Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

First let's be clear; this is my opinion and this is not about philosophical reasoning.

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best.

It's about "gud gud".

So what is this "gud gud" you ask? It's a type of sexual compatibility that trumps all other types of sexual compatibility. It is legendary. It is real and tangible. And it's a marital killer. There are three types of sexual compatibility: "Okay", "Bad", and "Good" often referred to by the type and then the first sexual characteristic such as "Good Pussy".

There are three distinct reasons why having sex after marriage or with only one person is a really, really great idea in relation to this. The first is comparability, the second is longevity, and the final is mutuality. They all tie into one another.

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

The first is comparison. Now maybe roulette will play in your favor because there is far more "bad" and "okay" dick/pussy in the world than "good" however if you do run across any gud gud you're done. Nothing compares. It's like your first hit of heroine; everything else somehow just never hits the same high and all other sex is just one failure after another which you probably enjoyed and it was "okay" but it's not the shit you had three years ago that you still dream about.

So let's talk more about what this sexual compatibility actually is. Good pussy is pussy that physically hugs the dick properly in every way, produces a perfect amount of lube for a strong friction ratio without discomfort, and simply makes you actually tremble; good dick is dick that physically hits all the spots, stretches it right and shit, and again causes that mind-bending effect. It's shit you didn't and couldn't even imagine existed. Now not everyone during their lives gets this, thank goodness, but still when you feel it you know and you are permanently changed.

The worst part of good pussy and good dick is that it's totally natural; there is nothing you can physiologically do to actually "create" good pussy or good dick and honestly it has nothing to do with you as a person but with your partner as a person; good pussy is defined by the dick that goes into it and vice versa so your dick size, the muscular nature of your vagina, hell even your wishes and hopes and dreams and creams and machines all cannot elevate you to this legendary status. It's purely nature.

And this is why it's bad for marriage. If you find gud gud you're done. You can love your spouse, partner, or whatever until the ends of the Earth but they will not be the best physiological sex partner you've ever had. It is not able to compare. You'll be three years into your marriage with Christy or Ben still thinking about Hanna or David because that one-nighter was stupidly impossible pleasure and if you could have dated them you would have in a heart-beat.

This is the sex that makes you stay with people you hate to the 9th circle of hell. You say "I'm leaving" but you're still all about one more hit. It's addictive and ungodly fair that anyone can have that power over you.

This is the sex that makes you leave your entire family like it was nothing despite 20 years of loyalty and service. The affair with the Good is worth the risk; you can't even begin to understand of course if you haven't had the Good but if you have you know what I mean.

This is the sex that makes it actually impossible to even be able to communicate something like, "You're the best I ever had", because you still can't comprehend what the hell just happened to you. This shit needs no compliments. They know.

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

This is also the sex that will completely dampen the point of your marriage and lower your likelihood to get married. See, because Good is so rare people often settle with Okay and honestly that means it's over for you; "testing out the equipment" would result in buying a basic level car that works and using your emotions, fickle as they are, to get you over the reality that Ben isn't David and Christy isn't Hanna in any sense of the word.

In short it just sucks.

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

So, longevity?

So we are all used to motivaional shit like this for relationships:

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

Well, I have some bad news...

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

No, no it doesn't. Not at all. Now I could go into a tirade about flaws that love doesn't fix like poor spending, lying, lack of self-control, etc. but this is about sex and in reality Love does not make sex Good. Now, before you go, "This is bullshit! My sex is good because of love!" stop yourself and ask why you still think of Ryan or Amy from last year whom you knew you didn't even fucking like but just happened to get a piece of? Exactly.

As I said it is fortunate that most sex and sex partners physiologicall fall into the "Okay" or "Bad" categories but the moment you comes across Good again, you're done, because no matter how much you love or hate a person physiological pleasure (and sadly the whole fucking brain and body) don't give a damn. Now this cannot be overcome with anything so it burns your candle for longevity much, much faster.

Sex life? Meh after four years. What you didn't realize because of "Love" was it was always meh, the person was always just at Okay level, and you hoped and begged and pleaded that you'd just ignore that. But no. It's been a few years and it's just meh. The true nature of the situation plays out and instead of "getting bored" you were always disappointed but just now admit it to yourself. It was just never that good.

This obviously is a very hard pill to swallow. Not only for you, because you're you, but for your lover who you will never tell because it's been four damned years of confessing unprofessed love and adoration for everything about despit the sex being bland from day one to you or at least losing novel nature rather quickly. Good makes this process infinitely faster to a point where it is almost immediate if you've prolonged contact with Good because you just cannot adjust "down".

For people who've not had Good sex imagine the best thing you've ever tasted or felt (that isn't sex obviously). It was just great as an experience and holds a place in your history and memory you'll never let go of that nothing on the horizon seems to ever be able to even match a hundreth of it's greatness. This is as close as you can imagine as Good is far better by multitudes but it gets my point across. If that best thing happened again under different circumstances it wouldn't be as good, and the same with physiology, Okay pussy, which is most pussy, will never ever, ever match Good pussy and the same is true for dick.

So, again, no sex before marriage lest you risk this too.

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

So, finally, Mutuality.

This will be short because it's just a fact that no one is going to like: Just because the sex is Good to you doesn't mean it's Good to your partner.

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

Yes. Yes I did. If you do want to get married someday the more partners you have the more comparative data you acquire and that means that ultimately you may indeed marry (heaven forbid) BAD D/P and you can't just drop marriage like a hotcake and say "This is ridiculous. I want to fuck D'Angelo again, he had the Good!" and honestly it is the same with all long-term commitments. So even if you say "I am not getting married because edginess!" and whatever poor reasoning you will still find that you are doomed to the same outcome.


So in conclusion while this may turn out to be you someday:

Waiting for marriage to have sex is best

You still come out on top versus living every waking hour wishing for something that's not coming back or even worse risking wanting someone you're not with for physiological reasons.

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