Search Results: How do I tell a man

Girls, have you ever told a man, cute butt or nice as*?

I heard it in a couple of movies and I wondered it actually happened :)
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When it is the right time to tell a man I don't plan on being a girlfriend for 5+ years?

I don't want to be a man's girlfriend for 5+ years. I don't want to spend years into cohabitation nor get pregnant either and then him stalling and me ending up being another one of those women that had to either nag or...
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Is it wrong to tell a man "don't pressure yourself, you will find a girl" (and I tell you why)?

Men are the ones to initiate with a woman, and part of the initiative is to pressure ourselves. Women will still get approached if they do nothing, men won't. We need to create the atmosphere and to pursue.
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Dr. Phil once told a man who was being abused by a woman to turn around and walk away and to never hit her again, what are your opinions?

Before I jump into this, I just want to say right off the bat that I really hate Dr. Phil. I personally believes he doesn't help anyone. He makes people with mental health issues look bad on camera and has his stupid...
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How you tell a man you love him knowing your gonna hurt this man someday because you can't help but see he's into you more then you are into this man?

No matter what the reasoning behind it's wrong it's morally wrong right am I right? I mean this man has feelings And he has you know this thing called Pride being a man you have no idea what he goes do to a guy and it's...
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Should I tell the man I am dating I've kissed someone else?

I have been dating this man for just over a month and will soon be going on a fourth date. I want us to be exclusive/in a relationship but not sure if he feels the same. Last night I kissed another guy and exchanged...
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Girls, Girls why won’t you tell a man?

If you see a man/guy with his zipper open would you tell him. I had a work incident and and curious why a women wouldn’t say anything.
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Why do people tell boys/men to smile in pictures when smiling men look unattractive?

Usually people try to look extra handsome in pictures. There are studies like this ( that clearly show that men look very...
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Why does the nurse always tell the man to leave the room for child birth?

Does it make the man lose attraction for her? They say he will pass out if he watches. Why wouldn't the man want to be there for the birth of his child?
Does it make the man lose attraction for her? They say he will pass out if he watches. Why wouldn't the man want to be there for the birth of his child? Show More
It's really gross
Some people don't handle the sight of blood
Another marxist tactic to destroy family
All the above
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When can you tell a man is being petty and jealous or just doesn’t give a damn?

So me and my crush were in the car. His friend wants to get with me. One day we were driving and he started to mention this girls house I got jealous. A couple of min later we say the guy that wanted to get with me so he...
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Why do some people hate being told young men/boys are being taken advantage of or exploited?

I met some men who for example get angry at me for saying boys get taken advantage of by older women because they would have enjoyed it. I think it's disturbing some men don't grow up and stay like a child.
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Should I tell this man’s wife about his affair?

Doesn’t she at least deserve to know that her husband is a cheater? That he blames their children every day for their lack of intimacy? I found out this man I was going out with turned out to be married and we had to...
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I’ve told a man I’ve been casually seeing, that I don’t want casual sex with someone. nothing casual. why is he still sticking Around?

I’ve made it clear in detail telling him that I know what I want and it doesn’t include causal hooks/ fuck buddies. He said he understood and he gets it. But then continues to say “idk it just felt kinda right” usually...
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How do you tell two men that you’ve decided not to pursue a romantic relationship with them?

I know 2 great guys. 1 was a great friend, but has no ambition to work at all and wants a family. 1 is lovely too, but wants a big family. I’ve decided I want marriage, but not kids and that we’re not a right fit for each...
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Should I tell my man I want flowers?

I have social anxiety so all my past relationships have been long distance. I started seeing someone on and off for a year. I love flowers but I've never been given flowers. I didn't want to tell him I want them because I...
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How to tell a man to step it up in a kind way?

Long distance of 3 hours and he will only see once per month or 1.5 months. On top of that he barely texts will take him at least 24 hours to respond. He calls once per week. He’s weird about his phone he hates it. But if...
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If I told a man I wanted to have sex with him, would he think it was weird?

I have a friend who I don't know very well. We went to high school together were both around 20. We matched on tinder around a year ago and he eventually ghosted me after about 3 days, we never went on a date. I'm still...
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Can you help me to massively tell this man that by wearing a dress and heels for his wedding, he is no longer a manly man?

Unfortunately he has trouble accepting this truth, look at his question. Let's tell him the truth I know what I'm definitely going to wear on my wedding day, do you like it?
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Do men have the need to feel needed?

There was a question posted here about men wanting to be used for their money. It is not exactly that men want to be used for their money. It is the fact of men needing to feel needed by their girlfriend or...
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Why is it never the guy's fault for women's bad experiences with men?

Every time a woman speaks on her bad experiences with men than people are so quick to tell her "all men aren't the same", "you're choosing the wrong men", "stop chasing fuck boys" or "choose better men" as if we are...
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