Search Results: Which of these poisons a friendship the worst

My Most Controversial Opinions

This is a long myTake. If you don't want to read it all, I completely understand, you can just skim or read about the topics that interest you. But I would like it if you read it. Also, I completely agree that I could...

Overcoming Pain with Forgiveness 💔😞➡️❤️😄

Lately I have noticed a good few number of people who were hurt somehow and who hold onto a lot of anger and hate in their hearts, people among my friends and family. I remember feeling that way too not so long ago. I...

Top 10 Favorite Fantasy/Romance Manhwas

Image manhwa names: The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass, Surviving as a Maid, God Bless You, Kill the Villainess, Death is the Only Ending for this Villainess, Chitra, Who Made me a Princess, Beware of the Villainess....