A hint of truth to the “Men are heroes, and women are easy” adage

A great thought came to me due to a Mr Anonymous from my previous take of women getting sex much easier. (https://www.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-behavior/a21819-real-life-examples-of-how-women-utterly-annihilate-men-in-the-sex )

A hint of truth to the “Men are heroes, and women are easy” adage:

People generally complain that male sluts are regarded as “legends”, “hero’s”, “the man” and female sluts as “easy”, “loose”, “bear with wide canyon ha ha” etc. Basically, hooray for male sluts and boo-hoo for female sluts. This seems unfair. But…there is a hint of truth to it:

Again, I am all for both female and male sluts, BUT the reality is a girl can get sex so bloody easy versus a guy, that a guy deserves to be called a “legend” when he gets it. Any moderate-to-hot looking girl just has to be cool and spread her legs. Done.

A hint of truth to the “Men are heroes, and women are easy” adage

Men…well I don’t have to harp on about the challenges men face. Notwithstanding all the hoops men have to jump to win her heart (the usual checklist of having confidence, being well dressed, playing that fine line between nice and cocky, having some sort of humor, being cool, assertive, fun, saying the right things, timing, etc) men also have to outdo their male brothers who are going for the girls. Men have to “compete” and women are simply the choosers of who wins the competition. So yes, those few guys who do this well are damn legends and hero’s because they have somehow mastered something that the greatest of scientists could never get (need I remind everyone that Nicola Tesla died a virgin ha ha).

Whereas for a girl…it is easy. It’s like…just do your thing, be cool, and men will hit on you (or crush on you at least). Yes, some girls may have to gym and eat healthy, but that’s piss easy and guys have to do this too in the looks department. So I wouldn’t say a girl has to be “easy” in the sense that she will just sleep with whoever, but she has a far smoother and better road of choosing the type of guy she wants. And she at least has options. Even if she is introverted or shy, she just puts up an online profile and gets requests. Guys don’t have this privilege at all. To me a “Female Player” cannot exist, as any girl can do this successfully if she wants, and there is no “game”, it just is. Men have to play the game.

So in that sense, yes, generally men who manage to get lots of girls deserve their credit, because they can do wondrous things, whereas women who get sex…it’s like meh, whatever, nothing special to see here folks.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • So... Your point is that a woman is called a slut because it is easy to get sex for her but a guy is called a legend because it is not so easy for him.

    I totally understand and see your point. But what I don't think you know is that some women are hard to get because of this judgement that we get for just having sex at all. Times have changed from the past but it doesn't necessarily mean that women feel like shit after a one night stand because they were taught since a young child that sex should be used for reproductive purposes, that sex is vulgar, that girls wouldn't get any respect.

    We feel like shit because of the respect factor. Whilst your problem is trying to stick your dick into something, our problem is respect. I am not saying your opinion is wrong, I agree with it. But I feel that it doesn't view both sides, that it is not open-minded enough.

    I would admit that I actually enjoy casual sex and that it has been easy for me to get it (in some cases) but I was affected emotionally by what you said, that "Any moderate-to-hot looking girl just has to be cool and spread her legs. Done." Why? because I felt like what I was doing was wrong, that I have no respect for myself. But I do - Sex makes me happy and if I am making myself happy then aren't I not respecting myself? I enjoy having casual sex, I really do but sometimes I don't go for it because personally I feel insecure, I don't know what to do because I am always frightened that at the end I will be treated differently, why? because I have no respect. I know there are many other women like me who feel this way.

    Again, my meaning is - it all has to do with respect and in our world, respect is still a very big thing.

    • I get what you are saying, I do. But you missing the point. Im not saying an easy girl should be slut shamed. I am saying that when a girl gets sex, its not a big thing because its easy. So in that sense its "easier: for a girl. I would LOVE to have constant casual sex (like you) but I can't. It doesn't work like that for men. Men have can't just get it (unless they are the minority of men who know how to play or are that powerful that can get women). I love that you have casual sex... you go girl. Buts its expected that you can. Not a guy. So when I guy gets this life, he deserves to be called a legend.

    • I don't always have casual sex haha and it is not always so easy but thanks :). I think what the women here are trying to say that I guess in some way they feel like you are blaming them for this when really women love sex just as much (well when a guy knows what he is doing and they get pleasure from it). Of course you are not saying it is their fault - I see that. But can you understand how you would get such a reaction from the women's perspective? Your idea - I totally agree with it trust me, I do think it is actually easier for a girl to get sex. One time I just went up to a guy (very drunk might I add) and said "I just want sex" and then, boom it happened. Of course I felt like shit when I was sober after because that is not really what I want to be seen as but yeah there is some evidence to your point.

    • hahah Oh I meant like it isn't easy for me to always have sex due to things like... well the situation and stuff.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Generally yes. That is to say the most attractive third of women could get sex with almost any guy just by offering it where the men who could get sex with most women by just offering it is only about the top 1%.

    Your construction of this is men have to work harder but it's more like men are just less discriminating. I suspect a lot of the reason is sex for men is almost always a good experience where for women it can easily be a bad experience. If men were more likely to have a bad experience of sex they would be more discriminating too.

    • My friend, the first part I would say you underestimate women. I know heaps of fat (not chubby) girls who have double digits in sex partners. A particular one that comes to mind was at 58 (that was 5 years ago and I'm sure she could've increased that). In terms of sex, I would say the majority girls have it easier than the majority guys. I also think a very few guys can pull this off, but a bit more than 1% but I appreciate your perception that it's low. 2nd part... dude... I disagree. It's not that men can be discriminate or not, it's more the choice that men have. Some men don't have any choice at all to even differentiate what's good sex or not. I don't believe this disparity between men and women is based on sex at all. Sex is a consequence of certain variables that some men just don't posses.

    • Yeah, I'd say it's probably closer to 80% of women that can get laid at will. The take owner's second point is also correct. Women have no idea what kind of experience it will be before they have sex with a man. Roll the dice. Women are more discriminating because there are far fewer attractive men around than attractive women, and nobody wants to have sex with someone that they're not attracted to.

    • @Someguy17 I didn't say nearly any woman could not get laid at will, I said they couldn't have nearly any man. Almost any woman can get sex if she just lowers her standards enough and is willing to do what it takes. My point is most women could not get sex with attractive men, only more attractive women can. Attractive men discriminate, just like most women. It's not a difference in principle but in market dynamics.

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  • men have a harder time bc sex for Women can easily be really bad AND bc people keep coming up with reasons to attack women fir having sex freely.

    When having random sex most of the time a guy can just stick it in and cum. Women can have an experience from just not cumming be the guy is clueless or doesn't guve a shit or it can be super painful bc he's clueless doesn't guve a shit or is a macho Dick head or there can be rape. Women choose bc there are many negative repercussions for themselves. This has nothing to do with being discriminated against for having lots of sex. There's no excuse for slut shaming none. All of your efforts to justify it just reiterate discrimination. It doesn't iluminste anything.

    I'm sure you wouldn't say a woman is. Hero for getting a guy to be a house wife yet that's relatively harder than it is for a guy to get a woman as a housewife.

    Or that you'd reject someone sexually bc they naturally have a good body as a poised to having to work for it...

    You're using difficulty as an excuse to maintain sexist propaganda. And this stuff has been posted so many times before. So clearly a lot of people really want women to be punished for sex. That's the heart of doublestandard not " ease".

    There's no good reason that anyone would spend energy justifying bigotry. You either reject it or you're complicit with it. All of your " reasons" are just impassioned pleas to have people embrace your prejudice. It's sexism that's all it is. And character assassination based on sex is never justified.

    • @azara listen, what you said... no, not at all. A) I never once slut shamed, I don't know where you saw that. B) I'm using difficulty because it's the truth... and you proved it over and over in your opinion. Whatever variables you choose to justify the situation, the reality is that men have it way harder than women (did you read my other take?, I live in an open sex life and I see it every day). You started off your opinion with "men have it harder because..." That's it, end of argument. Then you reinforced mine by saying "women choose bc..." You see women have choice, most men don't. So I repeat... if a guy is good at getting past all the hoops that women set up to get sex, that guy deserves credit. When a girl gets lots of sex, it's easy. I love both sluts (male and female), no shaming here, it's just a fact.

    • A man can knock up 5 women in a day, but a women can only get knocked up once in 9 months, so you only need a small percentage of men to knock up all the women. A man will need a lot going for him to have the same potential sexual success as the average women. So male promiscuity is celebrated (because it's hard to do) while a women will just be considered a slut (because all she needs to do is open her legs). A man also doesn't know if a child is his while a women will always know, thus a promiscuous women is subconsciously seen as a risk that a man will waste his time and resources raising someone else's genes, it is a risk to male reproductive fitness. Also look up male michrochimernism (sperm from previous partners can influence your eventual offspring). I am not saying that we should shame women who sleep around, but be warned, it is an innate biological trait that sluts are devalued for long term commitment, so sleep around but don't cry when no guy will commit to you.

    • Men have the right to not want sluts, and almost all with a choice will chose the girl who has slept around less (for long term commitment), this is all biology, you can't have you cake and eat it too, female promiscuity will almost always have negative ramifications.

  • lol i dont think anybody deserves any credit for having sex. everyone wants it and everyone can get it i thought. and at some point some people want more (aka an emotional connection) or can't have sex without it and this goes for both men and women. i think we need to stop thinking that how many people you can attract, have sex with or did have sex with is that important to begin with. as far as im concerned the quality is kinda the important part. but i am female so maybe my view is different and even tho women are offered it a lot many of the offers are what we would consider as not even counting (like when men act ridiculous etc) and men are probably offered not maybe blatant sex but female interest more than they think its just women are conditioned and maybe naturally inclined to be subtler about their interest.

    • Everyone can get it? That's where you make the mistake. I can get it, I have to fork out $600 for my regular sex worker, but I would prefer to pick up a lady at a bar and have that illusive connection you speak of. Girls get it easy (hell women get PAID for it). And that grinds me even more when you say " even tho women are offered it a lot many of the offers are what we would consider as not even counting". Nice, you have so much offers that you even have the choice to choose what you want or not. Most men don't have this option.

    • well thats why i said there is probably way more interest in a man than the man himself might think. cause like i said girls are somehwhat conditioned to wait for the man to show interest first. In my opinion a lot of this comes from a particular mindset that has been ingrained in society for a while, and while it is fading, it still exists. But maybe as we strive towards understanding each other better we could let go of certain old ways. Cause honestly women who get or have a lot of sex are probably brave and should be considered as big a legend as a man as still today people view women a certain way if they have sex like men. And to be honest as much as men even today act open about womens sexuality, a lot of men do, say and act in ways in which they still want to oppress it. So maybe if women felt 100% free from any sort of potential negativity or backlash when it came to their sexuality then men wouldn't have to work so hard as u say they do.

    • but im not a man so my take would be different but honestly im not from the states and thats probably why i think everyone can pretty much have sex.

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  • "Again, I am all for both female and male sluts, BUT the reality is a girl can get sex so bloody easy versus a guy" but that's a catch 22. Women are not going to be more inclined to have casual sex if they are judged for it all the time. Making it harder for men to get casual sex. And men aren't going to want less sex (making it harder for women to get it), if they are praised for it.
    It's a circular argument, which is exactly why so many women complain about. You don't even understand what the problem is, what people complain about.

    • Good point.

    • Im in sex circles, trust me, its still hard for a guy when the girls are self proclaimed sluts. Im actually going to approach one today, this chick clicks with me but I highly doubt she will go for me. She has... surprise surprise, many female suitors (I love bi-sexuals)

  • I just don't agree with this. Hot girls or reasonably thin girls will be able to sleep with a man easily. Chubbier girls don't have a chance unless they act easy. Not a chance, so this theory, this "rule" is true for hot girls and not hot guys, not fat girls and hot men. Its just not accurate enough to be a general rule. It doesn't ring true for most people.

    • No average ones too. I know obese women who have much higher numbers of sexual partners than me and I have a 6 pack and V lines. A minority of men and a majority of women have the privilege to forge their sexual path.

    • Your personal experience is somehow more valid than mine? This is just going to turn into tit-for-tat. Is this Scrambled? Dude you confuse the fuck out of me. Your personality seems like its two people sometimes. I find you quite contradictory as a person.

    • And speaking as an overweight person who has been slim, I can tell you its not as simple as you make out and I find it insulting men complain as if it's a terrible injustice and then quickly dismiss it if it's a woman in the other side of the coin.

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  • Men can and will have sex with anything that moves if horny enough. Now that's what I call easy! 25

    • that's what I call biological make up. That's irrelevant in the context of this question. Getting a successful sexual outcome for a guy is what this is all about, no matter how horny he is or not.

    • Well that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Guys are definitely less discriminating than girls when it comes to casual sex but its only the guys who are really desperate who sleep sleep with “anything that moves”. It has to do with what the guy can reasonably get. So a guy who is an 8/10 and has confidence and charisma can reasonably get girls in the 1-7 range, maybe 8s and 9s on occasion but he will get the most yes’s from girls somewhat less attractive than he is. That being said he probably wouldn’t go lower than a 6. It’s mainly the desperate guys who are 5s and 6s who lower their standards the most and sleep with the 3s and 4s. Those guys do NOT get praised nor are they perceived as “heros”.

    • @lumos I can definatly say that is not true.

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  • Nah.
    Almost all guys want casual sex - almost no women want casual sex.
    Men can't find casual sex, women can't find meaningful relationships.

    No one quite often get what they really want.

    • I thought girls wanted casual sex? But let's say you right, that proves this take even more. Because it's harder to get casual sex from a girl ( you said not many women want it), those guys who manage to score a lot of women are talented and hence they deserve the "legend" label.

    • I guess it depends on how you look at it - with the label...

    • Well anybody who can do something hard well deserves credit. My brother for example is a bit of a legend because he broke some records at our soccer club which nobody could beat for several years. My friend (who is not super attractive or rich) has bedded over a 100 women. me and most of my friends will never be able to beat that record (especially at my age now) and he deserves credit.

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  • It's not our fault men make it to easy. Why don't you make it a challenge for us to get laid?

    • Because biology. We are challenging in other areas.

    • @Someguy17 no excuses just because y'all can't fight your urges doesn't mean you should take your frustrations of not getting laid out on women.

    • @mustachekitteh Woah, you really jumped to a ton of conclusions there! First of all, I was taking NOTHING out on women. It was just a simple statement of fact about men. Secondly, I have no problems getting laid or getting attention from women. So what would I blame them for exactly? Hate to see you when someone actually says something offensive, holy shit.

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  • In this day and age it isn't that hard for your typical guy to get sex. Casual sex is becoming more and more popular. Most guys I know don't struggle to get any.

    • Then please explain why a hooker can charge over $600 half an hour? (seriously, that's starting price for a good one), why so many men contribute to the multimillion dollar pick up industry? Why human trafficking for sex is a multimillion industry? Why half the male population hate internet dating? Why is it that Ron Jeremy said for a guy to get into porn, bring a girl? Why do swinger and sex clubs reject single guys? Guys have it much harder even in today's hook up culture. Every male, from the shyest introverts, to the best pick up artists agree on one thing: a small percentage of men only have this privelage of forging their sexual paths. The rest of us have to get "lucky"

    • A LOT of guys have trouble getting pussy. But your average guy doesn't struggle that much. And for the love of god don't blame men not getting enough pussy for the sex trafficking industry. Its typically very young girls who are being sold and exploite. Your typical guy, no matter how much of a dry spell he's experiencing, isn't gonna go after a 13 year old sex slave. That's fucking disgusting. Those kind of markets are aimed at sickos. And as for prostitution, there's always gonna be men out there who can't get any without paying for it. It doesn't mean that's how it is for most men. Of all my guy friends, and I've got a lot, I can only name one who can't get laid. The rest don't have trouble getting sex and most of them aren't even particularly attractive. You may struggle. Doesn't mean most do.

    • @Rachelbrigs Actually, I'd say that most guys have trouble getting laid on a consistent basis. The ones that have it down though, have no problems at all. I'd even say that top 15%-20% of men have an easier time getting laid than women do, and they have a lot more good options to choose from.

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  • Spot on but prepare for hate, dude. Prepare for hate.

    • Man, the guy who said the world is round also got hate from "majority flat" supporters. But the truth is the truth. Luckily tequila was invented.

    • He's not spot on. Both of you are stupid smh and must not have been to a lot of places

    • @CapricornSwagL please refrain from using offensive language if you simply disagree with us

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  • It has nothing to do with that. Its the fact that some guys are perverts. I know that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" but plenty of girls get called ugly or get bullied for it, and I'm not talking about weight, im talking about facial features. Your take implies that women are better looking when in reality it's the really horny guys who made it that way and not every guy is like that so it's not what you think. When I think of a female PUA, I think of one who is able to flirt and get into relationships with ease, not one who gets sex easily. Not all girls want that, I even asked a question on that since I approach guys, and most of them said that it's because men are expected to approach, so some people think that a girl wouldn't want to do those things.

    • When I get to the female PUA, im talking about why there isn't any books or helpful information.

    • nice opinion but I don't think it's looks for females. I know plenty of ugly ones who have more sexual partners than your average guy. It's these ladies especially that make me realise how easy it is for girls to forge their sexual path. The relationship thing and female Pua... that's what makes a guy a legend because it's not the sex... it's how he does the very hard dance of seducing a girl constantly well.

  • i've been reading some of your comments and it seems to me that you don't understand the correlation between the fact there is a small pool of women who like regular casual sex and the fact it is easy for those women to get sex, because there are so few of them.

    think about it, there is a much larger group of men who want regular casual sex than women and because there is no stigma attached to it for them, the vast majority of those men decide to pursue their aim of regular casual sex.

    on the other hand, there would be a group of women who also want regular casual sex, but this group is dramatically less than the group of women that actually pursue it, because many of them are afraid of being labelled a slut.

    the more women afraid of being labelled a slut, the smaller the pool of women actually pursuing casual sex gets, hence the easier it is for those women to get sex because there is less competition.

    sorry for the long answer but i wanted to explain that the reason it is so easy for women who actually want regular casual sex to get laid is the fact that only a small percentage of the ones who actually want it, pursue it, due to social stigma attached to it.

    • na, 1% of men can knock up 100% of women, so female sexual worth is far higher than males see bateman's principle

    • yes but people don't have casual sex to procreate do they? @amphet11

    • My dick doesn't know that, certain parts of my brain don't know that, as far as we have evolved, all sex is an attempt at reproduction, we haven't evolved to consider contraceptives during sexual attraction

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  • Too bad so sad.

    • Exactly... may give you MHO because that's just how it goes.

  • Yes bateman's principle, it's bean known for a long time, women just have to say yes, or ask... unless they are very fat or ugly

    • i think Tesla was asexual though

  • It's definitely harder to get a date as a guy. We have to pay for everything to begin with.

    • I know man... I know. It's actually such a simple concept that I wonder why I even did a take on it. It should be a given. Like... lions eat meat, eagles fly, gravity pulls, generally men have it harder in the dating game.

  • You should check out the article where they make a bunch of dating profiles ranging from ugly to pretty women and from ugly to good looking men and they check out how many messages each get. Ill post the link here when I find it

    • Let me guess... not in favour men? I know... I am friends with a 45 yr old slut. She is awesome but like aging and not that great looking. SHe gets 100 msgs a day from men as young as 20 that are ripped that want to have a go. Imagine a guy getting that? Its impossible for most guys.

    • Here's the one I couldn't find the other: jonmillward.com/.../

    • I found the other one, their both interesting but this one may be a bit more: blog.okcupid.com/.../

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  • Nicola Tesla and Isaac Newton died as virgins not because they were losers, but because they were too busy being complete bad-asses to waste their time chasing after sex.

    • I reckon they had prostitutes that was never put on record. If they were that clever, they so would of done it.

    • Newton is literally quoted as saying that he would never have sex. He didn't have the interest. It's also pretty certain that Tesla never had sex. He was pretty much asexual though. He was actually a pretty sought after and mysterious bachelor right after he got famous. He was just too wrapped up in his science and didn't really have any interest in romantic relationships. Both had very similar personalities and both led very interesting lives.

  • There's nothing impressive about a girl being a slut, whereas it is somewhat impressive if a guy manages to sleep around with ease.

    I don't think that's a reason to look down on sluts - they like sex just like I do, the difference is they can get it easily. I don't see why they should deny themselves.

  • Good take. Have a look at mine see if you agree.

  • Women can get sex easily, but it doesn't guarantee an orgasm. For men it seems to me, and I don't mean to be vulgar but, all they have to do is stick their dick into something warm and soggy and they'll be able to cum. That and there's always the threat that a women can get harmed for being slutty, while men get praised for it. And because a lot of men are horn dogs women have an easier time getting laid and stereotypically have more options. Hence women aren't as likely to jump into bed with every guy that propositions them.

    • So if guys acted more like prudes they might get more women to go after them... it's like supply and demand!

    • its a number one Pua tactic for a guy to act like a girl can't get him so that the girl actually goes for him😊 but he manages to be everything but prudish (just gives the illusion). But you ladies are giving me reasons as to why the situation has come around, where you just proved my point in your opening statement "women can get sex easier". That's all that is needed here, that's why it's not a big deal when a girl gets sex and why a man who cracks this code with women are legends.

    • I think the important sentence to focus on begins, "and because a lot of men are horn dogs women stereotypically have an easier time getting laid and have more options. These men are not legends, perhaps to other men, but overall I think you didn't comprehend what I was saying.

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  • My opinion? Regardless of how easy it is, no one should be SHAMED for having sex, which is what a lot of women still are for doing so.

    • I dont think its ever the actions. It can be the setting or the reason why you had sex.

    • I never shame sluts, ever. Im a proud slut. Its just that I have paid to be a slut and really take my hat off to those guys who know how to get women so easily. They deserve their label. For female sluts, its easy as typing: "i want a shag tonight" on their online profile. So its no big deal for them

    • Really... I'm a virgin, I totally wish I could have sex that easily. And I'm not even unattractive...

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