A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

Now there are certain things that are so stupid that only people who are so idiotic that you just can't take anything they say seriously do or quote.

1. You actually believe that a 'Race War' is going to happen

A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

There is really only a single type of person who thinks this. They are often found in KKK meetings, on the Stormfront Forums, or really any place that's is host to a fuckload of racist idiots. They are found in North America, Australia, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, they are only not found in Antarctica because the population is limited to research scientists and the fact is the people who think this generally have an IQ of at most 80, Seriously, the fact is that this shit has been going on for a while, now that the GOP is dying the fact is there is really no place to go but up.

2. Using any of the following as a source of news

A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

A. Brietbart

B. Infowars

C. Abovetopsecret

3. Quoting any of the following Conspiracies

A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

A. The government is secretly putting fluoride in your water to poison you. (The government is very openly putting fluoride in water because its a very cheap way to help fight tooth decay, it is also where the British teeth stereotype come from as the U.S started doing it way before the U.K and as a result there was actually a big difference in dental health)

B. Planes release chemtrails and are trying to mind control us all.

C. The Moon landing was faked (everything that people use to say that has been debunked, its real fucking deal with it.)

D. Obama/Bush/Trump/Clinton, is going to declare martial law and put us all in FEMA camps. (What the fuck do people have against FEMA, after that huge New England storm that flooded thousands of basements in my area they GAVE US MONEY)

E. Many world leaders are secretly alien lizard people who want to turn us into their slaves and use use as cattle among them numbers, The Queen, The president, The pope, celebrities.

F. Vaccines cause Autism, (That guy made up his numbers and had his medical license revoked for it)

4. Acting like any of the following go against the Constitution

A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

The constitution says JACK about the following issues:

A. Same Sex Marriage

B. Abortion

C. Universal Healthcare

These things are not prohibited by the constitution, they do not go against the constitution so at least have the goddamn common courtesy that you either don't want to put in a healthcare system because money is more important to you than the lives of innocent Americans who can't pay, or in the case of the first two that you don't want the separation of church and state inherent in the constitution and in that case just fucking move to some backwater third world country.

5. Thinking any of the following

A Bunch of Things That Will Make Me Stop Taking You Seriously

A. The World is 6000 years old (You do know that wasn't a thing in theology till some lunatic said it in the 1800s right/)

B. That Global Warming is a Hoax. (You fucking moron its not)

C. That Marxist politicians are destroying America (Show me a single member of congress or the senate who is a Marxist, the closest we have is Sanders and he is more like Eisenhower or FDR.)

D. That FDR worsened the Depression (Thats just some bullshit historical revisionism.)

The fact is there are more things but that is all for today

3 3

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3 4
  • This was good!

  • It terrifies me that people actually think or do any of that

  • How stupid must a person be to believe in conspiracy theories...

  • I agree mostly but.. I also feel like, I could defend some of these and prove you wrong in an argument 😃 So will that make me a very special kind of idiot ?

    • above average idiot very special 😄

    • @Tomboy_Cool "Special" as in good special, or "special" as in *special needs* special?

    • @Intraluminal good special

  • Eh, only listing conservative news networks isn't really fair. Even CNN is so full of political bias now that it make me cringe to read it. I actually have to watch Fox News afterwards to balance it out. The only viable news comes from out of country where reporters and sources are at least somewhat impartial. The liberal media is just as toxic and polarized as the conservative media.

    • I was going to list them and all the British tabloids but I just stuck to ones that consistently promote conspiracy theories, Its the reason I didn't list fox news either

    • Add NYdailynews, who posted an article about how firing an AR15 is "horrifying, menacing and very very loud". The AR15 is one of the softest shooting, most forgiving firearms around, hence the popularity. Anything owned by, or related to Gawker should be on the list as well.

    • Nydailynews, is that a local thing, cause if we wanted to list local news sources we could be here all day

  • this post gave me emorroids
    and wrong spelling

  • Waffles there is a race war coming. Well, it's not so much a race war as it is a war between constitutionalists and those who have drunk the Kool-Aid.

    The reason the candidates this election are so bad is because Trump, Clinton, and B. O. are all working together. Think about it. B. O. is basically the walking incarnation of a Stalinist dream. Clinton has the political connections, and Trump has the business acumen and money. It's all about drawing the lines to make things clear. Do you see what happened in Venezuela? They're part of the plan too. Caracas is like a petri dish where the commie plot is being tested. The plan is to destroy the economy, so that the people are forced to depend on gov handouts. When it happens in the US the whole world will be fucked too. The plan is to make B. O. seem more appealing as a 3rd term candidate, he'll force the public to accept it and those who don't or those who stand up for liberty will be arrested by the UN peacekeepers re-purposed to help instill Martial Law in the USA (along with all the Latino and Negro troops already within our armed forces of course)! Not that you'd be able to resist long anyway, with no guns. The gov has used engineered mass shooting to instill fear of guns in the public. This fear is magnified by the Liberal Media whose owners have been instructed to ensure everyone sees these "accidents", they were all murdered by the government. This has been in the works for a LONG time, even during W's administration when 9/11 was used to convince citizens to be OK with decreased privacy for spying. Basically, everything is going to shit, can some food, form a neighborhood-community-council-government and avoid interacting with strangers, buy a gun NOW, learn to shoot and maintain it, and last but not least convert your savings to gold. Even if the dollar (soon to be "Amero") loses it's value, gold has always been valued since the dawn of humanity so you will be able to trade with it; I own a cash-4-gold business myself, so if you're interested you can contact me and we can get you straitened out real quick. Stand up for your sovereignty, and remember the following:

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson

    • Oh dear lord, Its going to take me a while to pick this apart due to the sheer length of the crazy me just get this done Sanders is more like FDR or Eisenhower and his policies are very different from venzuala and in line the current policies of Scandinavia "I own a cash-4-gold business myself" 2. Ah the old cash for gold scam. If you were actually worried about that, you would not be reselling the gold. and yes I know how the scam You buy the gold jewelry cheap, have it melted down, then resell it for WAY more than you paid for it. C. There are guns in the house. D. As an Air Force Brat and someone who practically bleeds red, white, and blue I'm fucking angry that you would say, ' Latino and Negro troops already within our armed forces of course)!" Those are good men and women who risk their lives for us.

    • E. "This fear is magnified by the Liberal Media whose owners have been instructed to ensure everyone sees" The media is a business and if you had any common sense you would notice that each major news network panders to its own demographic, Fox news caters to people that fancy themselves as conservatives whether they are neo-cons or not. MSNBC panders to people who fancy themselves as progressive regardless if they actually want progress or not. F. "t, and last but not least convert your savings to gold. Even if the dollar (soon to be "Amero") loses it's value," This goes back to the cash for gold scam, As anyone with a lick of common sense will know that trading in that particular kind of societal collapse would be trade for goods, and since gold is fairly useless except for electronics and as my Electrical engineer and ex air force dad will tell you, Copper is WAY better for that. A jar of moonshine would be worth way more as you can drink it, use it to disinfect, and all that jazz

    • @blonde401 get a load of this guy, tell me thats not the craziest mofo you have seen in a while

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