Search Results: Why do people use the race card when its not

Cognitive dissonance in OJ Simpson case: A murder case where the race card was used. As discussed in UCL lecture.

I go to UCL and I do Information system with Business. Yesterday, the lecture was about cognitive dissonance with a real life example. However, one black student got so offended that he left the lecture. When the teacher...

If We Want An Honest Discussion About Race, We Need to Listen to People of All Races

I want this MyTake to be as balanced and fair as possible, because this is an issue I feel passionate about. I will do my best. Feel free to critique this after you finish reading this. I am open to criticism. Originally...

List of fallacies people use a lot without even knowing

There are many fallacies people like to use in order to make a point. Usually the people who use these fallacies are oblivious they are even committing a fallacy. Keep in mind that some fallacies have subgroups. 1.) Ad...

Why are races so damn important?

Since this is coming from a 16 year old white girl with naturally light hair and blue eyes, I feel as if I'm going to get plenty of opinions here about how my "white priveledge" is clouding my judgment on this topic....

The Mixed Race: Who We Are and How We're Identified in the Dating World

The mixed race. There are many identity problems within the mixed race. When people ask what race we are, we either choose one race to go with, or we just say that we are mixed. And then the person replies that there is...

Hating white people is also racist

I am a British Pakistani and even though I am a Pakistani, I am not bias at all. Perhaps, I am the first person to break my silence on this. I feel a lot of growing hatred against white people especially the English...

Trump card: Why the Donald is the choice of many

For those of us who are paying attention to the 2016 presidential election, you know that a major, unprecedented wild card has be thrown into the race. A businessmen turned author turned TV star is once again reinventing...

Why I am a "Nice Guy"!

Wait! I promise that it isn't for the reason you think. Read the entire mytake to understand. The term "nice guy" is being thrown around the internet a lot these days. They refer to guys who pretend to be nice to a girl...

Black people criticising the #BlackLivesMatter for its hypocrisy, double standards and violence, which contradict the cause itself This is a must listen speech. This is better than all ted talks combined. He has summarised our emotions and pretty much said what people wanted to say in the past few days and...

The Term "Cheating" Is Erroneous and Foolish, and No One Should Use It

I expect to get some peoples' feathers in a ruffle with this one, sadly; can't be helped. It is what it is. The term "cheating" is erroneous and stupid, and no one should use it. Some of you may have noticed that I make ^...

The Reason Why I've Stopped Believing in Love

I've said before that I have, officially, stopped believing in love. However, whenever I say that, I am always met with the same bullshit rebuddle about love being a chemical process in the brain, or a universal force...

Why I Disowned My Alcoholic Father, And Why I Still Love Him

My dad is an alcoholic. I know that it is something that so many people are affected by. But it's something that has had a massive effect on my life. When I was younger I didn't really know that he was one but I knew...

"Mystery Solved" The real reasons people are hoarding all the toilet paper.

Disclaimer: Another take meant in fun. So, the first thing people thought to do when they heard of a horrible pandemic that was spreading through the nation killing thousands was to run out and hoard toilet paper??🤷🏼‍♀️...

2 More Times People Just Freaking Disappeared

We like to think that we are safe wherever we are, however this is simply not true. At this very moment there could very well be someone who wants you gone and never found and there might be nothing you could do about it....

Why I supported and still support Donald Trump

This is a random essay I had in my head right now. As a writer, I decided to transfer from brain to fingers to G@G. In 2016, I wasn't a Trump supporter. I voted for him in the way you'd choose a punch in he face over a...

More Trolls! Spidey's Response! :)

So... On my G@G travels people can't seem to stop trolling me, and apparently I'm the one who's the bully. I found another trolling opinion about me, so enough said and let's dive into this! I'm not hurt by this by the...

The Art of the Spiel

The song "You're gonna go far, Kid" by the offspring puts it best. Turning all against one is an art that's hard to teach. However, it's easy to learn. Drawing from this song,...

Conflict between liberal Muslims like me and strict intolerant conservative Muslims

Today, my Pakistani dad falsely accused my mom of cheating just because her 24 year old cousin wished her a happy birthday on whatsapp. I even told my dad that her 24 year old cousin is MY boyfriend. Yet, my dad thinks...

Yes, White Men Love Asian Girls: Debunking Some Myths About WMAF Relationships

Not that long ago Asians were thought of as a "peril," with WW2 propaganda portraying them as almost subhuman. At that time, our government locked them up in internment camps right here in the US, and even though we were...

Is It More Difficult To Be A Guy Or Girl?

Why is it difficult to be a girl? Society is to blame for a lot of the difficulties women face in the world. Make a list of all the bad words you can call a woman and the list is nearly endless. Derogatory words have...