Why Men Watching Porn Hurts "Some" Women's Feelings

For some women, the reality of their significant other watching pornography can be as hurtful as infidelity. Pornography can have a psychological effect on women, causing her to question her own value, significant other and their entire relationship.

Why Men Watching Porn Hurts

Jennifer: I make every effort to do what most women don't do in the bedroom. There is no limit to what I won't do sexually for my significant other.

Meghan: I keep myself in shape and looking good. But, still my husband turns to pornography.

Crystal: Our sex life has been lacking for quite sometime. We have intercourse, but that is on rare occasion.

What is common about these womens situations?

They are all affected by their significant other's choice to watch pornography.

Although each woman has a situation that differs, they do not fail to feel the same end result, which is hurt.

These women view sex as sacred. They see it as a intimate connection between two people. When they discover that their significant other is releasing himself sexually to other women, this gives a extreme blow to her self esteem. The realization has hit,
"No, you are not the only girl that can be desired by your significant other. Any girl can have that affect on your guy."

This is nothing short of hurtful.

Men and womens brains are wired differently. The biggest difference I have found between men and women is that, men seem to be more into the visual stimulation porn has to offer. Lets assume the male has no porn addiction and is perfectly contented with his significant other, typically, he is able to temporarily live in the moment of fantasy and move past it quickly. Just because he watches porn, does not automatically mean he views his significant other any less. Women, on the other hand, attach more meaning and emotion to a sexual act. Some women, simply cannot fathom why their guy is able to enjoy another woman in that way. "How can I be your biggest desire, when you are pleasured by other women?"

Why Men Watching Porn Hurts "Some" Women's Feelings
Pornography can be looked at as:
  • (1) Exploitation -

A great majority of people nowadays, agree with prostiution (being able to purchase sex with their hard earned money).

Lets briefly look at the similarities between independent prostitutes and pornstars.

A porn star is a woman who is getting paid to have sex for money. (One of the main differences is they do it on camera, while an escort usually does it in privacy). A porn star's profession is more accepted in society while the other one is not. It's funny, because by definition a pornstar is also a prostitute (someone who receives sex for money). But society has a very different way of looking at a woman who chooses to do this work; even the name reflects it. What makes a porn star so different than a prostitute who does not do it on camera? A porn star can experience vulnerability at the hands of production. What makes her immune to the exact same exploitation that an independent sex worker may receive? Nothing, is my answer.

Some women take a major stance on this topic. When the Jenny's, Meghan's and Crystal's of our society see their significant other watching porn, they see it as him being a contributor of the problem. He is one that devalues women by partaking in watching it ( he is showing he supports prostitution by being a consumer of those films).

What truly goes on behind the scenes of a camera is never shown. You are sold a fantasy.

To every beauty that goes shown, is an ugly truth that hides behind it.

  • (2) A contributor to self esteem issues. Yes, the significant other has professed his love to his lady. He says she is his everything and more. However, based on his actions of watching porn, these women cannot believe those words. "How can I be your everything, when your attention is constantly turned to someone else?"

The wound is further dug into, if their partner continues to watch porn.The significant other feels ashamed to watch porn so he feels the need to hide and lie about it. (some men may even develop a porn addiction, and may not at first recognize that they have this problem).

This continues to deepen her wounds.

Some women feel they cannot live up to an impossible standard. These women on porn are well groomed (professionally made up and hair styled), some of them have had plastic surgery, to have their bodies meet perfection (in some cases, this includes their genitals as well). They are willing to do the things men love without hestiation. This further interferes with the woman's perception of self.

  • If a man has a particular type of woman he likes to see in porn (that is opposite from his partner's appearance), this continues to impact her self esteem.

Why Men Watching Porn Hurts "Some" Women's Feelings

"What's wrong with me?"

"Am I not good enough?"

"Do I not satisfy him?"

These are some of the many questions she may ask herself.

Some relationships end has a result of the man watching porn, when that was never the real problem in the first place.

The overlooked issue was that, the mutual respect for each other was never there.

You should care how your significant other feels about a particular topic.

It is important that you know the relationship you are in.

Please understand, what is okay according to your partner and what is not.

If your significant other dislikes the use of porn, rather than go about hiding it (which in most cases causes further problems), ask yourself "Is this relationship for me?" Is porn that big of a part of my life, that I am not willing to let go of it for someone else?"

Be honest with your partner and yourself!

Never hold things back because it allows you to store guilt.

This all becomes one huge ugly pile, that will eventually fall.

You never want that to be on your conscience.

Why Men Watching Porn Hurts "Some" Women's Feelings

Note to readers: This article is not put in place to discourage anyone from watching pornography, but rather for men to see why some women are so against it.

If you are a man/woman and love porn and can find someone that views it the same way, then I say we are off to a good start :)

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Never been a fan of porn myself which is why I don't watch it.
    I have never understood why a person would watch it while their partner is available.

    I always assumed it was for lonley people.

    But I can definitely understand why a woman or even a man would be upset or uncomfortable with their partner viewing it. And why shouldn't they be upset or uncomfortable?

    It's also apparent, at least from my experience that some Men have forced women to adjust to the fact that they do so, and have convinced them its perfectly OK.

    • The thing is if their partner is available, but not available 24/7 hah. Then porn becomes a sort of stand-in.

Most Helpful Girl

  • That penguin is hot.

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  • I disagree with your MyTake (though it was interesting to read). First off, let's get something out of the way: It is NOT true that women have issues with watching porn because they're worried about the exploitation. I'm sorry but whoever told you this told you a big, fat lie. I'm usually very much pro-feminism but this one is simply bullshit. I would never deny that sometimes, exploitation does indeed happen on the set. However, this is not what 99% of girlfriends and wives struggle with when they catch their SO watching porn. In fact, I would call any woman who does have issues with it a hypocrite, if she - like the vast majority of people - doesn't ALSO have issues with other highly problematic every-day life things such as these:
    - using a Smartphone from a big corporation (Iphone, Samsung, etc.). They're all being put together by the hands of little, 8-year old south east Asian children. This type of exploitation is, frankly, way beyond any exploitation any porn star will ever experience. Yet, hundreds of millions of women (and men) don't seem to have a problem with it at all. In fact, Apple products are even considered "hip" and "trendy".
    - Buying cheap clothes from Walmart and paying 20 bucks for a pair of pants where you KNOW that, again, people in China and other places are being exploited to produce these clothes, rather than buying more expensive clothes that are produced locally.

    These are just two small example. The list could easily be continued. However, I think I've made my point clear: if you're a woman and you really hate porn for ethical reasons, you better boycott all other spheres of exploitation just as hard!

    So, having gotten this out of the way, here is what I think:
    You wrote that what all of these three women have in common is that they struggle with their SO's porn consumption. Tooooooot! Wrong! The fact that they struggle with this is only a symptom of their real problem. What they (and almost ALL women on this planet) have in common is that they're obnoxiously insecure. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to hate on women here. But this is something that I really struggle with. Women are so insecure about themselves that it borders to being paranoid. They immediately consider everything a direct rejection of them as human being/women/partner. Why can't women just say "okay, I see how other women can turn you on, so I feel lucky to be with you"? Because that's the biological truth! I would NEVER have the arrogance to believe

    • that only I can turn on my girlfriend. I'm totally aware of the fact that I'm just a guy like any other guy. Sure, I might have some features (character and body) that my girlfriend particularly likes but that doesn't mean I'm the "only" one she could get attracted by. And more importantly, she's not a piece of property! Just like a man isn't his girlfriend's or wife's property. I find it silly that people have such an extreme urge to be the ONLY person their partner cares about. It seems rather egocentric to me. I mean, you wouldn't say to your best friend "I'm the ONLY one you can hang out with! If you hang out with anyone else, I'm never gonna talk to you again! EVER!" You also wouldn't say to your boss or teacher that you want to be their ONLY (or favorite) employee/student. You also wouldn't say to your parents "It's such a shame I have siblings. If you were proper parents, you'd give all your love to me and me alone." Why would it be any different in romantic relationships?

    • It's not about who you're attracted to, it's about an act within a relationship. Just because another woman CAN get my boyfriend off doesn't mean he should go out of his way to let them when I am here and available. A lot of women are insecure, yes. Partly because of unrealistic ways women are portrayed, lack of experience etc. That however doesn't make the feelings brought up in this particular instance less valid. I am not against the porn industry - if a woman (of her own free will) wants to have that career more power to her cause she will make more money than I will! It's also great for single guys or guys in a relationship with a woman who is comfortable with porn. But for the women who are not comfortable with it and it's a deal breaker that's exactly what it is, just like smoking is a deal breaker or drug use etc. I do fully expect my significant other to see me as his one and only (or as his last partner if he's had others) and if he doesn't then I'm okay with that but he won't

    • be with me if that's the case. It's about preference and something I can not live with. I'm not trying to say that everyone should feel the same as me, I was just hoping to enlighten you from another womans standpoint.

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  • I feel exactly like this (although, to be honest, I don't really care about how it's produced because those women chose that life - unless they didn't and were forced, then there's an issue).

    My fiance and I decided we would be in a porn free relationship after having almost this exact conversation. I told him how hurt by it I was, he told me that it didn't mean anything and that if it really bothered me that much he would easily let it go.

    I told him he can watch hentai if that works for him and he wants visual stimulation lol.
    I just absolutely hate the idea of some other woman pleasing him. It really, really, bothers me and feels like a betrayal. Logically, I know that it is not a betrayal, but emotionally? It really hurts. I don't know why I have that reaction, but I do, and I'm glad that I'm with someone who cares enough about how I feel adjust his opinion on it.

    (And, for the record, I don't watch porn either, so it's not hypocritical)

  • As a woman I am secure with my sexuality and I understand that men masturbate and watch porn on a regular basis. I have no problem with him getting off to a stranger in a video or picture of a naked woman. As long as he was respectful to me and didn't compare my body or sexual taste to the porn. However, I would have a major problem if I found out he was stroking it to pictures of my friends or his friends or coworkers. I would rather it be some fantasy girl stranger than anyone he would actually know. I am sure all guys do but if I find out that he's thought about someone he knows that is when my self doubt, insecurities etc. Would kick in.

  • So is bad, when some days my girlfriend tells me to watch port so she can go to bed?

  • I was gonna write something constructive, but then I got distracted by dat ass.

  • Interesting read. I wouldn't be bothered by a partner watching porn unless it became an addiction, affected sex life, and/or created unreasonable expectations out of me. I can't foresee that being an issue in most cases. I would say most men are reasonable about it.

    But I understand how it can affect some girls' feelings just like how not being allowed to watch porn affects some guys' feelings. In the end, each couple has to work something out that's good for both of them.

  • The way I see it, men have five choices when their woman's feelings are hurt by porn:

    1. Refrain from watching porn to make her feel better, yet still masturbate (using thoughts that will inevitably involve porn, hurting her feelings anyways if she finds out about said thoughts, encouraging the man to lie to her about his masturbation habits, thereby undermining the relationship)

    2. Continue to watch porn and disregard her feelings, undermining the relationship

    3. Seek out his woman every time he needs a sexual release, which (for most men) is too frequent to be considered reasonable to the average female. Additionally, by attempting to seek out his woman every time he wants sex, he loses control over his sexual release, frustrating him with his woman (as his freedom has been diminished), thereby undermining the relationship

    4. Reduce his sex drive or try increase yours. In either case, someone is provoking another person to change, and expecting someone to change their personality for the sake of their partner is slightly selfish, to be generous. Such selfishness undermines the relationship

    5. Find a new girl who doesn't care

    • If you had a girlfriend who you have loads of nude pictures of , would you still feel the need to watch porn? And what if you had a girl that wanted it as much as you? Would you still feel the need to watch porn?

    • Girls exist like that? If they do, then I've been fuckin' up with my mate selection.

    • If I ever found a lady like that, then there would be no purpose to watch porn. She'd probably be down to make some for me to watch, but I could never bank on such a girl to exist.

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  • "This article is not put in place to discourage anyone from watching pornography, but rather for men to see why some women are so against it." I have trouble believing this statement. Everyone already knows why "some" women don't like it. It is either because of their insecurities or their prudish views on male sexuality. Any person that has an issue with what someone else does in private like this is a crazy control freak that needs to be dumped immediately.

    Clearly your reason for pointing out how a man watching porn hurts some women, is meant to make guys feel bad about hurting their woman's feelings. This is evident by your statement "The overlooked issue was that, the mutual respect for each other was never there." This is a way of accusing men of not respecting his woman if he watches porn and everyone knows it. What a man does in private has nothing to do with his respect for anyone else.

    You were careful to try and come off as reasonable in your writing, but you really can't come off as reasonable at all. If a man wrote this same take about why guys get hurt from a woman reading a romance novels the sexism and insecurities in the take would be far more obvious to everyone.

    • @heavensgifts2girls You cannot tell me my intentions of writing this article. You are not the writer herself. I've seen this topic come up numerous of times, so I decided to write about it to shed some light on it. You are wrong! Not every one knows why women dislike pornography. Only the people that are ignorant that refuse to understand the situation will shout out the first things that come to mind such as, "Theyre jealous or insecure". Only someone that's willing to sit down and deeply understand why someone feels the way they do, will get the situation. "What a man does in private has nothing to do with his respect for anyone else." Everyones situation when it comes to watching porn is different. If a man watching porn is interfering with his love life, then I'd say this isn't a private issue anymore is it? If it's something he regularly does and he has no interest with sex with his girl, she has every right to speak up. Also, EVEN if they do have a healthy sex life and

    • this bothers her a relationship about communication. She is expected to speak up on what bothers her. Both people should talk to each other to deal with this situation in the best way that they can, to make their relationship work. Romance novels isn't even in the same field. They are words on a paper. I can visualize my man in a writing. Porn is a life picture, sometimes even videos. You are seeing another person period! @heavensgift2girls

    • "You cannot tell me my intentions of writing this article. You are not the writer herself." This is a common way to deflect criticism and doesn't work. The entire point of writing is to communicate the writers intention. "Romance novels isn't even in the same field" Sure they are. Men can't possibly compete with the men in those novels and can make a man feel like she isn't happy with him. While you may be able to visualize they way your man looks, it doesn't mean the woman is. All the guy sees is the guy on the cover that doesn't look anything like himself. Romantic novels still have the man having personality traits that real men can' not have, and the fact women use them at all can be viewed as her not getting what she really wanted from the man. So you see romance novels really do have the same issues as porn.

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  • Walked away from looking at pornography three years ago when I started dating a divorced woman with three daughters. While the relationship didn't last, it's had an amazing impact on the way I view women.

    While the temptation is still there (and it's more of a struggle as I'm single,) I never thought I'd be offended by the covers of supermarket tabloids, to get involved in ministering to sex-trafficking victims, or ever be able to focus solely on one woman.

    I won't go into the details of her marriage/divorce, but pornography is highly suspected in the path towards some truly jacked-up stuff. My heart shattered thinking about those three innocent faces whose lives were destroyed when she confronted me about pornography usage. It killed me to admit it, but I confessed everything and asked for forgiveness. We were only six weeks in, but after that something amazing happened for me. Even though I was a fairly casual user at that point, I actively avoided looking at other women. Soon, for the first time ever in my life, my sexual thoughts never strayed from my ex while we were together.

    Pornography 'does' destroy relationships, marriages, families, people, and children. I was only nine years old when I found my father's magazine stash in his bedside table. I may not have understood everything then, but I understood that dad looks at women other than mom.

    Pornography doesn't start/stop with showing nipples and vaginas. At a human trafficking conference a discussion started where I made a point: Pornography is so prevalent in our society that there is less clothing on the cover of "women's" magazines than on the covers of pornography magazines (which have a black plastic cover to "shield them.")

    Irony of ironies? I recently read that pornography is so over-done that playboy magazine will no longer feature nude women. They can't make a profit.

    • Don't mind the downvotes. :)

    • @thereshegoes1 It's all mind-over-matter. I don't mind because they don't matter. ;) What does matter is that when I finally have a woman to settle down with I'll have more wisdom to make it work and make it last. The family before me is broken with the ideals of the world. But the family that comes after me will know love and spiritual truth.

  • read through it.

    A related way fetishes can develop is through a process of classical conditioning. To the extent that a specific object repeatedly appears just before we experience sexual arousal, we may eventually come to see that object as a cue for sexual arousal in the future such that every time we see that object, we get turned on. This idea was demonstrated in a fascinating experiment conducted in the 1960s.

    In this study, heterosexual male participants were hooked up to a penile plethysmograph, a device that measures how sexually aroused a man is based upon the amount of blood flowing into his penis [2]. Participants were then repeatedly shown images of boots (a non-arousing stimulus to most heterosexual guys), immediately followed by images of sexy naked women (an arousing stimulus to most heterosexual guys). After repeatedly showing the men boots followed by nudes, the men eventually started showing arousal in response to the boots alone! Thus, the experimenter was able to successfully condition a mild boot fetish into the participants. A more recent study replicated this effect using an image of a jar of pennies (something that is not sexual at all) instead of boots, which goes to show that you really can develop a fetish for almost anything...

    NOW YOU HAVE GOT SITES... which show... blacks on cougars black on blondes... realtively harmLes... WAIT



    THEY ALSO HAVE "INTERSISTA" where the white woman has to lick the black womans ass... now think how our daughter s are gonna grow up.. watchinh this.. thing... subconsiouly being attracted to black women... treating them like shit... complete dog bitches..


    • No, it's good because the end result is fewer satisfied women because there aren't enough men they like to go around.

    • @ArtDent cuckold porn is specifically targeted towards white men... to show them as less masculine... its damaging in soo many respects. WHITE WOMAN PERCEIVE THEM AS LESS MASCULINE.. WHITE MEN CONSTASTLY THINKING ABOUT INTERRACIAL SEX WITH THEIR SISTER DAUGHTER MOM AUNT... ETC... part of fetish brain does this... therefore pushing them towards Asian WOMAN... leaving the white woman... dateles...

    • I am no more concerned with the idea that women might remain dateless and unfulfilled than women are concerned that men might be dateless and unfulfilled. Women don't care about men, why should men care about women?

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  • This is exactly what I want men to know. Yes, mutual respect is they key. If she disdains that you're watching porn, then either drop porn or her. You're probably not the perfect match. As simple as that. There is no need to complain to women about this and that. I don't really get why men (and some women) justify their obsession to porn. This is so sick. Probably because the society tells everyone that it's okay. It's okay to lust over someone who isn't your partner.

    I don't hate porn. I've seen a few. But that was when I was single. I respect my partner.

    • I think it's hard for you to understand that other people don't think and feel the way you do. Just because your sexual emotions work in a particular way, doesn't mean the same way applies inside a man, your man, or any other man. From my point of view, you sound frightening. If I had a partner that had said that, I would feel like they had just said they wanted to take my testicles, and the inside of my mind, as their personal property. That means I have no right over my own orgasm. Because taking you without consent would be rape, and masturbation is cheating, neither my body, nor the inside of my own mind is my own. Just imagine that, for a second. Let's say you don't feel like having sex for quite some time. That means I would no longer have a right to my own orgasms. Unless you approved an exception, of course. What you're proposing is more than mere respect.

    • You sound like a dyke, you should just go ffind a girl to be with

    • @AndrewTroy you are so right it's a control thing, these women are getting ridiculous I too feel bad for any man that is with her

  • just my personal view...

    i think if a guy turns to porn rather than his partner then clearly there is an issue. but i think watching porn on occasion, say when a partner isn't up for it, isn't an issue. for me watching porn isn't about watching more attractive women, i believe my wife is more attractive then all them. it isn't about replacing my wife, because i'd rather be with her than watching porn 100%... but for me it's a matter of if we haven't been intimate for a while then i will occasionally masturbate.

  • This is a very true MyTake. I really related to those quotes from girls.
    I also think porn has taken over every fun thing about loosing your virginity as a boy. Before porn, a guy could only imagine what would happen durring sex and now it's already known by most boys beforehand.
    Another thing I would like to point out is, that as a woman you don't really know what is normal to do. My boyfriend asked me for anal and the only thing I knew was that it was normal in porn, so why should I be weird and say no. I guess if I had read this MyTake before I would not have gone through that pair... Then I would have known that it's not as normal as porn makes it seem.
    Plus not only do women get hurt when they accidentaly identify themselves with pornstars. My boyfriend once said to me, because I wasn't really good at sex, that I should watch some porn and after watching one, honestly I had less lust and thought "is this really what he want to do to me?"

  • I have no problem with my guy watching porn since I watch it too and know it for what it is, a release.

    • That is great! I agree. However, I feel that the line is drawn somewhere. When porn is watched on a regular basis that's usually when I see the problems start to arise in some relationships.

    • Yes I completely agree

  • What a useless take. Why do women seem to think that men watching porn has anything at all do do with what kind of sex they are having. Or even HOW much sex they are having. They have nothing to do with each other. You could be having sex 4 times a day and the guy is still going to watch porn. Actually the more sex you have, the more the guy will watch porn (sometimes). For me it was, to a small extent, used to get the gears going because I had low sex drive due to low testosterone levels. So I had to use it to keep up.
    No guy is watching porn and comparing the women to his woman. It doesn't work that way. Women trying to understand how men think is almost as bad as us men trying to make any sense out of how women think. unless you understand how we process it, you will never understand.
    at the end of the day, women sign up for porn, there are very very few cases where they are being forced. So sorry, the "exploitation" and other aspects don't hold water. IF these women stopped trying to think of porn as a woman, and tried to view it as a man, they would watch porn with their man and make it part of sex. It ends up with him watching only a few minutes with you as you thing progress to actual sex.

  • Many women want to have plastic surgery even without watching porn, and there are porn stars with natural body, personally I don't support plastic surgery in most cases, and I usually prefer an woman with natural body, both in porn and in relationship. In the end porn is only an adult films, watching porn is not even nearly as bad as cheating, going to an brothel, or even slutting around, and it's better alternative for all those things. Porn stars are sex workers, but they are working with other porn stars and not with clients, so it's far more equal relationship, and in many cases male porn stars are far more attractive and better at sex then prostitutes clients. The story that Alexa Cruz is sounding more real then the story of the second porn star that was trying too hard to play innocent and play victim, and even if she was telling was true, it's not relevant for modern porn industry which having much better working conditions, but many of the things that Alexa Cruz was telling are kinda distorted as well, she talk about how anal is hurting, like it's some kind of surprise, I know that anal is shit, both in porn and in relationship, and the same goes for deep throat. Some porn stars are not doing anal and gang bangs at all, and those porn stars are getting more respect from me for that, and it's also proves that porn stars don't have to do those things, yes they would be paid more for those things, but it's their own fault for being too greedy and not setting limits. As for the fact that many men are not willing to marry an porn stars and ex-porn stars, it's one of the reasons why many female porn stars are dating an male porn stars, did she really expect average joe to want her? unless she would manage to find someone who is very forgiving for sluts. Anyway, there is also the stories of Belle Knox and Natasha White who are feeling fine with their work as an porn stars, in part because they are more sexual women, and Belle Knox are one of the porn stars who is never do anal, and she is also demands to work with men who are young enough and closer to her age, as she was saying in one of her interviews and her words are backed up by her scenes.

  • Some people seem to not realize that there is a ton of porn that is practically homemade. There is obviously no big production company. People make it because they like showing themselves off.

    • Yes, I agree porn is porn. However, this still does not erase why it makes "some" women feel bad.

  • I don't care if my future partner watched porn before we became sexually active, but while we are, yes, it will hurt me.

    • again, sex and watching porn have nothing to do with one another...

    • @godfatherfan true but he would still be fantasizing about other women and looking and at other women and this is extremely disrespectful

    • fantasy is healthy for a relationship. It is absolutely not disrespectful. Being disrespectful would be to comment on other women or act out someway. what is in your head is your business. And don't tell me women don't do it. I am sure my ex wife fantasized about other men at some point. even before she started cheating. I have no issue with that at all. as long as it was my cock she was sucking and not theirs.

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  • Omg thanks

  • I watch porn when I want to get off and when my ex watched it I'd watch him and it was a huge turn on. I think the point is women don't like sexual rejection, I don't think porn is the issue here.

    • Or maybe some people don't get off watching their partner get off to another women. That's a very real possibility as well :P For me, it's not about sexual rejection, since whenever I want to have sex he's available, it's about the fact that he is looking at another woman and thinking about them in a sexual way. That really bothers me. There are a lot of times when he wants to have sex and I don't want to, but that doesn't mean he can go to someone else... by all means, masturbate away, but if you can't do it without looking at someone then I have an issue with it. He can use the hentai (little animation things) since they aren't real women or read sex stories or do it without. I also gave him naughty pictures that he can use. And since we live together and spend all our time together, a lot of times I'll let him jack off on me if I don't want to actually have sex. anyways, for me it's not about rejection, it's about him getting off to another girl.

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