Search Results: Ya ever just wake up and be like 🤔might just

Canadian Lingo w/ RJ - Teaching You How to Talk Like a Real Canuck

I know, I haven’t written a Take in forever. Sorry folks, #life happens. But fear not, there are a few on the way in the near future. I have a little time today and after recently visiting some family, I was...

Top 10 Best Action/Fantasy Manhwas

That's my second myTake on here about manhwas, but this time with a different type of genre. I only had the idea of writing another one by all of your amazing ideas, everyone gave me great suggestions. Thank you very...

Modern Day Political Sentiments That Are Completely Bizzare

Back in the good ol' days, discussing politics wasn't so...weird. It was always controversial, but never this weird. Gone are the days of political sentiments on sane issues(like marijuana legalization, abortion, capital...