Search Results: My crush is not getting attracted towards me

Do I sound bitter towards men or just uninterested?

28F, I've been asked if I’m asexual when I share my lack of sex drive & dating experience. I haven’t masturbated in years or had sex, if I never have it again I don’t think I’d be too upset. I don’t know if my looks are...
28F, I've been asked if I’m asexual when I share my lack of sex drive & dating experience. I haven’t masturbated in years or had sex, if I never have it again I don’t think I’d be too Show More
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12 Nationalities I'm Most Attracted To

This one is pretty self explanatory. I will only say, I based this list on several criteria, not just looks. I know you probably don't care about any of this, but you should read it anyways, especially since you might be...

Women are NOT Attracted to Jerks!

Nearly every male has been pushed to ask this question at least once in their lives, I'll admit I have too (more than I'd like to think). "Is it because he's more muscular?" "The girl's probably shallow" "I can do...

Why does it seem like girls always want to be friends?

I realized that girls tend to be a little more 'naive' than guys when they get to know someone from the opposite sex. A guy can go towards them, strike a conversation, show interest in her, make a lot of eye contact and...
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How do I friendzone a guy?

Everyone, girls and guys, please help me! There’s this guy who has been giving very obvious signs that he likes me, and it is very certain that he does. His friends has told me as well, and apparently he is going to...
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Can a sweet woman ever get friendzoned?

I've heard too much about stories about men (sometimes even a woman's own childhood friend) making their moves and the woman isn't attracted to him. She has no romantic interest in him. He gets friendzoned and is crushed,...
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I Told My Friend I Have Feelings For Him and This Is How It Went...

Last night, I finally called my friend and told him that I had feelings for him, despite the fact that he likes another girl. Before I get into the conversation, let me start from when I first started to develop feelings...

Shy Girls: The Complete Guide to Understanding the Quiet Ones

Many shy girls lament their lack of dating success due to their personality and its perceived shortcomings. In defense of shy girls everywhere, this article is dedicated to them and to the men who wish to date them....

Confessions of A Teenager

I personally, just like any guys, get physically attracted to girls who look good and "have it all". And honestly, I have 2-3 crushes during my primary school period and 2 during my secondary (high school) life....

6 Deadly Dating Mistakes Guys Commonly Make

Dating is the bane of many a man's existence. Its very common these days to see men, calling themselves "average frustrated chumps"; no matter what they just can't seem to get it right with the ladies and can't understand...

Just A Piece To A Much Bigger Puzzle

This story is from my heart. First, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Jesse. Sometimes we are faced with making decisions that we may not even know we are making in life. This story is an example of that: The...

My uneventful dating life and losing desire in pursuing...And what you & I can learn from it, hopefully!

I remember being in the 1st grade and I had a crush on this cute brunette girl, I remember telling her that "I liked her" and her bluntly saying that she liked "someone else". I can't remember the extent of the details...

Why I hate the RedPill/MGTOW community.

I want to start this by saying that I am not an SJW or feminist. While I am a liberal, I do agree with conservatives on some things such as looser gun laws, feminism and MeToo being corrupted, and men and women being...

Why Pick-Up Should Be Taught in Schools

Pick-Up is often stigmatized as this 'manipulative' practice of 'tricking' women to have sex with a guy. But it's really much, much more than that, and much different than that those who believe what it is. This whole art...

How to Gain Confidence

This article is mainly intended towards those who lack confidence in the social realm, though it describes how to gain confidence in all areas. Let's begin by looking at a dictionary definition of confidence: Confidence:...

Basic Flirtatious Techniques You May Use on Men

"How to I get him to notice me?" I know it seems a bit controversial for me to be giving advice on flirting to women when I've never flirted on a guy before, however, this isn't about what I'd prefer women do if I wanted...