Search Results: How do you guys feel about the Minneapolis

Does anybody else here feel sympathy for Derek Chauvin? What will he be charged of? Regardless of what happens there will be riots. Right?

So legally Derek Chauvin cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment or death. Those charges are only suitable for murder in the first degree. So I get a hunch that because of this factor, there will be riots no matter...
So legally Derek Chauvin cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment or death. Those charges are only suitable for murder in the first degree. So I get a hunch that because of this Show More
There will be riots no matter what. Because the mob won’t be satisfied
Everything will be peaceful. Because everybody will be civil and accept the outcome.
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If Men Are Afraid of Women, Why Am I Hit On Every Hour of Every Day?

Okay, the title is a bit of an exaggeration; I'm just trying to make a point. :) Anyway, I read this myTake yesterday and I was a little taken aback. I guess it's more about younger guys, and maybe they really are...

Why the Black/White Divide in the USA is Growing

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Top Five Christmas Holiday Movies!

These are my top 5 Christmas movies in order from least to most. 5. A Christmas Story I admit I have a love/hate relationship with this movie. I love the storyline and the...