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The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Terms Regarding Gender, Orientation And Sex

There's A Lot Of Inappropriate Usage Of The Following Terms.. Leading To A Lot Of Controversy And Confusion Over What They Actually Mean.. But Don't Worry, I'm Here To Officially Clear Everything Up For You First, you...

9 Reasons Why I Like Eastern Europe Better Than Western Europe!

Usually I like to do an interesting intro to these MyTakes, but I feel this one is pretty self explanatory. I will just say, I know there is disagreement as to exactly what is and isn't Eastern Europe. And I know that...

Guys: Take Better Dating Profile Pictures

An online dating profile is your resume letting others get a glimpse of who you are. In this 30 seconds or less age, when people are swiping through perhaps dozens upon dozens of profiles, just like a resume, you need...

Some People are Just Too Angry/Bitter for Love

So, you are on GirlsAskGuys, you scroll around on a certain topic, and you see a post that is attempting to help other people with the opposite sex. It's a detailed post with a lot of information, however...most of the...

Kleiber's Law: How the power of one equation can and cannot explain many differences between the sexes historically and contemporarily!

BMR=M^(3/4) What this equation says is that the base metabolic rate ( BMR ) does not scale linearly with mass ( M ). This is a measure of an organism's capacity to both intake and expend energy. A way of understanding the...

Improving Attractiveness To The Opposite Sex

Judging by the "How do I look?" section of this website, the popularity of image-based websites such as Instagram and Snapchat, and the direction of Hollywood and advertisement campaigns these days, appearance is not only...

This Is For Women Who Assume All Men Are The Same!

You can't use the word "all" while talking about a group of people. Because people are different. You may come across with bad people till now who are belong to a specific group but that doesn't make the others who are...

Observations on Behavior in Dating: A Battle Between the Sexes

This may trigger some people because whether you want to admit it or not, everyone does at least a few of these things when dating. I am equally guilty of doing some of these things too. As I have been on this site for a...

Stephan LaBossiere Speaks Out On Confidence, Chivalry, and Sex for the Wrong Reasons

How we relate to one another is a complex thing. It goes well beyond the standard "hey, how ya doin'" that we all trade every day. It even goes beyond our deepest thoughts because when communicating with someone else, we...

How dating apps are having a very negative effect on how both men & women interact with the opposite sex to create real and authentic attraction

Maybe a decade ago you could meet someone great from online dating, you would both meet and things could go far, now I doubt anyone is meeting anyone both men and women they would like to. All these apps now do is inflate...

12 Things People Like to Argue About and my Opinions on Them

One thing that is common about humans is that we sure love to start arguments with people for many reasons. Most of these arguments can take place anywhere(Internet, sports bars etc). 1.) Alt righters vs SJWs I've...

Dear White People: It's Not [All] About You

A few months ago, I posted a question on this very site about Netflix creating a show around the much talked about movie ‘Dear White People’ that would have the same name. And, to no surprise, this sparked outrage. Well,...

Secret for Better Relationships: Being Consistently Inconsistent

When The New Car Smell Is Gone: Ever had a relationship that went into a rut? Where people started feeling like they don't have to try anymore? Where They became lazy and let things go? For some relationships it seems,...

The Butterfly People: A myTake on Asperger's Syndrome Awareness

Asperger's Syndrome; have you ever heard of it? It's a branch in the Autisim community where the majority of our people can be highly intellegent, yet socially awkward due to the abnormal wiring of our nureons-not to be...

Why are men of this generation so beta they don't realize that a woman who exhibits this behavior is a MAJOR RED FLAG?

So there is something called female hypergamy and all women have this to some degree but if a woman's hypergamous behavior is very high then her loyalty would be very low and call into question. [For anyone unaware...
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Why can't women understand that men tend to have a more difficult life, that they are not desired, that they are judged by their social class, etc?

Whenever this is commented, women have the last word to say thatthey have it the same or worse than men. But it is not true, at least in dating. I do not say that women have it easy but yes that men have it more...
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The Slut/Stud Double Standard

Introduction: In this myTake I will give my perspective on the slut/stud double standard, what the word slut really means, whether guys are judged negatively for their sex count, female on female shaming, and if/why guys...

What's the Deal with MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)?

I kept seeing and hearing all these stories and posts about or dealing with MGTOW (pronounced mig-tow), an acronym that stands for Men Going Their Own Way, and I decided to set out to find out what it's all about. I...

Oh Boy: Crushes I've Had, and Why They Didn't Develop Into Love

My l ast take touched basis on my love life, which is nonexistent. I'm 18, which is very young, so no, you don't need to point that out. I realize I have forever, and never in that take did I say I was even looking for...

The Book Of Dreams Vol. 1 ( Part II)

01/17 I got out of a certain metro station and I found there were four different gyms in the exist, each having three Pokémon signed, and all of them were from my team! I was excited and added my own Pokémon. Of course...