Search Results: What can I do to seduce a girl who loves another

Would you call a white guy racist if he tells you he refuses to date white girls who prefer black guys?

In April this year I broke up with my then girlfriend for that very reason and since then, I've been known as "the racist guy who broke L.'s heart." But the truth is, I found out that she was used to being vocal about...
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The Girl In The Fire 🔥🔥🔥

I was caught walking through the fire. He tried to save me. Don’t come any closer. Just let me be. I’ve been burned a thousand times and I don’t even know what heat is anymore. I thrive here, it doesn’t hurt. It’s far...

I have only cheated once in my entire life and I was ironically when I lost my v card at 16. Never really thought much about it however now I wonder?

It’s been over 20 years ago since it happened. I got my first “official” girlfriend in HS. It was the girl who sat in front of me in Spanish class. We weren’t really in love. She was cute but not a knock out. I asked her...
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How Girls Play The Game

Seduction was originally an art women used to establish power in a patriarchial society, and it's probably for this reason that many would say women are light years ahead of men when it comes to seduction. It's taught...

Seduce Them With Your Smell. ✨👃🏽✨

*inhales deeply* 👃🏽 YES, I am dedicating an entire myTake JUST to these highly alluring oil and chemical compositions formulated to compel our nasal functions into a state of utter weakness and fascination, wherein...

6 Things Men Can Learn from Teen Soaps Targeted at Women

I am a little bit soap-curious. Ok, a lot. It started with Boy Meets World and became a guilty obsession after that. Here are six things that I think men can learn from these shows made basically as a fantasy for women. I...

Guys Need to Re-Evaluate the Girls They Go After

It seems to be that many guys feel like they should have the girls who are tough to get. Or maybe they’re inadvertently being taught that they need to try hard to get the girl. Either way, it sends a lot of guys into a...

Can I offer you a sea shanty during these trying times?

Hi there. When you hear the phrase, sea shanty do you think of Assassin’s Creed? Pirates of the Caribbean maybe? Or perhaps that alternative bearded guy you met at a bar once in an oversized flannel who tried to brag...

Relearning the "Masculine Love Language": A Guide to Honour Codes

The Love Language is a term I've borrowed from ancient Vedic and Buddhist occult understandings of the Masculine and Feminine. Although I'm a European who loves his own people's culture, this same knowledge can be found...

Of Beta Males, Boybands and Male Purity

I have always loved the Backstreet boys. Since I was a young girl I’ve gone nuts over them and just recently, I was reminded of them when my husband shared a boyband parody with me by Peter Hollens....

My Experiences With Females So Far

I'll tell you of my experiences with women so far, this Take isn't meant to offend anyone. I just think it's fun to share my experiences with females. My first communication with females started when I was in...

Male Nourishment: What Men are Really Looking For in Relationships

Disclaimer: If it feels I’m beating a dead horse, I’m sorry but not sorry, since this is my preferred perspective to see relationships, through female and male behavior. At the same time, my focus on each of these takes...

How to Escape The Friendzone in Just 5 Steps

“Oh, we’re just friends.” As a guy who's trying his best to attract this one special girl, don’t you hate hearing those words?! It turns a friendship platonic, impotent and limp. It makes your lust for her seem so...

Books I highly recommend

War Child by Emmanuel Jal War Child is the autobiography of Emmanual Jal and details his journey from Sudanese refugee to international rapper. From the outset, we know the beginning and the end of the story as it is...

The Simple Truth: Players and MTGOW are part of the problem, not the solution!

So this is part 4 in my mytake series about dating. And because I am bored and can't think of a fourth thing to write women about at the moment, time to address a group that probably won't care what I say: the players and...

Mermaid Myths and Legends From Around the Globe

In my last myTake, I discussed how our modern perception of mermaids was based in the Nereids, how they got their tail from Attargatis and how their charecteristics evolved over time. However, there are many stories of...

A Walk with Romance

Now that spring flings have flown by, a hot and sweaty summer romance can begin! I just wanted to give you guys a taste of romantic films that I enjoy. Let me know which you haven’t seen that you may consider checking...

Role Reversal: Understanding Male Bitterness Through a Story

I’m getting a little tired of hearing about this nonsense “Nice Guy” bashing culture online. It’s easily the most substantial simplification ever created and doesn’t really help anyone. So I decided to write a little...

GaG Matchmaking! GaG's views on compatibility...

Matchmaking in real life can be a really messy business and many preffer to stay away from it. That is because it requires insight into human nature and enough experience with people to be able to predict their...

Compatibility... Why Some Opposites Attract And Others Implode

Based on my study of psychology, long observation and my own experience, I come to present you with a finding which will aid you in choosing an ideal partner. Or at lest give you some ideas about compatibility. Along with...