Search Results: Has your opinion of Trump changed since his first

My Most Controversial Opinions

This is a long myTake. If you don't want to read it all, I completely understand, you can just skim or read about the topics that interest you. But I would like it if you read it. Also, I completely agree that I could...

Why I believe Republicans like Donald Trump have zero chance of becoming the next president of the USA in 2016

A Canadian observer here... This will be a relatively quick myTake by my standards, but i just had to point out something I and many others have been observing in American politics today. You can't turn on the news over...

Trump Presidency - End of the World, or the Start of a New One? (Update)

So I'm doing this short myTake just as an update to the other two that i made previously. If you haven't read them, i encourage you to. Part I was about the five main reasons why Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, and...

So, I've Come to a Conclusion: Donald Trump Was Chosen by God to be President...

Simply put, his victory was so unlikely to me that I truly cannot fathom it apart from Divine intervention or a miracle. Donald J. Trump. Love him or hate him, the man is going to be the next president of the United...

Beauty Trumps All

I have never been a particularly popular girl, and that never matter to me. I was never shy, just always more of a good book, red wine, little black dress girl, than a dancing on tables, fake nails, house party kind of...

Why I Believe 2016/2017 Are Poised To Being Amongst The Worst Years Of Your Life - (Part 2 of 2)

The Crash Continues... Click here for Part I. Also as a side note, I've decided to allow comments on this. In Part I i stated that i was closing comments, as my intention was simply to put this out as simply a warning,...

Trump Presidency - End of the World, Or the Start of a New One? (Part I)

Now that I've had time to digest the reality of a Trump presidency, I've decided to share my thoughts on it. Firstly, i need to state that quite a few non-Trump supporters aren't getting the reasons correct as to why this...

The Republican Party is dying, and it's probably for the best!

Chances are if you weren't born 5 minutes ago you know who Donald Trump is. He's made international headlines for things he's done and said, so much that UK citizens considered banning him from visiting the country....

Why The 2016 Presidential Election Cycle is the Most Interesting We May Ever See

This is the first Presidential Election Cycle in which I will be of age to take part, as will many other Millennials - And the jurisdiction is out for the youth, we seem to feel the Bern a lot stronger thn any other...

If It Looks Like a Duck, Walks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck...

Terrorism: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal Terroristic Threat:...

Where Did All the Real Conservatives Go?

It is funny. Real conservatives are always rational, always reasonable and logical. Think about real conservatives like George Will. He actually stands for something. He actually understands conservative principles....