Search Results: I broke up with my fiancé a month ago We were

Should I break up with my fiancé?

. I have dated a girl I met in uni dorms. We have been dating for 3 years and covid hit. Borders were closed and we were separated for 2 years. During this two years and after she started working she became more...
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Together for 7yrs, engaged for 1 yr. We broke up 2 months ago. Is there hope we get back together?

Back story I met my (ex) fiancé at 14 and he was 16. We had lots of feelings for each other at that age. We didn’t speak for almost 4 years after this. We reconnected at 18 and 19 years old. We instantly fell in love and...
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Do you think good karma ever comes back?

I am not going to claim I am a good guy because in a lot of ways I’m not. I’ve been promiscuous in several instances in my life and have made some bad decisions. However the only time I ever cheated in my life was...
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Learning To Love Myself Daily Devotion

September 3 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV Learning To Love Myself When I learn to love myself, I come to accept myself in all that I am...

Top 10 Favorite Fantasy/Romance Manhwas

Image manhwa names: The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass, Surviving as a Maid, God Bless You, Kill the Villainess, Death is the Only Ending for this Villainess, Chitra, Who Made me a Princess, Beware of the Villainess....