Search Results: Did I do a good deed or a bad deed

Should You Remember a Person's Past Good if They're Bad Now?

If someone did good things a long time ago (years, maybe even a decade ago) but more recently have become sour, bitter, angry and completely toxic in your life; would you still maintain that relationship based on their...
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Praying is good but how many of you do more when you can?

People often say they will pray, when they could be helping. God gives you tools to help, please do so. Praying may get you those tools, use them. This is one of my favorite quotes (translated.) "THERE ARE SITUATIONS THAT...
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Bad Deed of the Month

I’ve been meaning to write a myTake for quite some time, but never had anything interesting to write about. But then the following happened recently and I thought it was funny/interesting enough to put in a take. A bit of...

Who "bad boys" and "nice guys" really are and why girls should recognize and avoid both types of boys

When guys ask girls why they always go for bad boys it's because those guys don't understand who those "bad boys" are and why they are able to succeed in the dating world when they cannot. However, the girls don't...

Sometimes Hypocrisy is a Good Thing

We can probably agree that the hypocrite is one of the most despised individuals on the planet. He may not be as hated as the child molester, the charity fraudster or the war criminal but he's certainly down there. I am...

If Good Is Good And Bad Is Bad, Shouldn't Neutral Be Just Neutral?

There Are Good Deeds And Bad Deeds. But What About Neutral? The world is pretty imbalanced actually and there's no surprise in that and also I doubt anyone can be completely neutral and balanced. But still neutral people...

What is your thoughts regarding Islam?

Why Islam and not other religions? 1- Islam gives logical and simple idea for God - He is a perfect God - He is neither a man nor a son of man nor an Idol or a Godhead (trinity) nor limited nor created - He is totally...
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Psychological Thrillers: The Good, Not So Bad, And Ugly

THIS IS STRICTLY BASED ON MY OPINION, SO KEEP CALM AND READ ON 🤘🤘 🤘 #FeelFreeToList #PsychologicalThrillers I love some of every movie genre, but psychological thrillers are not a fave I must admit. I’ve expect that...

According to your religion, what will happen to you after you die?

Based on Islam, we believe after a person's physical body dies, his soul (we also call it "self" ) is detached from the physical body and attaches to another body that looks the same as our physical body but is devoid of...
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Do you dislike Chinese people?

I mean be honest. This question is based in regards that for the entire world China is the responsible for many bad things going on in this world , not only for the virus thing, but for other things China does that harm...
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Can a person really redeem themselves?

Can someone really make up for their past wrongs? Say for instance a teenager that stabbed someone then ended up turning their lives and spent their future doing outrageously good things like feeding the poor. Or a person...
Can someone really make up for their past wrongs? Say for instance a teenager that stabbed someone then ended up turning their lives and spent their future doing outrageously good Show More
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Top 20 Bad-Ass Action Starz

There have been plenty of male action stars, but today, I’ll be listing my faves (in no particular order). #FeelFreeToList below who out of those #Top20BadAzzes are also in your faves. By the way, I will only list the...

Good Intentions, Bad Results: Child Labor

So much of what I see as having negative effects on society were not necessarily championed by people with foul intentions. Too often, I seem to find that they were championed by warm-hearted people with perfectly good...

Songs For Bad Boys: 15 Songs That Have The Phrase “Bad Boy (s)” in their titles.

For those who consider themselves a Bad Boy. Including myself! Usually such songs, are Hard Rock songs. But they can be found in Pop or even Funk songs if you notice as well. (Songs in alphabetical order) 1) #1 Bad Boy by...

Should you try to help people in life?

5 years ago i worked at a gas station for a short time was a woman there we worked together for a few months before she quit. i texted her once & told her about one of my old jobs hiring just trying to help her out. she...
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10 Tips on How to Break Bad News

We all make mistakes! Below are my tips to get you more easily out of the hot seat. 1) Choose the right moment. Wait for when the person is happy and relaxed, or even feeling a bit guilty for something they've done to you...

Is Satan really such a bad guy?

First let me get this out of the way, I'm not a satanist. This will be one that will come pretty as a surprise to people who know me on this site. I describe myself as an agnostic Christian, and even just today I was...

A very serious lesson that isn’t so obvious to most

I believe Jesus taught that bad deeds lead to bad ultimate results and good deeds leads to good final outcomes. Bad deeds cannot lead to good results because the person suffers for what they did. Good deeds cannot lead to...

Why the bible says what is crooked cannot be straightened

The bible says what is crooked cannot be straightened meaning a bad deed cannot be converted into a good one, and something that starts out bad, cannot end with good results. A few years ago, there was a disabled girl who...

My Thoughts About Islam and Why I'm Considering Converting

I want to share with you why I'm considering to convert to Islam, what my thoughts are about the Islamic rules, how I believe God is working and my thoughts about prophet Muhammad (Pbuh). PS! This is just about my...