Search Results: Why do black men tend to go after fat women

Losing Weight and ED – How to Diet After Eating Disorders

Yeah, I know, I rarely write mytakes anymore. I won’t go into full details why, but the changes in the “community” and the overall sensitivity of this particular site has deterred me from putting up the kind of content I...

I once had a woman contact me through a matchmaking agency and was eventually rejected by them, and now I'm just thinking what even happened that day.

TL;DR: A woman through a matchmaking service initiated interest in me, then stopped pursuing interest and I'm confused about what happened. So, one day, while I was asleep on the weekend, around noon or 1pm or so, I got...

Attraction; the other side of the story

Many question concerning whether or not one is considered attractive have passed the revue on this site. We even have a whole category dedicated called ‘ how do I look ’ where people are seeking for validation. So most...

Newsflash: The Dating Game is all Based on a Value System

Dating and relationships in general is based on value. People assign values to each other and how we perceive whether someone is on our level or higher based on behavior, wealth, looks, social status; we do this with...

Kleiber's Law: How the power of one equation can and cannot explain many differences between the sexes historically and contemporarily!

BMR=M^(3/4) What this equation says is that the base metabolic rate ( BMR ) does not scale linearly with mass ( M ). This is a measure of an organism's capacity to both intake and expend energy. A way of understanding the...

What I Learned From My 9 Ex-Girlfriends (Part 1)

So, me being the inferior F-grade height I am, combined with being ugly, dark-skinned, having hypothyroidism (thus effortlessly overweight), as well as having had a Precious Puberty, which lead to at least two of these...

Blowing Off Steam, Reflecting on GAG Feedback, and Thinking About Life

So, this is my post-reflection from the feedback I got from GirlsAskGuys users. What would you say I need to work on or improve about myself and personality? I appreciate most of the answers. It's 2am and I'm...