Search Results: For the people below 30 what’s the age of the

Age and it's impact on GirlsAskGuys

Recently I posted this question. Are there age restrictions on girls ask guys or is girls ask guys for every age group? This seemed to have people talking about younger ages before 18 talking with adults. But I was...

The Age of Men is Over - Part III

Third Teir Men of the 21st Century Read Part II here So in Part II, I discussed what a 2nd teir man of the 21st century looked like. These are the guys who have gotten ahead of the game and have realized that chasing the...

Female Singers & Musicians Over 50, Who Are Still Hot At Their Age

There are some people who've been treated very well by the time. Those singers/musicians listed below are certainly one of them. (From youngest to oldest) 1) Shania Twain, 50 She was always young-looking, and still she...

Blocking People For Legitimate Reasons, Or Out Of Ignorance?

Although there is the argument "You can't block people in real life!", people still block other users on websites, especially on here. Well I block for two reasons. 1. They're ignorant. Not as in they disagree with me,...

How And Why Young People Should Start A Retirement Savings Account

So I’ve been thinking about what my next Take should be. I didn’t want to necessarily do a traditional list Take, but, at the same time, I Wanted to write about something important that most people would read. That means...

20 Types Of People I Will Never Understand

There are people in this life, that I would never understand, no matter how hard I will try. Those listed below, are such people: (In alphabetical order) 1) Girls Who Don't Paint Their Nails Why not? Painted nails...

7 Reasons Why Young People Today Don’t Know How To Listen To Music

Unfortunately, this decade's youth (Aged 15-30), has a wrong impression about what music is. Thankfully there are exceptions, but the majority are as I describe below. (In alphabetical order) 1) Artists Nowadays Are Not...

Why is male preference demonized but female preference is socially accepted?

So i see on gag sometimes when a guy post a question saying he can't bring himself to find women over 30 or 25 or some age attractive or won't date them that he's met with backlash. On both male and female sides people...
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Girl tries two Tinder profiles: One where she tries to look her best, and one where she tries to look ugly. Fascinating results!

So a YouTuber by the name of Alyssa Ruby decided to go on Tinder for the first time. She wanted to test the difference between an ugly girl’s experience on the app and a pretty girl’s experience on the app. The way she...

Shy Girls: The Complete Guide to Understanding the Quiet Ones

Many shy girls lament their lack of dating success due to their personality and its perceived shortcomings. In defense of shy girls everywhere, this article is dedicated to them and to the men who wish to date them....

Top 13 Highest Motorable Passes or Roads in the World – The Myths & The Realities

Top 12 Highest Motorable Passes or Roads in the world Now, going by the above definition, let’s brief ourselves with Top 12 Highest Motorable Passes in the world or Roads in the world whose altitude data points are...

Is It Better To Be Single Than In A Relationship?

I am 35 and never been married. Granted I look and act like I am in my 20’s! (ego stroke, ahh feels good..) I once heard that if a man makes it to the age of 30 without being married he is either really...

High School Students Protest for Safer Roads in Bangladesh, Proving That We Can be BETTER Than Adults

I know this is not a place to spread news, but this matter needs more attention globally. This post is mainly dedicated for these people: 1. People who believe that we are a generation of lazy, irresponsible, spoiled,...

German Election Prediction

Tomorrow is the german election and since Germany is still the most powerful country within the EU, it's outcome is of importance for the EU and as a result of interest for any politic-interested person. Thus I will give...

Examining The Context Of Health-Related Beliefs

There are many health-related beliefs that people hold. People hold strongly to these beliefs, because the beliefs have helped them move toward a healthier lifestyle, and they are convinced that the beliefs are absolutely...

Female standards too high, the inevitable fallout.

Right now in Japan there is a birthrate crisis. People estimate within 1,000 years if nothing changes the Japanese race will be extinct. SBS Dateline did a journalism piece on this topic:...

Fat Shaming and Fat Acceptance are Both Wrong and Hiding the REAL Problem with Female Body Image Representation

Disclaimer: I use BMI as the unit of measure as an approximation since approximations are all that is required for me to make my point here. I know BMI is a flawed measurement system, but there isn’t a better quantifiable...

Common stigma, misconceptions and problems with many girls/women when it comes to working out.

This take is mostly aimed at the ladies. TIPS along with some recommended exercises will be written at the end. If you have read this take all the way through, i'd like to thank you in advance 😊 I'd say that MOST...

My Top Ten Favorite Movies of the 1990's

The 1990's seem to be everyone's favorite decade for some reason. Since I was born in 1990, I was a 90's kid, and I loved it. Of course, this is largely due to nostalgia, but it's also because I thought everything in the...

Where can we find the mysterious "Mr/Miss Perfect"?

Well before I start talking about finding the "Perfect soulmate" I would like to ask you, who is perfect? And isn't it boring if everything goes perfectly to plan? I mean imagine if this was a perfect world were the guys...