Search Results: Do you hope for good things on your ex

Girls, is breadcrumbing a good thing from my ex girlfriend?

Hi, so it's been 4 months since my ex girlfriend broke up with me. I'm 29M she's 35. And I've noticed certain behavior that has me thinking about her a lot lately. Some of this things I've noticed and other have been...
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Guys: Will you read a letter given from your ex girlfriend?

I am thinking of sending my ex boyfriend a letter... telling him about my feelings... what he meant to me and how much he hurted me... and tht I hope he is happy... but I don't want to make him think I want him back and I...
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Getting a ttyl and have a good day text from your ex. Does this mean they are open to communicating again?

I've just contacted my ex last night. It's been 2 weeks since we've broken up and we have ceased all contact. I called him because my car was making the same noise his used to when we were dating. It got really loud all...
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Do you still care for your ex?

Or at least hope they are happy? My ex boyfriend was my first .. everything. I loved him and we planned to get married and have kids on day.. all when we were 16 and 17. Even though he showed signs of insecurity...
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Should I wish my EX boyfriend a happy birthday after he dumped me 3 months ago?

It is after 9pm here, and its my ex of 6 years birthday. I feel sick in my stomach. I haven't spent it apart from him once and I haven't been able to stop weighing up whether I should or shouldn't text a happy birthday...
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Signs You're Not Over Your Ex Yet...

It’s been months since your ex said adieu to you and you still cannot stop thinking of the shoulda could've woulda’s and the why’s. Of your romantic past together and the good even the bad times you spent for years. The...

Don't Try To Make Sense of Your Ex

So I wanted to make a follow-up to my previous Take Walk Away From Confusing “Signs” After A Breakup to further encourage everyone who is in this situation to keep staying strong. And to give more insight on specific...

Secrets to Getting Your Ex Back

Do you want to get your ex back? Are you tired of hurting and feeling lost and alone? I've written this article to try and give you hope and some help in winning back your love. It can be really difficult to think...

Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls? Found these online...what do you think guys are they true?

1. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls. 2. Guys hate flirts. 3. A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterward. 4. When a guy says he doesn't...
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Why Your Ex Is Contacting You

I've seen many questions asking why their ex is contacting them again and for most, it's self explanatory. For those who genuinely don't know why their ex is contacting them, here are some  possible reasons. 1. They want...

Someone Liking You Isn’t Always A Good Thing

We all want to be liked by somebody of the opposite sex, and it feels good when it happens. Particularly if it’s someone we find attractive and would be into. This is normal. But someone liking you or showing you interest...

How to get your ex girlfriend back

Hi everyone, Welcome to my new "blog"! This is my first myTake post out of hundreds to come on this website. I'm quite experienced with relationships so I thought why not help people out there who need some advice. I plan...

Distracting yourself with hobbies isn't enough: How the way you mourn your ex determines the likelihood that you will run back to him

How many of you women break up with men who didn't measure up to your standards personality-wise, just to find yourself regretting breaking up with him, whereby the next thing you know, you're coming back with your tail...

6 Steps To Get Back Your Ex

Can you rebuild your relationship? Break ups are sad at any time of year but there are more relationship breakdowns between December and the end of February than any other time of year. Without doubt this is the...

Dating the Hot Girl/Guy Who Looks a Bit Like Your Ex: Why it May Not Be the Best Idea You Ever Had!

This myTake is about people becoming involved in rebound relationships after a break up of a long term relationship. It is the second rewrite of a myTake I have previously posted and hopefully it is "new and improved."...
OlderAndWiser u

Be careful dishing out an unqualified diagnosis on your Ex and what Personality Disorder you "feel" they have. This is dangerous..

This is a response, (previously posted as guidance and subsequently blocked), to an individual, who posted a vindictive person's "false victimhood narrative" to explain why consecutive ex-girlfriends removed him from...

How to get your Ex back in less than a month

Before you begin reading this I just want to tell you that all this is based my own personal experience and general knowledge, it really really worked. My crush dumped me badly and I followed these 8 steps. A month later...

Ex contacted me tonight on Christmas Eve?

My ex is a evil guy. He cheated on me repeatedly and emotionally abused me for over a year. I had to reach out to his mother twice to get him to leave me alone. On my second attempt he finally stopped and I...
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Is my ex girlfriend testing me? Or just really dislikes me? I'm going nuts?

I recently wrote my ex an apology letter. I didn't say how I felt. Just apologized/empathized with her about not treating her as well as I should have. (I ignored her feelings). Said I hoped I could make it up to her and...
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Would you stay with your boyfriend/girlfriend if they told you this? Someone please give me advice? I am heartbroken?

So two months ago, my ex and I had an argument where I just wanted to be feel acknowledged by him when I got home and he acted like he couldn’t acknowledge me so we had an argument and I cried to him about it. The next...
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