Search Results: Do you kink shame

Do you think people kink shame too much?

People are allowed to have their own opinions and preferences, yes. I'm fine with people not liking some kinks. But sometimes people are just downright dickfucks about voicing their opinions towards certain kinks. It's...
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What do you think of girls with a daddy kink?

I don't like it when people call it a daddy issue, I have a grate, healthy, natural relationship with my father, this has nothing to do with him at all. I don't like acting like a little girl I think thats creepy but...
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Genuine question. Having dated many women. What the hell is actually up with so many of them wanting to secretly be degraded, ex spanked, choked etc?

It's literally been like 80% of them, Don't take this the wrong way. I'm no fan of patriarchy and this isn't a back door to say bad things about women. And I'm not necessarily complaining. But I really do find it a bit...
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Why are there so many rules now socially? I should be able to say "Listen... I kinda like feet. I think they can be kinda cute. You down to send 👣?

I have asked a couple of my woman friends for pics of their feet, and a few have sent them without an argument. I totally get it ... NOT everyone wants to, I have asked a couple of my woman friends for pics of their feet,...
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Cultural practices and liberties that should never be controlled or restricted by any authority

As you all know I frequently criticize proto totalitarianism. The moment any type of authoritarian figure tries to restrict certain aspects of a person’s liberties, is the moment you know said authority is tyrannical and...

Lessons on surviving the natural hair journey and learning to love your own hair!

The last time I actually saw my natural hair, I was eleven. Eleven! As soon as I hit middle school, my hair went into braids, and then after that for nearly two decades I had the same hairstylist, glory, who had my hair...

7 Examples of Why I Believe Children Should Stay Away From YouTube

I'm going to sound like an old man so bare with me while I explain what influencers online will do to your children. Intentions I am not talking about any parent that has a kid above the age of 16, and I am mostly aiming...

100 Songs That Were Big In Germany But Not Big In Their Homeland

These songs presented in this list didn't make it in the Top 40 of their countries, but they made it in the German Top 40 though. Some were hits only in Germany as well. Next to each song and each artist, I mention year...

The LGBTQ+ Community is Struggling with Unity and Needs to Fix it Fast

I've been an active member of the LGBTQ+ community since I was just about to hit puberty, still not sure if I wanted a label for myself because it didn't matter much. Now, I use many labels. "I like everyone" is a label I...