Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

I can't believe im actually doing this shit. I've been planning this for a while but never actually had the gall to actually get up and do it. But I recently decided that im just going to..fuck it..right?. Anyway. First of all…


--These are MY thoughts, MY opinions, My process, and MY ideas and if you want to say something against it..Go fuck yourself.

--Some stuff may be over-exaggerated or under played for comedic effect, if you take offense to that, then you can…go fuck yourself

--if you intend to judge me, call me angry, bitter, ignorant, weird, an asshole, a jerk etc, I frankly don’t give a shit…Go fuck yourself

--If you have no sense of humor or are so tight minded with a stick up so far up your ass it makes your ears itch…you might not want to go past the Horizontal Line.

--There is no schedule attached to this, there could be 3 rant-isodes in one week, or none in 3 months…it will come out when im irked.

--Anything in (__)’s is just an inside voice. We all have one and if you don’t, you can go fuck yourself.

--There will be tons of profanity, if you don’t like it, you can go fuck yourself

--I am not trying to say im Right or Wrong, its just a thought process I go through and if you can't understand it…Go fuck yourself

--Im going to generalize…A LOT…if you take it personally…hahaha..you can go fuck yourself!!!

--The whole rant is free styled, meaning no list of topics, no prep, nothing, just the way I speak, actually its dumbed down because of the Eye in the Sky (GaG) J.

--There will be a lot of use of the words “Go fuck yourself” and if that doesn’t sit right with you, you can go fu…ugh..do I really have to say it?

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

My first rant is that GaG said that “hint” thing about where you have to leave “…images, GiFs, video etc”…seriously? What are we in? kindergarten?, if you can't read an article without the help of pictures..you need to take your ass BACK to kindergarten. People read 300 page novels and about 580 page Dictionaries without pictures…if you can't deal, don’t read it.

I don’t think my rants will actually have a pic, but for where it doesn’t, I will be sure to leave one of these out there.

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

Maybe I should employ @WTFliberals to get me some pics and GiFs…he had one where he had a person shaking their head with the words “Triggered” as a meme…I fell out laughing.

Back to my rant…Its only a matter of time before GaG sends me a “Cease and Desist” letter lol…Im gonna be irritating a lot of justice warriors.

Lets hop into the next rant, what is with this female support train thing? Don’t women know that just hurts the relationship? Im going to try to come up with a scenario:

Ugh..i hate coming up with names.

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

Tina: So me and Tony went out for coffee this morning and this woman passed by and he looked

Rita: What?! He looked? And you were right there?

Tina: Yes he did. The disrespect.

Rita: Yes, he totally disrespected you, you need to confront him and tell him…you deserve better than some guy who is looking at another woman. I bet you he is planning on leaving you or cheating.

Later on that evening

Tina: Todd, I noticed you looking at that woman this morning

Todd (clueless): what woman?

Tina: The one with the blonde hair, white blouse, big tits and big ass.(slowly building an image for Todd who had LONG forgotten about that woman)

Todd: oh that one, yea…(in his mind “she Did have some big assets and she was fine too…and guess what, she wasn’t fucking nagging me”).

Next morning

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

Tina: can't believe it, he left me last night…he went to see that other woman.

Rita: Told you he was planning to leave you, told you he doesn’t deserve you.

Really…? That was the problem…?. If you want advice on males, how about you go to a fucking MALE so you can get some perspective and know how to act. A guy could have easily squashed that with, “did he leave you there at the café and run after her?”…”no”

“then you are good”. Now, the guy is generalized as being “bad”, but really, who facilitated all that, but someone was in such a hurry to be validated, they didn’t fucking think. I bet you in about 3-4 weeks Rita will end up hooking up with Todd lol. Just saying.

If I want advice on a girl I’m already with..i don’t ask the fellas…here is how it would go.

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

Me: Yea, Tina came in last night mad as hell about some woman

Ron: Do you know her?

Me: Fuck no, she just walked by, but then she went off thinking that I was making plans

Ron: Were you?

Me: no, don’t even know the lady…

Ron: so what happened

Me: I went to find the lady, had to check Rita’s theory and description right?.

Ron: That’s kinda bogus dude…hey, can you spot me?.


And the story ends there. Guys won't give others specific instructions and even if they did…the other guy most likely won't take it. But women? Smh. I ain't perfect…ive had questions over the years…but when I really wanted to solve the problem…I asked Women. Sadly, I always get the same shit…:

“oh you have to listen to her, you have to understand where she is coming from, she thinks you might go after her…” blah blah fucking blah

Really? Did I make a move? Do women realize that part of the reason why guys eyes dart around like that noticing everything (including that woman) is partly for her own protection?? That we are actually paying attention to the surroundings (which the woman happened to be a part of.) Oh its fine, when we have to stop someone from clubbing you over the head from behind…but our eyeballs can't follow passing objects…go fuck yourself. Swear, if I actually had that conversation and some guy was pulling up behind her to bludgeon her over the head with a bat…I’d just smile n nod...lol…apparently…I shouldn’t look

That female support train you ladies have is hurting you more than its helping you. Its nice to have someone to talk to (lord knows we guys don’t want to) but the decision is ultimately yours and you need to own that.

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

I purposely put me in that situation instead of another name…because that is what I’d do..dont accuse me of shit I didn’t do. In a “regular” case, the guy will start apologizing and probably get pussy cut off for 3 days (most women aren’t as forgiving) oh, my bad, 2 weeks, as “punishment” lol…

Which brings me up to my next rant…punishment? Im gonna employ an analogy here. Guys…I may come at women a lot, but that is because I don’t know what level of Cuntery I can use to explain to you guys that as irritated as I am with them, you guys irritate me more. You let the shit happen. Punishment…you know, the first time I heard about that stuff, like the “sleep on the couch”, “get out of the house” “don’t wanna talk to you” thing, I did not believe my ears…that was a thing?

I was at work yesterday and I came up with an analogy that blew my mind. I remembered a youtube video…(im currently trying to find it, you gotta see it…wait…this is real time…wait….. FOUND IT!!!)


and I, in my ranting mindset, twisted that…I can name all three characters.

Chicken= VAGINA!!!

Dog = Men

Guy in the Cart = Women

Women know you want the vagina, so they set parameters and have you chasing that shit, what you don’t seem to understand is that while you are doing that you are just helping them. My inner voice actually came up and said

“imagine if that dog decided…’fuck that chicken’ and stopped”…now the cart rider is Fucked…why? Because the dog ain't going, and that’s what I've been trying to preach. Guys…stop chasing the vagina lol…true intentions come out when you actually stop.

That shit is dangled in front of us…makes us get high-class jobs, nice cars, picket fenced houses in the suburbs, all for what?? But when we break it down to the Nine’s…(the bottom)…we only need nothing but 3…meanwhile that chicken is running up the miles…and most, if not all’, women need like 24,106 things (and counting).

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

I know at this point im coming off as one of the names I've been called (please refer to Disclaimer and do what it says), but for real…im just pointing out stuff that people don’t pay attention to.

Fellas we are dealing with INTELLIGENT creatures…very intelligent…but they have one minor flaw…the same one we got…(and this one goes out to @JustAnotherGirlie

who doesn’t take any shit from me) We are all one and the same. We both do things to each other, but obviously you don’t realize it when you are the doer, its only when you are the receiver/victim that you pay attention.

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

Brings me to another rant…like I said, been called a number of names by women, been told derogatory comments, had my past, present AND future being determined by those cunts (yes, I fucking said it…the first one of many to come) that don’t even know me. (refer to disclaimer for specific names), when all im simply trying to say is…why the labeling? Why can't we all just get along?.
The problem I see, when it comes to this gender war, are men (Yes, im fucking included). All Fawning and meandering and Pandering…that’s why women are so hype…to the point where they are using US (men) against US(men) but you morons (men) are too stupid to see that. They are using some version of Darwinism…just selecting. And the idiots don’t even know.

I feel like I should wrap this up. I did NOT do a good job of this Rant-isode…but I can tell a LOT of people will be pissed (see you in the comment section!) but these topics were terrible…analogies were off-center…basically…I ranted but not funny enough. Well, guess I've got to do better…right?

Piss some more people off, make some more off-center jokes? I think this is more for GaG.

Ugh, those fucking pictures…gotta find some.

Rantisode 2 coming up soon. I will be doing that from an hour long I have. Now go ahead and burn me.

Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1

Hahahaha…is this shit idiotic or what…ive been laughing the entire time I've been writing this…I think Rant-isode 2 might actually be deeper, might need to pull up some notes…, hopefully funnier. I hope I stepped on some toes…

I know the women are going to…3/4 of the shit I said was true…if you look past my colorful description of events lol

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Hmmm well this seems to be stream of consciousness so I shouldn’t really expect a logical train of thought. But oh well.
    You mentioned a “gender war.” I don’t think there is one - both sides need each other and will put up with the BS because we want to procreate. No one in the real world has this mindset because as irritating as men are (truly y’all are assholes) I like penis so what can I do? The drama is a necessary expense.
    I think there’s something to be said for women who use the current state of affairs to their advantage. Women don’t weaponize sexuality (okay well Blac Chyna does but she isn’t the every-day woman now is she) but we do understand that men put sex on a pedestal. All these articles about “how to get some action” and how to attract women are all strategies to ultimately hop in bed with the women you really want, not the ugly women who settle for you. And that’s fine, but just acknowledge you did that to yourselves.
    The decisions women made in the past and currently are only protective measures. Women really do use sex to get love because we know that’s all you seem to chase. Men don’t chase love, women do. So I do agree in the sense that if men stopped chasing tail (at least, stopped making it so obvious) it would leave many women confused. That’s not going to happen though, is it?
    People evolve and change, no one stays the same. As such the dynamic between men and women change just as quickly. And that’s why men hate feminism. Because telling a woman she isn’t reliant on a man financially OR emotionally (and that is truly the problem with 90% of women mind you) is dangerous. Women are playing serious games because we understand there’s more to life than pandering and hoping you get picked by a man. So expect more women to start dating like men, because apparently that’s where the power lies. In truly not giving a fuck. But that’s a different mytake.
    Anyway this has been an interesting read.

    • You know... i fucking hate you... Jesus... where do you come up with this stuff? I knew you would blow my mind... thats why i mentioned you. Thank you for the comment... fucking loved the call out of a couple things... working on Rant-isode 2.

    • @Tdieseler damn... harsh. You actually mentioned her lol. Dead ass

    • @NatashaBeauty hahaha... she gets my style of talking. I was actually complimenting her.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Very good take man !

    First : I would like to say i fucking LOVED the " go fuck yourself " disclaimer !!! lol

    Second : Thanks for the mention dude, and I'm ready to provide you with some triggering gif's shit. lol

    Third : Rita is the kind of girls I despise !!! Jealous, insecure and fucking cunt !!! lol
    And the sad thing is there are men (pussies) and women who give this kind of advice here on GAG and real life. its like a man have to be a slave to satisfy his woman, even if he didn't do anything wrong.
    Tina on the other hand is insecure as shit. for letting this 'imaginary thoughts' pops in her head by these losers.
    And You're RIGHT !!! normal guys don't give a fuck about these things and never overthinking things this way. we ask DIRECT QUESTIONS that really matters, then if there is nothing we MOVE ON.

    Fourth : The chicken dog guy. LOOOOL is a fucking brilliant example of how the dating pool is now !
    Men should stop being a slaves to the pussy ! Know your worth and work on yourself... I guarantee you, you will get some.

    Looking forward to the next episode of Diesel's Rant-isode !!! good job.

    Tired of the Bullshit (Diesel's Rant-isode) Ep 1
    • OMG!! you replied lol... can't wait for that triggering GiFs... may have to go behind the scenes and have you have first look. I really how many of these i can get away with before that letter lol. Ima start working on 2. You inspire me. Glad you know girls like Rita... can't count the TONS of times I've heard that shit... i may put that in Rantisode 2... that I've heard that shit. That the man is a piece of shit and she needs better. We really need guys to stop being morons. Duuuude... i have a vending machine analogy that would have you dying. i may not mention you in the second one but you will see it.

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    • Thats all you got? 😒

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    • not productive nor challenging mate, i appreciate you taking the time to comment (i don't know if you read it, because if you did, its DESIGNED to make you comment) but ok

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