My Reaction to the Buzzfeed Feminists

So @DaddyRollingStone recently answered these questions, but he's not the first person to do so on the internet and I have my own take on it. Here it is :)

1. How does it feel to be the same sex as Donald Trump

Not like anything in particular. Last time I checked, sharing the same genitalia with somebody does not mean you share the same brain as well. For example, I'm sure plenty of women aren't as batshit crazy as Nicole Arbour ... or maybe not, I'm not so sure anymore. Well hopefully women wouldn't be burning any protestants at the stake like the bloody queen Mary. Ok, that's a question for you women, I guess: since you get to ask me, how does it feel to be like Donald Trump, I get to ask you how it feels like to be Mary I of England. Fair?

2. Why do you hate RomComs, or do you just feel like you need to hate RomComs?

First up, why would I feel like I NEED to hate RomComs? Because it is unmasculine? Well I like lots of romantic films that are not masculine but aimed at a female market. For example, the Painted Veil which stars Edward Norton is one of my all-time favourite movies. It has amazing acting, gripping plotline, character development and even has an underlying philosophical message for women. Walter Fane( Edward Norton) plays the not-so stereotypical nice guy in a lot of ways. He is handsome, intelligent, has a good career and many other attractive attributes but cannot get his wife, Kitty Garstin to love him. She ends up cheating on him with the stereotypical player/badboy who just uses and abuses her. Then has to move with Walter to Shanghai rather than accept divorce which would affect her social status so deeply.

She does not see any of his good qualities and is selfish and spoilt until the end of the movie when she finally sees what an amazing man Walter Fane is - who treats the natives of Shanghai for their illness. Sadly, he dies of the illness himself, and only then does Kitty realise what she has lost. Message for women: don't spend your life chasing players and badboys when the man that you want and need is right in front of you. Now I would take a film like this over cheesy, cliched RomComs with no story line made in recent years ANY DAY. Make a good RomCom that's actually good quality and makes jokes that are ... you know, funny? ... and maybe, just maybe I'll give it a shot.

3. Why do you make women sit around and talk about men in movies when men can talk about boobs for hours?

Personally, I don't talk about boobs for hours and I don't know many other men that do either. There's 101 things I'd prefer to talk about and that are much more interesting. But I have a better question: why do women feel like it's shameful to talk about men in a sexualised context and repress their desires so that they can give the appearance of being "above sex" and "sexually superior than men"? Grow up, you bunch of conservative prudes!

4. Why do you automatically assume you won't like TV/movies that star a female lead?

I don't, as long as you don't portray incredibly unrealistic situations like, "woman get's surrounded by 15 men in an alleyway and kicks their asses with a deadly blend of Kung Fu and Taekwondo", in the name of "female empowerment" rather than show what would realistically happen, which is that she get's robbed, raped, beaten, etc. Show me good, realistic female protagonists that haven't come straight out of a stereotypical American high school for jocks and cheerleaders and I would be thrilled to see that. After all, it's not like TV in general has good character development to offer and that goes for men AND women.

5. Why are you surprised when women are funny?

Well, it is a somewhat rare phenomena. Look at male comedians - total bosses that rip shit out of everything - and compare that to female comedians that either try to make everything about politics (especially feminism) - not funny - or they talk about their vaginas and period pains - both unfunny, and gross to hear about. There's good female comedians out there and typically, they aren't feminists and somewhat masculine themselves. #Sorrynotsorry

6. Why do you think we are obsessed with you when we hookup?

It's so rare a woman even hooks up - with the excuse that she gets too involved with her feelings and the guy leaves her feeling used (because sex is degrading to women ... of course!). Then, when she does hook up with a guy, low and behold she is emotionally attached to him and the guy has left her feeling used (because everybody knows sex is degrading to women ... right? Right?).

7. Why can't I sleep with as many people as I want to without being judged? When men do it, they're congratulated?

I personally think the reverse is true: a woman that has sex with lots of people is revered as open-minded, confident in her sexuality, an icon for feminism and femininity. By contrast, a guy that has sex, or wants to have sex, with lots of people, is a sleaze, scum-bag, player wannabe, etc. If the guy is a successful player, then ok, maybe, just maybe, he is revered. But that is because of how fucking hard it is for a guy to get laid compared to what a woman has to do. Ladies, if you want to stop being slut-shamed (by the way, nobody ACTUALLY knows your partner count except for you) then STOP being hypergamous. Problem solved, because it's hypergamy that's really being frowned upon - more so than promiscuity.

8. Why do you consider a women a tease if she doesn't sleep with you after 3 dates but a slut if she sleeps with you on the 1st date?

Now these are actually TWO different kinds of guys. I repeat, they are TWO different guys. The first guy is a player, or player wannabe, while the second guy is a conservative prude. Get the difference? You don't hear a guy that thinks BOTH these things that often. If a player thought that a woman's a slut for sleeping with him on the 1st date, then he's an idiot because she's not going to do that. If a conservative judgmental douchebag thought a woman is a tease for not sleeping with him after 3 dates, then he's more of an idiot, because he's probably not ever going to get the commitment he craves. And some guys that criticise both are actually criticising hypergamy, not promiscuity. Most likely, they want a MIDDLE GROUND (yes, a middle ground is not a contradiction).

9. In what world does no mean yes?

So many things wrong with this question (see: loaded question). For a start, rapists that say "no means yes" don't actually believe that, they just don't care. Moralising with them is not going to make them care. Mace spray and useful self-defence might make them care a little, however. Other guys that say "no means yes" are talking about the women that play "consent games" in the bedroom: oh she likes what you're doing ... oh wait, actually no: you're going too far ... ok, ok you can carry on ... wait, actually no, I've changed my mind, sorry! Now, I don't think guys should play "consent games" back, but it's fair to say that these women are crazy psycho bitches that are playing some fucked up, dangerous shit ... and yes, they're definitely out there!

10. Why do you say women are too emotional to be leaders but justify catcalling by saying men can't control themselves?

Fun fact: guys that make contradicting statements like this aren't necessarily speaking for the rest of us. All I will say is that women often say it's "catcalling" when a guy just says "hey, what's up". Truth is, it's creepy behaviour and catcalling when the guy is unconfident, unattractive or both, and charming, suave behaviour that makes the girl's day when the guy is both confident and attractive. Some women need to learn what the actual legal definition of harassment is, methinks. And yes, the same women that think just saying "hey, what's up" is catcalling are probably too emotional to make for good leaders.

11. Why do you think just because you're nice to me, I owe you my body?

This isn't even the nice guy complaint. The nice guy complaint is that they can be an attractive, sweet and intelligent guy but get no female attention, whereas the guy that stands out by being domineering and a total arsehole can get female attention, even when they have none of the same attractive qualities - hell, some of those guys do not even have to LOOK good. Literally, just being a dominant arsehole is enough. But the "nice guys" that think women OWE them they're body? Come on!

12. Why would you send an unsolicited dick pic?

Uh ... you'll have to ask the guys that actually do that.

13. Why do you think it's ok to harass women but when someone does it to your sister it's not ok?

I don't think it's ok to harass women and if I had a sister, then anybody who harassed her would be turning back to a left hook to the jaw.

14. Why do you feel the need to interrupt me while I'm making a point during a meeting?

People interrupt and interject to make points sometimes - that's just the flow of conversation. For example, if somebody has just made 10 points and about to make another 10, it's kind of difficult to sit back and listen to them when you know all 10 points made were totally wrong and you know that if you don't say anything now, everybody else is going to fall for that person's bullshit. Women interrupt as well, it's just that when THEY interrupt it's not an interruption, it's an "interjection" - *oh, of course, it was an interjection, allow me to excuse your lack of courtesy then.*

15. Why do you sit with your legs wide open?

They're not spread apart that wide, they're just not crossed and I don't cross them because (a) it looks effeminate and gay guys do it and (b) it can be uncomfortable when you're crushing your junk.

16. Why are women perceived as the weaker sex, even though we birth you?

They're physically weaker, that's not to say that they're emotionally weaker (although men to have to be all stoic and pretend like everything's fine otherwise they're not real men, whereas women usually have no shortage of shoulders to cry on).

17. Why is it so bad to show your emotions?

Personally, I do show my emotions sometimes, just not all the time and to get attention, because that would be self-indulgent, immature and narcissistic. Sometimes stoicism is a virtue (sometimes!).

18. Why are you always trying to prove your masculinity?

Who wouldn't? I want to be perceived as a masculine guy that lifts weights, does sports, has a good job, a nice apartment and has a desirable physique because those are all admirable qualities. It's no different than women who want to be seen as feminine: people appreciate a woman more if she is slender, beautiful, caring and nurturing. Similarly, masculinity in a man is virtuous. It's not the only virtue, but it is a virtue. Now if you're talking about MACHOISM, then that's a different subject altogether. You'd have to ask the macho dickheads why they act macho.

19. Why the fuck isn't it ladylike to cuss?

I'd say it's ineloquent, vulgar and men should not cuss either: swearing is just extremely pervasive in our culture, because we always hear our friends and family swear, so sometimes it's difficult to articulate a thought without swearing. Keep in mind though, vulgarity and lack of eloquence are especially unfeminine attributes and given everything I stated above, as a woman do you REALLY want to be perceived as unfeminine?

20. Why is it your first instinct to doubt women who have been sexually violated or raped?

It's definitely NOT my first instinct. But similarly, it's not my instinct to just assume that a guy who's been accused of rape is automatically guilty: innocent before proven guilty. To rape accusers, I ask: where's your proof? Have proof? Great. Don't have proof ... I can understand that there's not always proof for everything bad that happens and can sympathise with your predicament if you are a genuine victim of rape, but for the sake of true justice, please try a little harder.

21. Why do you assume a woman is angry because she's on her period?

I don't necessarily, but my experience being around women on their period is that they often do get batshit crazy and angry for practically no reason whatsoever. We need a system, I don't know, like, alone time and bed in breakfast for women on their period ... but then that's one full week for every month, which is (a) frequent and (b) long. Damn, we have a problem here.

22. Why do you think women who wear makeup are false advertising? We could say the same about your dick size

Unless the guy's got a pair of socks stuffed down his trousers, I don't get how he's false advertising. As for makeup, well you can use the stuff to distort facial contours, cover acne and add colour to pale, dull skin that hasn't seen sunlight due to years of being plastered in a thick smudge of paint. Now this doesn't mean ALL women in make up are automatically ugly: a lot are drop-dead gorgeous, with or without. But for the love of god, attractive women, us guys don't actually know what you look like naturally unless you bare all. If you must wear makeup, keep it basic: a bit of concealer or foundation with a spot of eyeliner is perfectly sufficient to meet fashion criteria. If you just want to look good on a day to day basis, fine but please, please, don't use it to bag a tonne of calvin klein boxer short models that would normally be out of your league...well that probably wouldn't happen anyway, I guess. But still, you get my point.

23. Isn't it weird that a bunch of old white men sitting in a room together making legislation about what I can and can't do with my body?

Do I agree with restricting abortion? Hell no. But what you really mean with this question is (by the way: loaded question, AGAIN), isn't weird that elected officials can write laws necessary to ensure ethical human conduct? No, it is not because a healthy human society actually NEEDS laws, and somebody needs to write laws. If you don't like the fact they're all old white men, then ... elect more young black women, I guess? Take it up with the constituents, not just men in general. It's not MEN's fault.

24. Why are straight guys obsessed with lesbians?

Because one woman by herself is already hot ... now what would be even hotter? Oh my gawd ... two hot women together! *Scientific revelation alert: humans tend to want even MORE of the things that they already like!!*

25. How does it feel to get kicked in the balls?

Depends how hard you get kicked - if it's barely a tap or a full on muay thai front kick to the crown jewels that are connected to the bladder and several other autonomously regulated zones in the human body. If it's just a tap, then probably not as much as guys say but still probably more than a kick to a ladies' private parts would.

26. Do you ever get tired of trying to be manly all of the time?

I don't try. I participate in manly activities and hope that this will make me more manly naturally. And of course, being manly naturally is a good thing - a very good thing.

27. Why are you so afraid of gender equality?

I'm not, I'd love it if guys had the same paternal rights, if they didn't have to give half their belongings to some golddigger in a court of law and if guys had the same kind of power in the dating game as women do. Some gender equality would actually be a nice thing - good question!

28. How do I deserve to be paid less than you?

I'm not going to get into all the statistics about this but there's studies that support this claim and studies that call bull. What I'm going to point out is that, yes, guys doing really strenuous and dirty blue collar labour type jobs probably do deserve a bit more than women who are just working office jobs.

29. In what world does 77 cents equal a dollar?

It doesn't.

30. In what world does 68 cents equal a dollar?

Which is it? 68 cents or 77?

31. Why are you intimidated by a woman who makes more money than you?

I'm not. Attractive and high ranking professional women are sooooo hot.

32. Why are opinionated women seen as bitches when opinionated men are seen as bosses?

Nah, opinionated people in general suck.

33. Why aren't you speaking up when your male friends, behind closed doors, say offensive things about women?

Jesus Christ ... do you think I belong to the patriarchy conspiracy club? By the way, I used to have a friend that was both a racist and misogynist and no I never used to say anything because he was not going to change his opinions for me so why bother? I would simply request politely that he change the topic of conversation. Moralising does not do shit: he already knows what I think. Guys that talk about tits, vag and period hysteria all the time already know what I think, and if they don't, they aren't going to care. I'm just the weakling emasculated feminist bitch after all - what can I say or do that will make a difference?

34. Why are you so afraid of recognizing your own privilege?

The so-called privileges that say my gender must work dirty, physically difficult, dangerous jobs? The privilege that if I show emotions then I'm not a real man? The privilege that getting raped by another man in jail is comedy gold - and I probably deserve it for being in jail? The privilege that I have to chase around dozens of women getting rejected countless times and am expected to pay for dates and stuff before I can have a girlfriend? The privilege that if I get a divorce, I will probably have to fork over half my belongings to my bitch of a wife and I won't get the same parental rights as her? I'm sorry, what privileges is it exactly that you are talking about?

0 10

Most Helpful Girl

  • Usually anti-feminists on this website are difficult to take seriously (I feel the same way about hardcore feminists, don't worry), but your strength is that you maintain some air of neutrality when answering most of the questions, so props for that.

    As a side note, to be honest... I don't think males are funnier. I think male and female humor just looks different, as though male humor is more masculine and female humor is more feminine. Men tend to be more sarcastic or primal and women tend to be more ditzy or spontaneous/emotional.

    • thanks. also, "I think male and female humor just looks different" Fair enough. Male humour just tends to appeal to me personally a lot more. Mainly because I'm more psychologically in tune with it and female humour tends to be more about moralising (not always) which isn't my cup of tea personally.

Most Helpful Guy

  • buzzfeed is the reason why people don't take feminism seriously. They talk about sexism being a problem in the world a lot and then resort to nothing but stereotypes to put men down.

    • tbh feminism will always be a problem because of it's name. until more people start being equalitarians, we're going to keep on having these issues.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 16
  • Dude, all very interesting, but don't waste your time and energy. Trying to shed light and get a feminist to see reality and remove her horse blinders is like trying to administer medicine to a dead person in the hopes their condition gets better.

    At the end of the day, the opinions of people who consider (genuinely listen to, understand and consider) the legitimate views, opinions and concerns of everyone, weighs them against reality and through the cold dispassionate knife of reason, and only then has something to say... matter MORE than the opinions of people who twist other people's legitimate issues, dismiss the opinions of others, and live in the limited reality their narrow horse blinders allow them to see.

    So, they're starting on lower ground, and maintaining their lower ground with videos like that. There's no need for you to say anything. Sometimes, you just have to let people keep using their shovel furiously as they continue to dig themselves further down their self-glorified hole.

    • very true, I just get absorbed by the drama of it all and it is all very entertaining.

    • I would agree except that these types of people have managed to lobby for unfair and sexist laws as well as having a strong grasp on our educational system which every person is require to go through (thus increasing their ranks).

    • @hellionthesage so spend your time, energy and resources lobbying lawmakers, not people on GaG.

    • Show All
  • Bro, why did you waste so much time? Don't talk about them.
    • you live in a country that needs it, my man.

    • Hell nope. You westerners may think that we rape them, we don't let them vote, we keep them inside our house locked. Come here and see the REALITY, not what media PORTRAYS.

    • I've been to India

    • Show All
  • Ah feminist Cringefeed again.

    They are all over the place with their rants... I think girls get hormonal because ones have literally told me they get super pissy and I've seen it. One lashed out at me when I was saying something and told me to shut up, then kept asking me what I was going to say when I said too bad, almost broke into tears.. Really fucking weird.

    Equality would be fine with me, feminism isn't.
    Though now they're literally complaining about how men sit and and how they like to be masculine? Should everyone cut cut their genitals off so girls can be less feminine and guys can be less masculine?

  • You missed the point for 28, they are referring to the same job. Not blue collar vs white collar. Also, the 68 and 77 cent thing is based on the race of the woman. Do I care about any of this, no. I was just checking to see if this was the same take I read earlier. I just noticed you were confused on what the questions meant.

    • and like I said, even for the same job, the claim is dubious. in particular, we can probably agree that men performing jobs that require physical labour are going to perform much better than women, so it's not inequality that they get paid more. also the question asker never specified whether it was for the same job or not, she just asked why women get paid less and left the claim ambiguous.

    • Its been disproved again and again and again. Every single study that has shown that gap has not accounted for it being the same job has not taken into account that women work fewer hours are more likely to take time off for children, work less overtime, call in sick more often and are are less likely to take longer commutes for more pay. The only occupations where their is an actuall statisticly significant wage gap are in pornography where women make significantly more then men, modeling where the highets paid female models life time earnings where 47 million to the highest paid male models 1.5 million and within the stem fields where women thanks to few women entering those fields and the female highering quota (which only applies to male fields, and then only the desirable ones) cause women to have higher starting pay then their male counter parts. As for the race differences, their is almost certainly an explanation that doesn't involve racism.

    • @hellionthesage I literally don't care. Just explaining the half-assed questions.

    • Show All
  • I read DaddyRollingStone's Take on this, and while I hate to follow the crowd, I'm thinking about posting my own of one of these.

    • ahah do it, the temptation is too big

  • Buzzfeed sucks and the people in their videos make me cringe.

  • Ewww feminist

  • Buzzfeed is an internet wasteland

  • Long live the King!!

  • Buzzfeed should just stick to making polls to help people figure out what kind of deli meat they are.
    "I'm such a salami"

  • Stop giving buzzfeed attention. The world loses IQ points as a whole every time someone clicks on one of their videos. Stop doing it.

  • How does it feel to get kicked in the balls? Hm, I don't know, how does it feel to get your tits groped by a stranger? Not so funny, huh?

  • I look at it this way women want to do the same work as a man fine I have no problem with it. They want to enlist in the Special Forces of the United States Military, I say go for it as long as you can do it like the men.
    I'm not hating on women, the problem I have is with feminism. They demand, but also want special treatment. That does not work for me. Either you want to be equal with men, or you want us to treat you differently. You cannot have it both ways.

    • "Either you want to be equal with men, or you want us to treat you differently." And that's basically it. Personally I would prefer that they chose equality but one thing that's for sure is that women definitely cannot have their cake AND eat it. That's just ridiculous. This is why I'm an equalitarian and not a feminist.

  • Buzzfeed is the trashbin of the Internet. Let's hope the Hulkester forces them out of business, too.

  • Legit question — why is crossing your legs seen as "feminine"? I'm even sitting cross-legged right now, because it's quite simply more comfortable.

    • I didn't say it was more feminine. I said it was perceived as more feminine. It's also closed body language which can be perceived as cold/distant/aggressive.

  • As soon as words like "feminist" or "vegan" or anything along that line pops up, that's a signal for me to just leave because no amount of logic and reason can cure their illnesses.

  • Funny, I just watched a LeafyisHere video about this Buzzfeed thing.

    • leafy is amazing

    • Hiss

    • @1whetam1 hissssssssssssssss

  • Disgust should be your reaction to anything BuzzFeed makes to be honest.

  • I only read to #4 because it was all irritating, but just for that one in particular: So Superman is totally realistic? And the Bourne movies? And Fist of Legend?


    • "Superman is totally realistic? And the Bourne movies? And Fist of Legend?" No, those are shit movies as well.

    • Then that would be a personal preference more than anything else. There is just as much of a chance of a woman being a superhero and there is a male so that was a stupid comment.

    • I really don't know what you're saying, I never implied contrary but whatever.

    • Show All
  • I sense a lot of anger from you towards women on this take... I personally didn't like those girls questions either because they were stereotypical questions and they didn't apply to all men. But your answers were just like... Wtf you sound sexist just like them.

    • Nah, I don't really see how they were sexist. I guess because people all believe the feminist dogma that floats around, anything to the contrary sounds sexist.

    • I'm not a feminist, nor to I believe what feminists say.

    • right, so this take should be no problem for you

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