Search Results: Can men and women be and stay friends for a long

Can men and women be friends?

I find friendships with the opposite sex are only situational. As in, once someone leaves the workplace or quits patronizing the shop, the woman severs contact. Especially if she gets a boyfriend or husband. I've worked...
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2 mo

Do you think that it is 30 year old woman mistake if she is single?

I have heard about it. Men saying that it is women mistake if she is single is her 30s or late 20s. but how? Because she was dating good looking dude? So women shouldn't date someone who they find attractive? Because for...
I have heard about it. Men saying that it is women mistake if she is single is her 30s or late 20s. but how? Because she was dating good looking dude? So women shouldn't date someone Show More
It is always her mistake
It is not always her mistake
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Are women the selectors in the dating world and men have to wait to be selected by a woman?

If men have to wait to be selected by a woman, does that mean he has to rely on a woman to notice and flirt with him first, that way he can say to himself "he's no longer single" cause he has somebody that actually likes...
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Could this be a good reason to stay always single?

I was chatting with a friend of mine who is in her mid 40`s. She has a grown up son but he lives on his own and she is divorced. She was seeing a guy long time ago but nothing formal or serious, she told me once "too much...
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Why Men And Women Can’t Be “Just Friends”!

#justfriends #menandwomenaredifferent “Can men and women be ‘just friends’?” is an age-old question, but I’m here to answer it for you. If you aren’t interested in reading too much, I’ll save you the effort - the answer...

My best friend's girlfriend hates me, advice?

My best friend's fiance really dislikes me. Has anyone ever been in this situation before? Essentially my best friend's girlfriend has a lot of 'issues' peterning to my relationship with him. She thinks I'm out to steal...
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My Mum could give my Dad a High BP with her extreme nagging! (This might be a long read🥺) What can I do to help?

My Dad is the best man any woman could ever imagine, basically my blueprint for a future husband. Quiet and peaceful but knows when and how to lead. I wouldn't choose any other person to father me. My mum, I've always...
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Myth: Men and Women can "Stay Friends" After a Breakup

How many of you have heard the myth that men and women can remain friends after a breakup? Obviously I'm not talking about a breakup in which there is mutual hate and hard feelings, I'm talking about a breakup in which...

Was I wrong to tell my friend this about her relationship?

She said her boyfriend goes gym everyday 7 days a week at 5:30am, he regularly and pretty much always asks her to go with him but she never wants to. they have been together since they where 18/19 they’re now 24. no...
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How to find the man or woman of your dreams! Yes, your dreams are about to come true!

...NO, I'M NOT KIDDING! Here is Aespa's new song ...Dreams Come True... Many people are not good listeners. What I will say in this myTake will go in one ear and right out the...

Who really protective men actually are and why they are not suitable long term partners for women

So women always say they like guys who are "protective" because it makes them feel safe. Now on a evolutionary stand point that makes sense. Females animals choose the strongest male mates because they have the best...

Why do most guys hate the "friend zone" so much?

Why do most guys hate the “friend zone” so much? The friend zone means something different to women. It is a good place to be in. Yes, in most cases it does not lead anywhere other than just staying in the friend zone,...
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Guys, would your feelings change or stay the same after having a friends with benefits for so many years?

So long story short. Is it possible that a man can SEX around with a woman for years and not be interested in her. Or do things change emotionally. So my reasons to why I'm asking is because my friends with benefits of 8...
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Do you agree woman? which one accept point for you? which is against your type?

Women...💁 1- When a woman is angry, she doesn't mean more than half of what she says... Always hug her to calm her down if possible. 2- The most difficult time for a woman is to be away from the man she truly...
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Are men who f*ckzone women the female equivalent to women who friƩndzone guys?

My definition of the f*ckzone. This is when a person (usually a man) hangs out and casually dates a woman for sex. She however has strong feelings for him thinking he will get into a long term relationship with her. He...
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Feminists; why are you destroying all women's image?

I am 22 years old and I am extremely old fashioned. As a woman I feel that it is my duty to please my man at the end of the day. I feel it is my job to do the house work, look after the children and cook my husband big...
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Why are men so stingy and women so giving? Sneaky and slick talking?

My boyfriend is stingy with food and money when my kids and grands come over. Always complaining about the food being eaten up and , when I give my daughter money to help her with the bills or help with her kids, so I...
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Should I worry about staying alone when I’m not attracted to men nowadays, and men I’m attracted to don’t want a relationship?

😒 Should I even bother worrying? 😒 Most of my female friends are married or in long term relationships. 😒 But their partners are some of the most effeminate males , short , hideous . Not appealing. Not...
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How do I stand strong against a man who knows I can't resist him?

I have this friend who found out last summer while I was drunk that I just could not resist him. I fought the urge for 2 months to give into the temptations of messing around with him. Then once I gave in to him, that's...
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Ladies - Do You Find "Lone Wolf" Men As Sexy?

It's funny... in our society today, people are afraid of doing things by themselves. For example, my Mom stays inside the house all day long on the weekends and is always bored. When I ask her why she doesn't go out and...
It's funny... in our society today, people are afraid of doing things by themselves. For example, my Mom stays inside the house all day long on the weekends and is always bored. When I Show More
Being a loner is a sexy trait
Being a loner is strange
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