Search Results: How do you handle a true player and keep your

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

Everyone already knows what cheaters are and what they do, but there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what players are and what they do. I want to voice a couple of thoughts according to my perspective and experience....

Let's talk about players and nice guys. A much needed read to possibly understand the situation better

DISCLAIMER: this is purely based on observation, both personally and based on direct descriptions from other people. It is also written from a male perspective. Everything in here can be reversed, and apply the other sex...

Two Words.. Four Syllables.. Twice as Much Misunderstanding, and Three Times as Much Controversy: Double Standards

So before we begin.. It behooves me to admit that I almost feel bad for this. The more I consider this concept, the more misogynistic I feel. I never considered myself a misogynist, and so I'd be disappointing myself...

How the Election and Government System of the United States Works

After discussing it with a person on here who I will not name who kept calling our system a "direct democracy" I have realized many people even on here are idiots and so I shall educate you to the best of my ability on...

Why Marriage Is Unfavorable Among Feminists

It's no surprise that many feminists frown upon marriage, seeing it as a manifestation of patriarchy and inequality and mining for all the injustices against married women by their husbands and viewing it as an impediment...

Don't worry, sane rational people. We will eventually win the Culture War.

(Warning: This post is long! 17,000 characters.) I just got home, ate a burger, and I feel surprisingly good. You see, yesterday, Disney and Lucasfilm fired Gina Carano from The Mandalorian, someone who called for unity...

Why bad guys will be always desired by the majority of women!

I've never thought I'd actually write a take about 'bad' guys because the term itself is rather immature and cringeworthy. It still doesn't take away that most women would ditch any guy for a 'bad' one. The question is...

Why I, As A Guy, Don't Like Having Mostly Male Co-Workers

Might be strange to hear, and even when I tell this to some women on my job they think it’s strange too, but it is the truth for me, yeah. But it’s really only the case when I’m working in a very male-dominated job...

No, the US does not need "free" college, here's why (Here's what it DOES need, though).

It's a big topic nowadays, especially with the recent protests. Free college in the US seems to be something the youth keep crying out for. There's a lot of debate, and rightfully so, since the US secondary education...

Ideas To Fix The Sims Franchise

Well, I guess it's official. Two years and a mere meager two true expansion packs in, and it would appear that Sims 4 is not recovering at a promising rate. We've all heard the usual criticisms of Sims 4: - No toddlers...

Thrashing the Idea of 'Perfect Guys Don't Exist'

This myTake isn't meant to offend anyone. Lately, I've been hearing this a lot that no one can be good in everything. My question to them is: why not? As a small child, I always wondered what a man I would become as I...

A New Perspective On How Guys Can Be Too Nice

Have you ever been told by a girl that you are “too nice”? Did you shake your head in confusion wondering how that was even a problem or how they would prefer you to act? Most guys seem to react this way when told they...