Search Results: Why is America so racist and hateful

Why is America so racist and hateful?

These things happened in the last 72 hours and it’s actually HORRIFYING. I can’t believe what America has come to this is no longer the land of the free with so many people of color being oppressed, I thought it was 2020...
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Why are black women so hateful towards white women?

I don't mean to generalize here and I apologize in advance if this comes across as if I am trying to generalize every black women because im not, however I have noticed how hateful some black women can be towards white...
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Why racists and bigots hate The First Amendment.

The First Amendment to the US Constitution has once again come under fire by racists and bigots. This time they are claiming The First Amendment should be abolished or "limited" (by them ofcourse) because it allows...

Why Trump is the President of the United States

Ever since he won the election, Trump has garnered quite a bit of rage from his opponents. A candidate who was consistently derided ever since he announced he was running managed to beat the odds in a fundamentally...

Do you think Joe Biden handles the border poorly on purpose to make republicans angry because I have a similar mentality?

A few years ago, I used to be very conservative. I was for restricting migration and closed borders. I didn’t like illegal immigration but then I started noticing the racism and the things people would say like “we are...
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Debunking Black Lives Matter with Raw Logic

...I'll start as boldly as I can Black Lives Matter does not actually care about black lives. What they do care about is victimizing themselves to the this false pretense notion that all whites are racist and police...

SJWs And Those Always On The Wrong Side Of History

My friends and I had just finished watching Doctor Who 11x3 "Rosa" (yes, I know the insecure sexists are already butthurt over just that) when I was asked by my best friend's 6yo son: "Why are those people so bad?" A...

Internalized Racism, Intra-Racism, And Institutionalized Racism

And how the left hijacked the civil rights movement and used it to spread hate, And in doing so became the largest and most influential hate group in the world..... The curious case of Rachael Dolezal is the perfect...

Black Lives Matter and what it actually means

Okay so if a cause is important enough to someone they should be able to take the time to explain it properly. This is what I am doing now. So let's break this down first. It begins with slavery okay so yes hundreds of...

The Field is Full of Horse Manure But I'm Wearing Good Boots: Some Election 2016 Lessons

There are several lessons that can be learned from the recent election and our reaction to it. While some of my points will focus on Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton, I will also make a few points about President Obama. Whenever...
OlderAndWiser u

We Just Don't Care Anymore: Kylesar's Top 10 Dead Horse Subjects

We've heard them a million times. It's gotten old as hell and we're tired of hearing the same stuff with the same content. What is a dead horse subject? A dead horse subject is one that's been addressed time and time...