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Top Ten First Date Tips From Someone Who COULD Be Your Grandfather

When I was a young man, my generation thought that we were radically different from our parents' generation, we did things differently, and they were simply incapable of understanding anything about us. We didn't want to...
OlderAndWiser u

Things You Should Have on You Every Day That You (Probably) Don't:

Being an adult is more than just reaching adulthood. There is quite a bit of responsibility that one must successfully handle to truly show they're fit for day-to-day life. Preparation is a key part of that. You can't...

5 Reasons Why the Phrase "White Privilege" Shouldn't Offend You

Disclaimer I would like to say off the bat that if you're a person to use "white privilege" as a demonizing term. Don't. It's not really an insult. White privilege and male privilege are an actual thing. They may not be...

The World of Gaming: Why Women Are Rarely Seen Online

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Before placing your comments/opinions below, please be sure to read this to the end because not only am I going to explore the gamer's world through the eyes of women, but I want to point out...