Search Results: Did God give me strength with the guy I like

The "Nice Guy" Debate

One thing I notice a lot these days is why nice guys are the worst debate. The reason for this is I can see a lot of this being misconstrued and loads of genuine, accepting guys changing their ways and becoming A-holes...

When a Guy Wants to Know What You're Thinking

(Completely raw & embarrassing exposure of me writing to myself based on what I think of all the time. yet, I never had the balls to just expose how hectic I can get- because it's clearly insane. I wanted to expose myself...

Why More Guys Should Give Country Music a Chance!

Based on what I see on this site, I think more guys should give country music a bit more of a chance. What I've seen most often is an interest in heavy metal and more aggresive styles of music, however, my recent dip into...

Guys, Keep Doing Your Thing

Awhile ago some guys here asked me to write a Take about the topic of females hating guys for stating their opinions about women on whatever the subject, and I guess I’ve finally gotten around to it. In the past when I...

What God taught me about love and work

The bible says, “Do not spend your vigour on women, your strength on those who ruin kings.” During the pandemic, I tried hard to earn money because I thought money would give me better access and more access to men, and I...

Kimberly Seltzer: The Dating/Makeover Expert Gives Singles the Gift of Hope

Dating is this wondrous dichotomy of excitement and anxiety. It's a heady blend of wildly unpredictable emotions and feelings. It can run the gamut between the nightmarish "you would not believe this date I had" and the...

Why I Shaved My Head, Threw Out My Makeup, and Gave Up on Chasing Beauty

A week ago, one would have looked at me and seen a typically appearance obsessed girl. My YouTube history is full of make up tutorials, I've mastered the art of a cut crease to hide my hooded eyes and I can make over...

How powerful do you think love is - I mean not just romantic love?

I’ve heard of 90 pound woman lifting cars up with their bare hands when their kids get trapped in the car. I’ve heard of mothers who come out of coma when their baby is placed crying on their rib cage. I’ve heard of...
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Why do women put tall men on a pedestal?

Ok so yes, I'm just below average in height. 5'6. 21 years old. When it comes to the dating scene women prefer tall guys, and I understand that, not complaining about that, you can be attracted to whoever you choose. But...
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Cheyenne Bostock Talks Life, Value and Why Men Need to be Men

In 2011, Cheyenne Bostock found himself in a homeless shelter. He felt lost. He didn't even know what a "life coach" was and he didn't have any idea what he was going to do. He hadn't found what he now calls his "value"...
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The 5 internal traits to help you realise, you've now become a valuable Man.

You are a Master in the Paths Of Life . This trait in a man is what every woman craves deepest in the masculine nature, whether she's aware of it or not. Many men will claim that money is the most important thing to...

When it comes to Depression? I Own That Sh&T!

The Things That Depression Has Given to Me… You know I hear a lot of things said about depression and while I agree with almost all of them, I disagree with some. I am not here to debate this or those things, in fact, I...

Why Every Man Responds on Some Level To “The Matrix”

The Matrix was a global phenomenon, but it is my belief that the film actually sparks something in the heart of every man about his own masculinity. It excites it if only on a subconscious level. This take is to bring...

How To Be a Real Man

When someone tells you 'how to' do or be something, it will always be slightly or totally subjective. Being a real man means different things to different men, to women, to different cultures, to different religions and...

The Dance of Hearts, A Valentine's Special

Love Love is a beautiful thing. When it works, it is amazing and the energy flows. But all too often, it doesn't go as desired. No matter how painful relationships are, we keep going back to find love! We heal up our...

What to do about her anxious daughter who is cheating and lying!

This is all true, wrote it for my xGF and sharing for benefit of others! People just want me to write simply..."give me the answer!" No, I have fun writing the answer, it's more fun that way:) PRIOR RELATIONSHIP CRASH...

What I learned from my last spiritual battle

Earlier this month and for around 4 months, a group of liars turned hundreds if not thousands of people against me with lies, they said I slept with 200 guys, had multiple baby daddies, was addicted to drugs and weed and...

The issue is NOT boys vs girls. Real solutions must address the real problem: so let's address it.

I've read up a good bit on this site having never been a member myself - I have heard the countless woes of girls talking about the horrible guys they have had to deal with, and I have heard the countless stories of guys...

You Girls Are AMAZING

My take on why I really love girls a lot and their importance in my life Namaste! It's been over two years since I last shared a myTake here. Life is long busy road. It takes away everything you love in your life and...

You're awesome, a badass, a legend... You're f****** you

DISCLAIMER: I'm not big into sentimental stuff. I hate mushy cards. I hate wasting words. I hate people who give mushy cards and I hate people who waste words (well, hate is a bit extreme. Solidly dislike is more...