Search Results: Do you think it s sexist that I only think of

Do you think Christianity is sexist? Do you think Jesus Christ was sexist?

Was it misogynistic of Jesus Christ to have only male disciples but no female disciples? 1 Corinthians 11:3: But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of every woman is the man 1...
Was it misogynistic of Jesus Christ to have only male disciples but no female disciples? 1 Corinthians 11:3: But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ; and Show More
Yes, both Jesus and Christianity are sexist
No, both Jesus and Christianity are not sexist
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Is it sexist that every female power ranger leader has been fucking evil? There have only been 2 but both turned out to be evil. Do you think it is sexist?
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My boyfriend is only sexist towards women outside me and his friends and family why?

So my boyfriend I’ve learnt listens to a lot of people and comedians who are quite sexist towards women and thinks things like abortion is murder, we are too emotional, she was asking for it etc. But he’s always...
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What do you think of 'women's only' gyms and health clubs?

I personally think it's a major double standard. If there were to be 'men only' gyms and such, people would throw fits.  I go to a gym regularly, and do a lot of weights training in particular. The one I go to is a 24...
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If many women stopped talking only about their problems and acknowledged that men also have it rough like in dating, would there be less bitter men?

In the question title, I don't think it's all women who only talk about their issues or all men who are bitter, but there seems to be this trend among both genders in society today. Many women would openly talk about that...
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Is it sexists and hypocritical for a gym to have an "Women Only" section?

before we start I would like to point out that I myself have nothing against this . the gym I used to go to has a women only section and I actually thought this is a good idea. I mean if I own a gym I would like people...
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How to deal with my boyfriend's sexist/offensive friends?

How do I respond when my boyfriend’s friends say sexist or degrading things about women? They tell me to “relax, it’s just a joke.” My normal reaction is to point out that it’s offensive, or to respond with an equally...
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How can I disagree with a woman without being called sexist?

Now I’m not sexist, I disagree and clash with both men and women, however whenever I disagree with a man it’s just that, 2 people disagreeing. However when I disagree with a woman one way or another either she or...
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so in my western civ. class, some feminist girl was talking about how cheerleading is sexist and degrading to girls (we were mostly talking about the high school level). Her basic argument was like this: "the guys are...
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Am I racist, transphobic, sexist, homophobic and islamaphobic for not dating black/southern&east Asian/short/trans/very religious muslim men 😃?

I have watched a show" princess charming". This show has only lesbian candidates and one of the candidate call herself non binory and called every lesbian transphobic because they did not want to have sex with transwomen...
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What do you think of this question?

Women: poll for us women ONLY. 99% of the men on this app are absolute idiots that get no women? . Do you think this is rude/sexist, if not can you explain why? Do you think it's true and if so why? Do you think more...
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Do you believe some people who believe in gender equality only do so because they themselves are not masculine or feminine enough for society?

I was talking to a friend last night and she had an interesting theory about gender roles in that the more masculine/manly a man is (or the more feminine/womanly a woman is), the more they'll have a very clear distinction...
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Why do some women always bash younger women and think they’re stupid and that’s why guys go for them?

I feel like this completely disregards all the positive qualities about that woman. What I hear is “he’s not with you because you’re pretty. He’s with you because you’re easy to manipulate.” I think this is really sexist...
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Why are only dysfunctional guys attracted to me?

The guys that show any interest in me are either emotional wrecks, clingy, old and creepy, or will screw any girl. I don't mind hookups, but I want it to be with a guy that I'm actually interested in. A guy who is my...
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Besides sex/romance, what are some things you specifically ONLY want one gender when dealing with?

Stuff such as occupations, duties, coworkers, etc. For example, I don't want to see a male doctor when going to the hospital because I don't want a male touching me or having to see me undressed. Likewise, I wouldn't...
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My boyfriend lacks self discipline (self care, diet, not in shape, not clean etc) am I sexist for not wanting to do it with him?

My boyfriend is very good to me. But he's overweight. It bothers me not so much his body because I deeply find him attractive. But it's the mindset that bothers me. I am disabled with lupus so I'm sick often. Still I make...
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Why do some men think women should cook, clean, etc?

women are not treated equally when working because men think women should only cook and clean and take care of the kids while they get to play video games and go out with their boys and the women can't do anything except...
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Why do women find it so hard to approach a man? Swexist to think men have to make all the choices

as if that guy hasent been a dbag his entire life and maybe he has been hurt and rejected over the years growing up in life(due to deprssion and finding compfort in food) thus becoming shy and falling in love with women...
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Do you think playing cards are sexist?

Think about it: -the king ranks above the queen -there are two guys (king and jack) but only one girl (queen) -if you consider the jack to be a prince then where is the princess? I was just playing poker and my AQ was...
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Why do guys think that sexism isn't a big deal?

Guys always talk about sexism like it's not a big deal like they won't care about sexist stuff and think it's ok and funny and say stuff like it doesn't exist anymore and they say that men go through more sexism nowadays...
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