Search Results: Why does Google scare us so much when we look up

How to prevent a home invasion: Warning signs, precautions and castle doctrine tactics

Note: Unfortunately there are politically biased folks who are adamant in trying to infringe on our rights and liberties as law abiding citizens to protect ourselves and our families. Despite almost every state having...

15 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers

This Britoku parody of Power Rangers somehow lasted for ten years on-and-off, though it had trouble maintaining an audience due to how long it took to get episodes released. According to the creators, their delays are...

All you need to know about texting a guy you like and where you are going wrong

So I have just recently started getting back out into the dating world after a year break from my sort-of relationship ended. Now I've never been one to be good at dating, I was always sh y at school and held myself...

Shy Girls: The Complete Guide to Understanding the Quiet Ones

Many shy girls lament their lack of dating success due to their personality and its perceived shortcomings. In defense of shy girls everywhere, this article is dedicated to them and to the men who wish to date them....