Search Results: How would you react if your girlfriend blame your

What would you do if someone you knew raped your girlfriend?

Guys if your girlfriend told you that she was raped by someone that you were closed to, how would you react to this? Like if it was a brother, cousin, uncle, best friend or even step-father. Someone that you are very...
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Your Feelings Don't Matter

Listen, I'm just a guy. I was born with testosterone, a propensity for growing hair on my back, and a lack of vocabulary to explain my feelings. And what I can't explain I don't discuss. And yet I DO have...

Cheating: whose to blame; The cheater or the person he cheated with?

Only twice in my life have I had to admit to two different girls that their boyfriend was cheating on them. One went better than the other in terms of how I came out. The first girl I had to tell was Natalie. I didn't...

Holiday, Christmas Break Ups

The holidays. A time for love, togetherness, food, fun, gift-giving, and... breaking up? According to research, the two week period preceding the winter holidays is the peak breakup period. While many of us are...
GirlsAskGuys a

Warning Signs You're Dating A Loser!

1. Rough Treatment "The Loser" will hurt you on purpose. If he or she hits you, twists your arm, pulls your hair, kicks you, shoves you, or breaks your personal property EVEN ONCE, drop them. Male losers often begin...

Where Men AND Women Are Going Wrong About The Whole 'Nice Guy' Thing

Most of us have heard the typical feminist narrative on the internet phenomena 'nice guy': - he's not that nice - he's only pretending to be nice to get into your knickers - he isn't assertive - he isn't attractive - he...

Confronting My Guy Friend Who Touched Me Inappropriately

All I can say is I didn't quite expect it. I've had a guy friend for a few years now. I'll be using the term "friend" quite loosely because it's not like we hang out or even talk all the time, and I'm not sure if he would...

Men, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So, what are you suppose to do?

The mindset of a woman If a guy approaches a girl and she didn't want him to, he's "creepy". If he tells her how he feels about her all the time, he's "clingy". If he compliments her all the time, it's "creepy" and "too...

Living, not Existing

Three years ago, I was sexually assaulted. Don't worry, this is not a sad boo hoo, I need sympathetic comments to help me through this type of myTake. This is about my experience with this life-altering event which spun...

Tragedy at the Falls: Women and Emotions!

Men, this is for you, it's about women's emotions and a part of your value to them. Women, enjoy this true story! We met on GAG! Our 2nd date was going nicely, perfect summer weather, I had fun adventures planned for the...

Don't Do It! Don't Do It! . . . Damn, You Did It!

This is another rewrite of an earlier myTake about the folly of attempting to reconcile failed relationships. This is NOT directed at couples who break up for reasons that do not relate to the quality of the relationship,...
OlderAndWiser u