As well, I aim to make these pieces compact so you don’t...

The Difference Between the Good Guy and the Nice Guy Isn't Looks: It's Status

It's both the feminists AND the whiny, petulant self-identified "nice guys" that are wrong about this debate. Supposedly, a "nice guy" is just some boring, ugly guy who tries to win women over by doing nice things for...

My Experiences With Females So Far

I'll tell you of my experiences with women so far, this Take isn't meant to offend anyone. I just think it's fun to share my experiences with females. My first communication with females started when I was in...

My life: A Summary

My life:A summary So I want to keep passing this on.... @LegateLanius Hey G@GERs, I’ve been challenged by two users to present a small glimpse into my life. If you want to, #Challengeyourself so I shall I was always a...