Why the Royals of the Past Were So Sexy!

There was something so sexy about the people who reigned back when. My two favorite time periods were during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots and the time of Marie Antoinette. Corsets, stockings and feathers! Back when it was good to be King and the Queens had their fun too!

Why the royals of the past we so sexy!

The T.V. series Reign starting Adeline Kane was something I found very erotic, the scenes with Mary and Francis, King Henry and his hunger for all women, Claude the wild princess, and all of the sexual tension!

Why the Royals of the Past Were So Sexy!

Marie Antoinette was more of a playful time(I'm mean in theory), over-the-top jewels, low-cut lace-trims tops, orgies and more! It was a time of decadence, you were told to eat cake and more!

I believe that this would be mind-blowing for a custom party that would lead to some pretty good fun for the guests when they got back home, or simply a privet party for two!

What are your views? What time frame do you find sexy?

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Don't be to enthusiastic about that era, people didn't bathe that much, women generally had a lot more leg hair, I would not assume they were having too many orgies. And Mary Antoinette never said led them eat cake, she was actually quite charitable, but France had economic problems largely because the young King hired incompetent ministers.

Most Helpful Girl

  • You know some artistic liberties were taken with Reign right? As gorgeous as it is, it's not at all accurate 😛

    Why the Royals of the Past Were So Sexy!
    • Yes, I am well aware of that. But I still find the more romantic style, a dream style if you will more of an exciting look. Not that Queen Elizabeth I didn't have some sexy dresses, I'm sure :)

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 9
  • The movies of history make the clothes and colors brighter and prettier. The real colors and patterns were limited. It wasn't really romantic, a lot of death but i hear what your saying.

  • Mind you, these people did not have the sanitation or the creature comforts we do today. People did not dress as well (except for the upper classes and royals) nor smell as well.

  • i kinda dig some of the dresses back then lol I think i would wear it if it came back in style XD

  • God, I had a huge crush on Francis!

  • The Habsburgs were anything but sexy.

  • That time period was too much froo-froo. Louis XIV kind of dressed like a girl. I'm more into ancient Egypt, with the women wearing gauzy gowns and lots of black eyeliner.

  • I think you have a romanticized fantasy of those times considering every smelled, had lice and the aristocracy were ugly ingreds. Death to All royalty.

    Why the Royals of the Past Were So Sexy!Why the Royals of the Past Were So Sexy!
  • I don't think they were.
    Bad hygiene is a passion killer.

    • Plus their family tree was most likely a circle.

    • I thought of that too, sex could not possible be all that great back the,

  • One thing is what the movies has shown you other thing is the cold reality.

  • 1970's, who wouldn't enjoy getting jiggy with Ulrika Meinhof? Or the early 1940s, there were some hot chicks in Lyudmila Pavlichenko's sniper team. O the 2010s, I saw a picture of some female guerillas with FARCEP washing in a river, phwooorrr!!!

  • Well, they weren't as sexy as those tv shows make them look like. In fact, many of them were unattractive, very overweight and with severe deformities caused by inbreeding.

  • you do know most royals were in bread freaks