Biggest threat to humanity is nuclear weapons? No it's Porn.

40 years ago when people were in a relationship it meant they went on a physical date, like go for a walk in the park holding hands.

In 2017 a girlfriend is someone you talk to on whatsapp. Someone you have phone sex with. Someone you just talk to on a logical basis not physical.

there's no connection between people. Just the idea of having a girlfriend.

They don't know what it is. They just want to own one.

The reason is simple Porn.

Porn exposure wasn't big till 15 years ago. That's because there was no internet, there was no music videos about sex, there was no films selling money from a really hot girl, there wasn't the kardashians making money selling themselves.

Biggest threat to humanity is nuclear weapons? No it's Porn.

Now there's porn.

Porn really fucks up peoples minds. It fucks up your understanding of a physical relationship, it makes you think all girls are as flawless as the ones in real life. It makes you forget what a connection is. It really ficks up people's minds.

its the biggest threat to our human nature. Maybe not lives. But souls.

But it has a big effect.

Why do you think the population of Japan is dropping? and gusss which country in the world has the biggest porn industry.

People would rather jerk off then finding an actual girl.


We are becoming like Japan, and guess what's going to happen when we Become more addicted to porn.

5 4

Most Helpful Guy

  • Wrong. The population of Japan is dropping because men are saying no to women and opting out of relationships with them in protest of the traditionally sexist and unreasonable demands placed in men in Japanese culture. It has nothing to do with porn. Do your research first, dude.

    Porn actually has done a great deal of good in western society. Combined with the "sexual revolution", porn has helped equalize the sexual power playing field between men and women, which is a very good thing for men and long overdue. Women no longer hold all the power in the world of heterosexual sex. That's a VERY good thing.

    You see, historically men only got sexual satisfaction when women said so, and they were happy to get any sex at all. When they did it was generally pretty vanilla and because that's what women allowed. Today, porn has opened everyone's eyes to what sex can actually be. What was considered extreme or morally wrong is not mainstream and women are suddenly required to make an effort to perform or lose out to the millions of other women who are more than willing to satisfy. Ow men can just jump on their computers and get some quick and free satisfaction, no strings attached.

    The power has shifted in men's favor due to porn, and that is a VERY good thing.

    • is *now mainstream

    • Not only for men but for women too! Women watch porn too but the audience is still consisting mostly of males.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I agree with you!
    People are saying "false , porn has been around since x time ", sure pornography in different forms has always existed BUT they weren't as accessible as today's pornography, with one click away you get access to millions of pornographic videos any where and at anytime.
    Back in the days even if you were to access some sort of porn material you had to go through hell, look for/ buy a magazine in secret , having to hide it etc (and before that there were no magazines), nowadays you don't even have to look for it, it comes to you through mainstream media such videoclips.

    • Not to mention that a picture or a sculpture or whatever is nowhere as explicit and diverse as videos.

    • The biggest problem is people don't realise it till they realise they actually have the problem in this era. The older people don't understand because the concept is stupid to them, because they didn't have the problem at all.

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 20
  • The world is overpopulated and it's getting worse every day. We already have well over SEVEN BILLION people on the planet headed to well over 10 BILLION people by 2040. We can't keep on increasing like this. If porn decreases the birth rate, that's a good thing!

    • The world population covers 3% of the world. Is that a lot?

    • @yucel_eden your goal appears to be for members of the human race to exist with a quality of life equivalent to that of a cancer cell. Not exactly the Star Trek utopia we had envisioned.

    • I'll give you that opinion but our quality of life has improved in terms of resources In terms of happiness not really

    • Show All
  • Why Japan's population is falling:

    • The reason why they aren't getting married is because they would rather wank then get married and have sex with a women who they do not find attractive due to porn. They would rather wank or see a good looking prostitute. Which is socially very accepted in Japan, people see no problem with it at all.

    • I know this for a fact, because I have seen it first hand. I worked in a Japanese company. They work 16 hours a day, go home wank, see an escort once a week and repeat. Why? PORNNN

  • 7billion people on a planet that can only sustain 5billion at most... is it such a bad thing if population drops off a bit?

  • This take is wrong on so many levels. Not only do you blame porn, you claim online friendships or relationships don't hold any connection. The truth of the matter remains is that the strongest, deepest connection i have ever experianced in my life was with an online friend where i only met her once.

    Because you lack the experiance of having anything beyond a physical connection with someone you truly don't understand all the levels of a connection you can build. Most importantly the emotional ones.

    It is not porn who is destroying our vision, not even in your take. Its the concept of digitalization, of the fact you can hold an online long distance relationship until you are together again. That concept works because people are able to bond that way to the deepest levels, a bonding based on trust, based on communication more so then actions. A bond that could be ever lasting but also quickly fading.

    So no, there is nothing wrong with what you described, people are not forgetting what a connection is. People are evolving past the point of our ancestors where connections where simply based on hormones and sexual instinct.

    And since you are to old fashioned to see this, you will never see these online connections for the beauty they hold. I agree its not comparable to hitting all the layers of an intimate relationship where you combine everything that can be experianced online with physical touch. It is always the touch layer that you are missing, but ignoring all the other forms of bonding makes for a very blant relationship that is not going to last.

    • Sadly this comment reflects how far you have become removed from reality, if you think your "online relationships" are real. You're living in your head, fella. Get out of your head. There's a real world out there.

    • @HarryBenton you took the words right out of my mouth. I was gonna say the same but coudnt be asked to deal with him. He's head is already rewited to think differently from reality

    • Ill give you a chance, apart from the touch aspect convince me that it is not real. The fact you are unable to experiance something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I can take a few guesses. Things like you can't share love if you are not in the same room. Chemistry is physical not mental. Its just in your head the real experiance is different. I dont blame you, many people our age have no clue.

  • Dude I jerk off like 4 times a day. My girlfriend and I actually pay $30.00 a month for a porn subscription. I love porn. I had no soul long before I discovered brazzers and bangbros baha.

  • 30 years ago there was MTV, and they had music videos, some of which were blatantly about sex. Music has been explicitly or implicitly written about sex nearly since it's creation. Ever heard of Playboy and Penthouse magazine? Those existed decades before the internet was created. Sex has been used to make money for millennia, so those "good times" you probably idealise never actually existed.
    Humanity is heading towards a overcrowding problem, at the rate we're going there's really no way the population is going to be able to feed itself within the next two hundred years, so if porn is slowing down that rate, maybe you could be thankful that your kids won't starve due to overpopulation.

  • "Why do you think the population of Japan is dropping? and gusss which country in the world has the biggest porn industry."

    But Japan was also nuked twice so that isn't a really good example to prove your point.

    • Are you a retard?

    • No. Are you?

  • Porn was on the internet way before 15 years ago.

    • Are you telling me people jacked of to over the top 10/10 porn stars for 10 years every day before they saw a women naked?

    • Quite a lot of them, yes, and there was porn before the internet, too!

    • Sir, completely no offence intended despite this being quite direct but I just noted you are 52. I am sure you are really wise but this is a problem that has arises in the last 15 years. This problem is only present in the current generation and hasn't existed before, not once. Also the biggest problem of this porn problem is that most people aren't away till they get out of it. Which is like 25 nowadays. Most people on this site for example do not know as they are virgins.

    • Show All
  • man this was so good and true

    • I wrote this while high. I came to realise this while high too, see being high isn't a bad thing at all, it makes you see things from another logical perspective

    • Thats true and looks like dudes dont agree

  • Serious lack of awareness of the world around us if you think PORN of all things is the greatest threat. We live in a world of climate change, nuclear weapons, religious extremism and other dogma, tribalism, corruption, greed, and you think porn is our big issue?

  • No I'd have to say the only actual real threat is still nukes because even though porn may destroy relationships and lives a nuke is what is going to kill you and everyone you've ever known.

    I'd think it would be fair to say though that porn is in it's own way destructive like a nuke but only on a social and relationship area and level.

    • So while I do not agree that porn is more of a threat to humanity I do agree that it is destructive in it's own way and is not a good thing nor does it have a positive affect on society.

    • The nuclear weapons was more of a sarcastic pun why are people on here so serious?

    • Because you can't detect sarcasm with emotionless words on a page.

  • @chico_brah whatttttttt

    Good take. It makes sense.

    • Whatttttt? It makes sense. Good opinion.

    • Haha what thinks it's weird I don't watch porn. That's why I tagged him

    • You don't watch porn? I'm impressed

  • I'm not sure what's more laughable:

    A. You have no idea why nuclear deterrence is actually a very good thing


    B. That you think PORN is more destructive than the total annihilation of a hypothetical nuclear apocalypse.

    Beyond that, I can't find a reason to dignify this with any response other than dissapointed "grow up"😒

    • I bet you're fun at parties

    • I am indeed, but what I said was no joke. Porn is no more a poison to society than any gun or bottle of booze, left in the hands of moderate and thinking people all three are harmless. The problem is, I'm sure you'd agree, that not everyone is mature and responsible enough to use these things appropriately all the time and so comes gun violence, drunk drivers, and... losers who jack off too much. It's not porn that's the problem and banning it would substantially hurt economies the world over and lead to much grave suffering. Surely you can see that?

  • If Japanese men aren't marrying then it only means they see the hypergamy in modern women and they live up to the stereotype, they are smart af lol

    As for this take... complete nonsense obviously. Porn has been around for decades. Porn magazines and porn poker cards used to be the way to go back in the day. Prostitution and burdels have exist throughout history, since Biblical times... so yeah, you're not really making any sense here.

  • You sound like an ignorant old man remembering "The good ol' days". Things are better now than ever. Nothing wrong with porn, it's been around for longer than the internet.

  • Yes, true dat. I see some people changing completely by just the idea of having a boyfriend or girlfriend. That's completely wrong. Like this; you see them flirting with each other and kissing and walking like what you said. When they officially have relationship you see that they will change and like other ones. LIKE WHAT THE HELL!

    To some and i think it's a little percentage; it's that nobody likes them. That's why they watch porn.

    • On the other hand, i couldn't finish my opinion because i hitted tab+enter somehow. But if it's decreasing birth it's good because 1/5 now is Asian.

  • You are so wrong.
    Porn has ALWAYS been around.
    Ancient Japanese had porn art work
    Ancient Romans had whore houses, so did every other culture

    The statue of venus (the oldest statue known to man ) is basically naked woman with big tits and big ass.

    Porn hasn't come from anywhere and is going nowhere.
    Have a good day.

    • We haven't had internet and hd porn till 15 years ago. We didn't have bdsm porn, we didn't have everything else

    • Have you ever heard of VHS, DVD, Beta Max? I have seen porn on a VCR, it was blurry, but good. If anything, we should be worried about bad porn!!! lol

    • Actually yucel_eden is correct. It's not the existence or even the availability of porn that is a problem. It's the prevalence of porn, which is directly related to the internet. Porn is screwing with your brain, and not in a good way.

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  • And here I thought it was people's stupidity... who knew it was porn all along.

  • I love amateur porno too and the women in it are far from perfect.


    • Are you a virgin?

    • No. But porn sucks.

    • exactly

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