Search Results: What s the correct way of saying this

They changed the Cleveland Indians to Cleveland Guardians , what do think of this political correct stuff?

Baseball is now socialists. I have been saying the left has taken it over and this is just one more thing to prove it. How is Indians offensive? I have never seen Native Americans complain about it. They don't , it...
Baseball is now socialists. I have been saying the left has taken it over and this is just one more thing to prove it. How is Indians offensive? I have never seen Native Americans Show More
It is fine because it might hurt one person's feelings
It is stupid political bull shit
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Was I being correct?

I (29m) asked out my coworker (26f) but I started texting before the date. I'd say "goodmorning," "goodnight" each day, each time she said she was busy I'd ask her what's up, kept the convo going, etc. She was uncertain...
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Guy keeps going back between me and his ex girlfriend... Walking away is my best option correct?

He and I met 4 months ago, I'm 23. He's 21. We had an instant connection and attraction. He broke up with his girlfriend of 2 years 3 months ago. He told me how insecure and dependent she was on him, how opposite I was of...
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Should I message her again on hinge, use WhatsApp with corrected number or insta if she doesn’t reply to what day she can do second date?

The WhatsApp number was incorrect but I worked out it was the last 2 digits the wrong way around. She gave me her full name when she saved my number on my phone so I know her insta so can add her there. I’ve already...
The WhatsApp number was incorrect but I worked out it was the last 2 digits the wrong way around. She gave me her full name when she saved my number on my phone so I know her Show More
Gently remind her on hinge after a week
Use what’s app since she gave you her number and you’ve worked out it was the last 2 digits that was incorrect.
Ask her on hinge to check her correct number
Add her on insta
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Being Politically Correct In A Populist World

Background: The inspiration for this take was actually a question on GaG by @Waffles731 , I gave the following...

Maybe I'm stupid but it's going well, right?

I am definitely overthinking most of this, it's just the way I am. I recently went out with one of my newer friends since we're at the same international school for adults. She always made an effort to say hi...
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How can I get my mom to understand her responsibilities aren't mine?

I am 18 in college and my mother is expecting me to clean up after her cause she calls it (taking care of her). she doesn't even take take of her own dog! Me and my sister are taking care of him but we barely have the...
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Why do guys say "luv ya", "ily" etc. instead of "I Love You" ?

Most of the time my boyfriend says "luv ya" at the end of a chat convo but I almost always say "Love you" or "I love you" . Does he actually really mean 'I-genuinely-love-you' like seriously or is he lazy to type it all...
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Why do other people twist your words?

I was chatting with a coworker that dislikes me. (we"re forced to work together) I was making light conversation and clearly said " If I don't get a new dependable job soon ill do something stupid and reckless by moving...
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Have I been dumped in the friendzone?

I have been getting close to this woman, we flirt when not in public, numerous times I have had my hand up her thighs and back massaging her, even giving her a big hug from behind her with our bodies together and I...
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Is he too emotionally drained to care, do I get on his nerves, is he nervous, is it a slow-build friendship, or is it just a casual work friendship?

So my work partner for the last 4 months & I are super similar & have a really interesting bond. We get along pretty well & are always laughing/goofing around. They try & keep the same people working in the same areas,...
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Saying goodbye

So there I was, June 19th, 2008. The day my best friend Scott and I had been looking forward to our entire senior year. The day we finally got to go to Hawaii by ourselves, with no rules, and no parents. We had...

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

1. Genuinely apologize when you are wrong I think anyone in a relationship long enough has had the never ending fight because one of you knows you are actually factually correct in your reasons for being upset, and your...
BeeNee a

Girls: You Don't Get it Both Ways.

This post is inspired by JG and AM, who are in fact an 18 year old and a 28 year old I know. Both girls, of course. What did they have in common? They both were baffled at the notion that guys wouldn't want girls who...

Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are

Everyday we meet new people. Whether it be when we are at work on the street, grabbing coffee. We are always in a constant state of human interaction. Through our interactions with people we can generally assess what type...

Is my boyfriend an asshole, and should I leave him? Would love opinions on him as a person based on this?

I was at bass pro shop with my boyfriend getting some fishing gear. we were at the counter starting ringing us up, and the cashier asked if we wanted to get a warranty on the reels. My boyfriend said yes, and I asked "do...
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So... I was thinking and... Like?

So I was talking to myself because that's all I do all day and I was just asking myself about mental health. This is the dialogue: "Hey" "Yeah?" "So, like, why don't people take drugs for mental problems?" "Because...
So I was talking to myself because that's all I do all day and I was just asking myself about mental health. This is the dialogue: "Hey" "Yeah?" "So, like, why don't people take Show More
I wish I had conversations with myself.
I had this conversation with myself once.
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Do you feel insulted with people online that make you feel stupid or question your intelligence?

I do. Even if they may be correct, the fact that they rub it in in a mean way is downright cruel in my opinion. And sometimes, the things that they say or claim as fact ISN'T factually correct, but just anecdotal evidence...
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What's your opinion on maths?

Well I have a love-hate relationship with maths. I don't like maths at all when I don't understand it. It's also the subject in which I have hard time understanding the things and it's really tough for me to maintain my...
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What was the most incompetent or poorly managed place you've ever worked for?

There was a major media corporation I worked for in 2014 that was so incompetent and poorly ran, I got hired with another guy and a woman and for one month had no actual position there. From Monday through Friday, I...
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