Search Results: Is it true that I need a bachelors degree to be

We Need to Talk About "Assortative Mating"

Assortative Mating: a form of nonrandom mating in which pair bonds are established on the basis of phenotype (observable characteristics). For example, a person may choose a mate according to religious, cultural, or...

My [21] LD boyfriend [29] doesn't have a job. What could be the rational decision to make?

I am [21] and still studying for a bachelor's degree. My boyfriend [28] on the other hand is just about to finish his degree. He had some circumstances that halted him from graduating on an expected timeline. We've...
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Advice for university students from a soon-to-be graduate.

After my final tomorrow, I will be graduating from university with my second bachelors degree. My first graduation was in the spring 2019 semester, and I will graduate again this Sunday. My first degree is a BS in...

Why I am moving to Canada!

I have been contemplating moving to Canada for a while now. Now, that I have done my research and learned some things. I think that it is best for me to move to Canada after graduation. I have been left no choice...I...

The Truth About Women and Their "High Standards"

All the discussion about females having higher standards and being more selective seems to be a pretty regular thing people go over, especially guys, so I’ve finally gotten around to writing about this because I too have...

To marry or break up: A decision I can't decide!

This eternal conflict of mine has been in my mind for the past 4 years, puzzling back and forth to wondering if it would be more beneficial to marry my girlfriend or if I should break up with her to give her a chance of a...

Real women can do these 5 things

Last week @Wowgirl30q decided to do a list on real men, Real men can do these five things and i thought her list was harsh but fair. However, it's not the first time i've seen it done. Such criticism towards women however...

6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die.

MYTH 1: Women are half the world’s population, working two-thirds of the world’s working hours, receiving 10% of the world’s income, owning less than 1% of the world’s property. FACTS: This injustice confection is...

10 Ways College Is Different In The 2010s Than It Was In The 2000s

I graduated from the University of Georgia in 2004 with a Bachelor's degree(and graduated in 2006 with my Masters). I was 22 years old, and had went there from 2000-2004. Now, as a 37 year old, I've been a adjunct....

No More Excuses: My Starting Plan To Losing Weight And Getting Healthy

I’ll be honest. This is not the first time I told myself I was going to eat and live healthier. I’ve problem said this to myself about a dozen times during my adult life. And most of the time, I end up doing it. I ate...