Search Results: Is there any physically expectations men are

Men’s Expectations Aren’t That High…Women’s are!

Here’s the thing: all men do not have these impossible expectations that women keep claiming they have. All in the same, I’m not saying that these expectations simply fell out of the sky either. They came from women. I...

Deep dive in to what it means to a man when women say "I am proud Dog Mom", or "I am interested in making new friends" on their online dating profile.

Obviously men go to online dating apps for a variety of reasons, but primarily these guys break down into two categories; the ones that are looking for quick and easy sex, and the ones who are genuinely looking for a...

Why Female Feminists and Women Should Man Up

In The Mask You Live In (2015) , Jennifer Siebel Newsom explores what she perceives to be harmful notions about masculinity in American culture. In American culture, men cannot release emotions. If they are depressed,...

Men and Women: Two Opposing Worlds 🌕🌑

[Warning: Long take!] I feel like I need to write this because there are so many people that misunderstand the opposite sex on so many fundamental issues. Many of them are biological aspects, and others are cultural. So,...

Men were are the reason that men receive less compassion than women and children.

Disclaimer: This take was written from my perspective (as a male), and opinions may change depending on region, culture and personal beliefs. Examples provided are non-exhaustive and some examples stated are theoretical...

How many genders are there? A question that people answer based on what question they think is meaningful.

A user here asked the question "How many genders do you think there are?". This is a question on which I think almost everyone agrees. No, not because 'everyone thinks two'. But because there are three definitions of...

How to Avoid a Stupid Man: Women Must Know the Meaning of Relationship

Relationship is not what most people have with each other. You already know this is true. Our images prevent us from becoming one with each other and are the source of great internal and external pain. We have attempted...

The Cold, Honest Truth of Why You’re Single That the Internet is Too Afraid to Say

Work is abnormally slow, so to keep my writing biceps strong, I’m utilizing this sub-par site to prevent myself from getting rusty. I rarely get to write opinion columns or editorials, so I figure this is the next best...

Observations on Behavior in Dating: A Battle Between the Sexes

This may trigger some people because whether you want to admit it or not, everyone does at least a few of these things when dating. I am equally guilty of doing some of these things too. As I have been on this site for a...
Home Chats

Why I broke up with my cute but abusive boyfriend after 2 weeks of dating

Prelude I am and always have been a writer. My purpose in sharing my story is to entertain you but also shed some awareness through some of my experiences. If you are triggered by abuse or violence, please read at your...

Beauty standards and INCELs, a second look!

It’s time to bring incels back into the discussion today as I focus in on male attractiveness and physical beauty. I have written on this group in the past. But things have become unclear as to what an INCEL is lately,...

Cultural Gender Roles vs. Biological Gender Norms, and Why it's Important to Differentiate Between Them

Something that always seemed to separate me from those around my age is my belief that gender roles are essential parts of the dating world and of functioning relationships. The two genders are clearly biologically...

My Experience Struggling with Depression, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Never Being "Good Enough"

This is just me getting my personal thoughts out of the way. For a very long time now, I've felt depressed about my physical appearance and the way I looked. I had something called Precocious Puberty, to where for some...

Explaining Type A and Type B Personalities

It’s a recurring theme, especially for guys on GaG, to be talking about alpha and beta personalities. Superficially some people just joke about it, or use it to either put others down or raise their status/perception of...

Arguments Against Romance Novels And Why They Are Stupid Sarah Maclean posted this on twitter and it is glorious. I will proceed most carefully. Romance writers and fellow romance readers please don't kill if I screw...

Get Your Marriage Working!

Hello G@G users! Yesterday I created a MyTake about Why modern marriages aren't working . Many G@G users asked me to create a take regarding How to get your marriage working. I spent my whole day working on it. Off...

Things You Need to Know about Abuse In Relationships.

Today is Valentine's day. And everybody is talking about what presents should they buy to their S/O,they are thinking about confessing to people they like,what they should do if they are single and blah blah blah. I love...

Giving someone a second chance often yields good results :) [Three months of online dating series]

I met the second guy I described in this take a couple of days ago and wanted to share my reflections on this topic with you. The first part can be found here, this take is about how giving him a second chance was a...

A Male View of "The Superwoman Fallacy or Why Women Nowadays Are More Oppressed Than Ever"

Here is the male response to the conversation created by @cherryphi82 Let’s take apart this...

Dear Guys: I’m Sorry

It’s about time I make a take for the guys. I’m an egalitarian as you know and I feel that there needs to be more representation for the sexism that men face in our society today along with the unfair social expectations...