Yes, I'm Allowed to Have a Problem With Transgender Bathrooms

My Problems with Transgender Bathrooms

My Future Children

I am a Christian. (Let me make that very clear.) I don't think God makes mistakes when he assigns gender. Period. So, I don't want my possible future kids to go to school, see all their friends using whatever name, gender, or bathroom they want, yet coming home and having me tell them it's not right and that God made us beautiful and just the way he wants us. No! No! No!

Personal Safety

Well, if any male can say he feels like a female that day and can waltz into a female bathroom, he can see I'm alone, then he can rape me. Ummmm... Hello? This is a serious problem. To me, the bathroom is a private place where girls have their girl problems. I don't even want to know what goes on in male restrooms. The female lavatory is where I can change my pad, put on some make up without worrying if the person entering is a female or a male pretending to be a female to see if their are any women or young girls in the bathroom that they can satisfy themselves with.

Yes, I'm Allowed to Have a Problem With Transgender Bathrooms

You Better Match Your Gender to Your Genitalia

Excuse me for feeling this way, but I feel that if you're going to be in the male's bathroom, when you drop your pants there better be something there resembling the male genitalia. Same for women. Little kids in the 6th grade know that if you have a penis, you're a boy. Why can't adults understand that, too? If you have the surgery and you now have a vagina, by all means, come on in.

I really don't care what you do in your free time. You can sleep with other females, other males, other biological males, other biological females, you can wear dresses over your hairy man chest or shave your hair and glue it to your face to make it look like you have a beard. I really don't care. However, if you invade my privacy for the sake of "your transgender rights" or "not offending you", you'll have to get along because I will not give those up without a fight. I have rights too, you know. None of them specifically state that I have the right to pee in a room exclusive to my gender, but I do think that we shouldn't force this on people who don't want transgender bathrooms.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • If it is a single-user bathroom, who the hell cares. I used the women's room last weekend at the taco shop I was at because some guy was taking too long. I've often seen women go in the men's room at clubs and concerts when their line gets too long. Who the hell cares.

    My college had coed bathrooms, with metal stalls like in most multi-user bathrooms. No one seemed to have a problem with it. Oh, and while there I knew 3 different girls in the dorms whose fathers were protestant ministers. They didn't seem to have any issues with it either.

    • These are actually very good points that I didn't even think to consider.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I agree.
    Not that transgender-bathrooms shouldn't exist, but people should have every right to choose to simply not use them. Rather than live with the double-standard of the PC police shoving 'equality of all' down their throats, yet robbing them of the right to do only what they're comfortable with, even if they're 100% straight.

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  • Okay, I'm not gonna be able to change your mind on the you being transphobic issue, but I'm sure as hell gonna refute that idiotic rhetoric about transgender inclusive bathrooms making things more dangerous. Do you know there's more cases of US senators sexually assaulting people in bathrooms than of trams people? And did you ever think that if a person wants to sexually assault someone, a sign on a door ain't gonna keep them out? Like, sexual assault cases already happen in bathrooms, and trans inclusive bathrooms ain't gonna make that a worse issue. Also, you know religious groups have actually started sending men into women's bathrooms to "prove their point", despite the issue not even being a problem in the first place. So basically, there's probably more religious people against the law making it an issue than there are trans people.

    So please, next time you write about something you clearly don't understand, do your research first.

    • Did I say "Transgender people will probably assault little girls in the bathroom"? Or did you read that? Because I said "Well, if any male can say he feels like a female that day and can waltz into a female bathroom, he can see I'm alone, then he can rape me." I'm saying straight men, would then be able to walk into any public restroom and not be questioned at all. As for not doing my research ("that I clearly didn't do"), I am a psychology student who happened to be assigned a study on gender dysphoria. I know brains, not how to handle internet rants from angry people.

    • Are you really asking me if I read what you said while completely missing my point? Again, this isn't about trans people. It's about the fact that trans inclusive laws will do literally nothing to stop sexual assault in bathrooms because if someone is gonna commit such an offense, then I'm pretty damn sure they ain't gonna care about the sign on the door in the first place. Also, it's pretty fucking easy to tell a trans woman from a straight guy honestly. If a trans woman is out, she's probably already presenting as female to some degree, which obviously a standard straight guy ain't gonna do. And clearly you're still not listening to what I'm saying. This isn't about trans people, it's not about psychology. It's about criminals and sexual predators and what will and won't enable them to commit assault.

    • I wasn't arguing with you. I was correcting your misinterpretation. Arguing with people over the internet is like arguing with a 2 year old... it's rather pointless. You're not going to change your mind, I'm not going to change my mind...

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  • Very valid points, and I agree with most of them.
    Rape is often an opportunistic crime, and what better opportunity for a rapist to encounter a little girl or a woman alone in a bathroom with only 1 exit. If people could enter any gender washroom they wanted, a rapist could just enter the women's washroom, see if there's any lone girls and do his deed. Or if there's more than one person inside, pretend to just use the bathroom normally and walk out without raising alarm as to his criminal intent.

    However, an even bigger picture perspective question should be asked. This questions is, "Why the fuck does anyone care so much about which bathroom they take a shit/piss in?".

    Frankly, I have better things to do with my life than support transgenders in their meaningless fight to piss and shit with the gender of their choosing. I think that if this issue is the revolving point in one's life, that person is a failure of a human being anyway.

  • I definitely agree.
    Your last two paragraphs summed up my entire opinion on the matter.

    If you are transgendered and have had the surgery or are planning on it and have undergone the estrogen/testosterone process/LOOK LIKE THE GENDER YOU WANT TO BE, then by all means come use the same bathroom.

    That is not the problem that I have.

    My problem is that an adult male who is straight and not transgendered can go into a females bathroom and that's perfectly okay... that should never be acceptable.

    • Also, I wish more people had a gender neutral single bathroom. That's not practical for a lot of places... but there should be that option. The problem is not that I don't want to share with the opposite gender or whatever, it's that I really don't want men invading my privacy when I'm in a compromising position. Just the thought makes me quite uncomfortable.

  • I read your myTake, Ms. Anon'y, which in itself seems sort of strange that you must hide if you are proud of your religious beliefs - Can't remember Jesus ever hiding his face, nor do I, but that's your business (like you said towards the end of your article - I agree!) and am answering, so I'd appreciate it if you would reciprocate and answer my questions. Thank you kindly, in advance! :)

    (A) If the answers are based in your religion, then what about freedom of religion. Why do you [you're beliefs] get to be the defining religion is what I'm asking? I DO understand where the ethics of the USA constitution and so forth come from, and do appreciate that! But those ethics include freedom of any/all religions, or the lack thereof, ma'am. How much influence that affords other religions is debatable, but Judaeo-Christian ethics need not (nor should they, in their own words nor traditions) exclude others religions from contributing to the general consensus. Would you not agree?

    (B) So God doesn't make mistakes when he assigns gender that can be surgically "repaired", fair enough! So what about all the horribly deformed babies that are born? They are perfect to by your logic, so we should let them remain in some painful medically-repairable state because God makes no mistakes? WWJD? Hmmm...

    (C) And, you say "I feel that if you're going to be in the male's bathroom, when you drop your pants there better be something there resembling the male genitalia"... so when God "blesses" someone with genitalia that appears freakishly unlike the other of your gender (or even both sexes) then what? Should we not allow them to use EITHER bathroom? Or would you prefer banning them from any restroom and legalizing public urination and defecation? Or maybe we need to institutionalize them? What exactly would you consider proper?

    (D) And I do find it hard to understand how a guy (gender decided 'perfectly' by God) can take hormones and have a doc cut his junk off, drill a new lady part into him and you suddenly invite "it" into the lady's room with arms wide-open. How does that make sense from you're point of view, as a Christian?

    I'm not saying that I don't necessarily agree with many of the very points that I am arguing against, I just think that some of your reasoning is very confusing and can ultimately be very dangerous.

    I personally think that all this transgender/transsexual stuff is kinda ridiculous, but hat a matter for another thread!

  • Lol this is so stupid in my opinion. Nobody is getting undressed or anything in bathrooms, and even if they are bathrooms have compartments for each toilet so no one can see shit anyways.
    And the argument about rape is dumb, you can be raped anywhere, in your home, own bed, street, bush, alley. And either way most rape cases don't happen in public places. Men don't just jump at any woman that they see are alone. 🙄

    Male-to-female people are honestly safer going to a female bathroom than a male one because men tend to have more of a problem with transgendered than females at the moment, and they are so much more likely to get in trouble like getting beat up, so have a bit of sympathy no?

    And as for transgender specific bathrooms I don't think they should exist. I mean we might as well just make a unisex bathroom, why tf not? Been to many, never had a single problem at all.

    • But we need the law to stop rape in the bathroom! After all, rapists are very law-abiding. Just like gun laws stop gangs from shooting people.

  • Wow so much drama for restooms. Well I'll have to break down your complaint on to section this is going to take a while.
    Okay your future children complaint first thing your right God dosent make mistakes God gives people trials and excpects us to rise to those occasions in the case of transgender their trials are finding themselves in an ever confusing world and learning who they are beyond the physical in that allowing them to change for who they are inside. We as a people all go threw this it's called self discovery but for those that discover they are different inside than they are outside their trials are different than the norm and have to develop themselves diffently than what anyone else will as we grow in society we must realise that personal growth is not just some simple black and white line that everyone can just pick from, but for some is a giant devotion in who they are and who they will be. You nor anyone else has the right to determine their struggles to be any less and in turn have no right to judge the change of another to meet the reality of their inerself to do so intervenes in their journey threw life and intervenes with the trials God has in place for them. So in a nutshell God is the only true judge and to judge in place of God is to blasfeam him/her. As for what to tell your future kids it's simple tell them to not judge because to do so is wrong and only to follow their hearts and grow as individuals while speaking higher understanding period.
    Let's see what's next ah " personal safety " it is a pruven fact that transgender restrooms have not lead to any increase in rape cases nor do they hold any inherent threat to scociet in any legal manner pertaining to sexual assault and or rape. By the way if you're not using a stall that locks to change your pad then you are gross and just showing your business to everyone else in the restroom "I really hope your not claiming that's the case" also female restrooms all have stalls so you can do your business in private so you don't have to see anyone else use the restroom and you can have personal privacy. In fact the only to! es you see anyone else is when your going in to use the facilities or wasing your hands and leaving. So your statement is incorrect threw out the board.
    Let's see o last section wow we're already here I ! ay have to use another section well last one was "You Better Match Your Gender to Your Genitalia" new section time.

    • let's see your first comment was if you drop your pants there had Better be something there resembling the male genetalia. First of its called a penis if you can't say the word stay out of commenting on it please. Now again that's why they make stalls so people can have privacy helllooooo think. Also guess what the surgery that you are o so okay with jas rules before hand an a lot of trials a female transgender must go threw before the surgery can be done also the creation of male genitalia is much more costly. Which is one of the many reasons female transgender choose to not get it done. But that dosent matter because there's a stall for privacy and there is even a funel like invention now in days women can use to urinate standing up so they to can use the urnal if they so choose. It's not a choice for transgender to be any different than whom they are inside its not some free time hobby it's their lives and you should be more respectful that not everyone has it so easy like you.

    • It's not your right to judge nore tell people what is right or wrong or how they should dress or for that mater what they should do with hair on their chest as you so eloquently and fulishly put it. No one is is invading your privacy because your privacy starts in a stall in a public restroom and ends when you walk out of that stall to wash your hands. Now if you're telling me that isted of using a stall you bed over by the trash can and piss and crap like an animal in the wild or like your on some odd camping trip then you need help so you can learn where the stall is. No one is forcing you to do anything in fact the reason it's called a public toilet is just that it's open to the public you don't have to use it if you don't want to but you don't have the right to stop others from using it just because you don't like the policy's. Also just a fun fact although rape hasn't gone up violence to the LGBT community has been high for a log time and has increased do to ignorance like yours.

    • What a shame that human race has stopped evolving and growing because of ignorance like yours my god have mercy on your soul.

  • You meant this as satire, right?

    If so. . . hilarious!

    If not. . . oh boy.

  • Gender reassignment surgery is expensive. You are basically limiting a person's right to use the bathroom for their true gender based on wealth. Hmm. That doesn't sound right, unless, of course, you're planning on paying for all of the operations they need to "pass" as their self identified gender. Then great! Win win!

  • 1. I don't get how this is really a good point? You don't want your kids to see that not all people live by your ideas of right or wrong? Shouldn't you be in the right, and guiding them so a simple difference of opinion/morality, won't shake the foundation of everything your kids know? I knew some people didn't have pets as a child, that didn't make me wonder why I ever had them?

    2. I usually go to the public bathroom to pee, not to solve girl problems? Honestly, you've probably been in the bathroom with a trans person loads of times and you were never assaulted. A rapist and a trans person are cut from two different cloths. And the woman's sign on the bathroom isn't treated with a magical spell that keeps evil people out. Unfortunately, women have been raped in the bathroom long before this topic became popular.

    3. So, you think once someone has the surgery, they are allowed into whatever bathroom they want? If a trans woman who looks 100% like a woman goes into the men's bathroom, she may run into problems, just like you if you did. And if a trans man goes into the bathroom looking 100% like a man, you're going to be pissed off that a man is in the bathroom with you, so why not just let the guy go to the guy's bathroom? Do you want trans men in the bathroom with you?

    • I think the only real problem is that men who are not transgendered by any means can now legally use the woman's facilities. I wish we could throw the whole transgender debate out of here and focus on that... At least, I for one, do think that legitimately transgendered people (who look and act like the sex they identify with) can use the bathroom that makes them most comfortable... but women should not have to fear a man entering the bathroom, nefarious purposes or not.

    • @Mekkalyn But the thing is even if a man was to go in the bathroom he will do it regardless. Lol if he was going to spy on women or just rape someone he still going to do it. Also, how are you going to say to someone they are not a transgender person or not? or they don't fit the requirements of a transgender person who are you to decide that or anyone really? I think they will know themselves.

    • @NatashaJ Um... if a man who looks like a man and not like a woman enters the bathroom, I don't care what they claim they "identify with"... because it's clear that they don't actually identify with that gender if they do not attempt to look the part.

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  • Don't you know by now that tolerance only flows in one direction. That is why saying the word "christmas" is offensive, and why people are insensitive if they say it, but your being offended will be called an act of bigotry. Basically only certain groups are allowed to be offended, and the rest of us have to give up everything we believe in to cater to them. Their twisted version of tolerance isn't tolerant at all.

  • Your arguments are very flawed. There is no foundation to the argument that this is going to make us safer in the bathroom (https://abcnews. go. com/US/sexual-assault-domestic-violence-organizations-debunk-bathroom-predator/story? id=38604019). Also what invasion of privacy are you talking about. Trans people aren't going to go peeping into stalls you know. Lastly how would you know what a trans person's original sex was unless they told you?

    If anyone's safety is threatened it is that of trans people. They are much more likely to be the victims of assault (https://time. com/3999348/transgender-murders-2015/). Laws like HB2 only fuel transphobia and bigotry.

    Perhaps the people we should fear are the right wing bigots like yourself who are getting so obsessed over genitals and toilets.

  • I will only say this...
    *** you can be raped at any time ANY where!!!
    I go with my daughter's into public restrooms... try to explain why we have taught them since diapers girls have vaginas boys have penis then they see a chick flapping out their penis.. Explain THAT to a child!!!
    I do not agree this should be a thing.. I swear this world is going to shit.. Fn cry babies!!!

  • THANK YOU!!! This is EXACTLY how I feel.

  • I have one short reply to this, and that is it.

    Too. Fucking. Bad.

  • Great mytake I'm glad that more Christians are starting to speak up about things.

  • yeah i agree! i dont care about peoples sexual orientations or what they do its not my life, but i definitely do care about sharing a bathroom with men. im not trying to get raped just because nobody see's anything wrong with a man coming into the same bathroom. im not just talking about trans men, im saying that this little "problem" people are discussing so much will definitely lead to straight men and straight women raping others.

  • Actually, you still have your privacy in the stalls. But what many do not realize is that the same rules are starting to apply to locker rooms, where there are no stalls. In Oregon directions were sent to the schools about allowing anyone to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of the gender they identify with at that time. There is no requirement for proof of your preference and you can change it at any time. (like four times a day) this is where the problems really begins.

  • To me saying stuff goes against your religion just comes off as an excuse. Just to hide behind what you truly feel and hate with ever fiber of your body. You don't hate them being there because of some god that has no proof of existing. You hate them because your closed minded and think their abominations. Be honest about your disgust and hatred towards them using bathrooms. Don't hide behind your religion like a coward and saying, "it's just due to how my god said it's wrong."

    In female bathrooms nobody see's you peeing. Unless your being a creep and looking through the cracks of the stall. So I don't see how little kids could see other peoples junk unless they are climbing into that persons stall. In that case your being a horrible parents in letting them invade others peoples privacy. Even more I've seen parents take little boys into the women bathroom. That creeps me the fuck out because they are little boys and could easily crawl under the stalls and peak at everything. Though they would think innocently at that, still it's fucking creepy and I hate mothers that do that.

    • I Pretty much agree with you, but I try to hold not a single pie in the desert sky against another. I don't think that religion was in anyway designed as a means of control! HA! That's madness! But I do know that it is used as such many times in the modern era! And people love to use it to give them purpose... purpose is what? Who do you think came up worth he concept of purpose? Yup! So while the most desirable question that people want to ask, " What is the purpose/meaning of life?" may be very universal... it's ultimately difficult to understand how useless it would be to ask, should anyone be given ONE question! LOL!

    • That picture was completely mixed up, and I meant nothing to this person by it... I am very sorry! Please ignore it, and if your have moderation abilities then either delete the whole post or at least hide it! Please!

    • @smell-my-fingers I figured the picture was something silly. As in you were trying to be a silly cocky about it. :D

  • If you have penis go in the mens. If you have a vagina or inverted penis vagina thing then go in the girls. Simple as that. No arguments anymore please. I dont care if you are a drag queen. You have a penis and will scare the ladies so you are just gonna have to put up with guys in the mens. You chose to be different so deal with it.

  • Explain to me how a sign on a door magically protects you from being raped?
    Also explain how is a man who had his penis removed not a danger anymore (since he was obviously dangerous before).

    If kids know that if you have a penis you're a boy, it's because we taught them that way. They're not born with that knowledge.

    I am not surprised you are a christian since you don't seem to use your logic too much.

    • it doesn't protect you from being raped but sharing a bathroom with definitely increase rape. right now at least if someone see's the opposite sex going in the wrong bathroom, they'll be suspicious and someone will more likely do something to prevent them from sexually abusing anyone, and the opposite sex is not as likely to go in the wrong bathroom because they know that there may be more then one person in there who will do something about them coming in. and your acting as though a bathroom is just some kind of room, its a place where people literally take their pants off. its so easy to just get into the stall with them or wait until they come out. this bathroom idea is like a rapists dream come true.

    • *will

    • @KRIEL55 Seriously, this is histeria.

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