Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

I've seen this discussion going around a lot on G@G, detailing why "straight" women are so attracted to lesbian porn, and why we are also more likely to find attraction in women's bodies. I would like to present my own opinion on the matter, as I feel like it could de-mystify the argument a little bit.

Male and Female Sexual Desires are Inherently Different.

"The feeling"

Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

I think some people have a really hard understanding why so called "straight" woman would find a girl attractive and masturbate to lesbian porn, exclaiming that they are not actually straight but some form of bisexual or in the closet lesbian. Where I think the disconnect lies, is that men and women tend to enjoy sex in two distinct manners. Men are more set on the idea of whom they are sleeping with, how hot they are, what their body looks like, what gender they may be. This is why men are seen as more visual creatures, because they fantasise about the person or people they want to be with, and are more turned on by the naked body of the person they are attracted to. For women on the other hand it's more about what, what can you do to me, how can you make me feel, how can I make you feel, the actual identity of the person may be a bit more irrelevant. This is why women come off as more personality driven, because they're looking for someone they have chemistry with and have good sex with. When we fantasise, it's about what they can do to us and what the sex it going to be like, not necessarily your specific body. Again, this isn't absolute, I have had my fair share of perving and I bet guys are searching for a good sex partner, but I think there's a little disconnect here. I think this is why women, unlike men, are turned on by effectively every sort of porn (gay male, lesbian, straight) as opposed to their preference, because it's about the feeling.Our orientation lies in who is actually having sex with us (I personally am not a fan of actually having sex with a girl but I can empathise and get turned on by the pleasure of lesbian sex) and yes it doesn't mean where all latent bisexuals, I think it means they're is a larger grey area for attraction.

"Male vs Female Gaze"

Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

I know I know this is a commonly use as a media/film/literature term and has major SJW connotations but I think it has an interesting insight into the male and female psyche. For the uninitiated, "gaze" in cinema refers to the way a filmmaker frames the camera to suit (usually) the sexual interests of the audience, either for men or women, but also specific to sexuality in certain situations. I think we're all pretty familiar with what is known as the "male gaze", where the creator depicts women (or men) in a sexualised and objectified manner to suit the taste of the male audience. There is a lot of attention put onto how the individuals look as well as placing them in a position of passivity. This film style suits the "whom" based manner of men's sexuality, as it focuses on a person or people ready for the viewers consumption. Interestingly, a female gaze is not actually the gender flipped version of the male gaze but has been theorised to be quite different in execution. I’d like to bring up Anna Biller’s 2016 film the Love Witch (where my avatar is sourced from) to really showcase the guts of the female gaze.

Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

In a conversation with Filmmaker magazine, Biller talks about how the film was explicitly created with female audiences in mind “I’m working very directly with female fantasy”, which includes how women are more attached to the idea of “a sense of pleasure in fantasising about receiving the kind of love or admiration that a woman gets when she is looked at by men.” It also details how the female sexuality, has a narcissistic component to it, enjoying the idea of looking at a beautiful woman in reference to ones self. I think that in enough itself adds a layer deeper into why women find other women attractive, because it directly reflects back onto them.

“Wanting more Sensual Sex”

Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

This is very directed at the lesbian porn aspect, but I think another factor than comes into play in women’s preferences is that lesbian porn is simply more sensual and focused on the woman’s pleasure, not the man’s. Pretty consistently we’re seeing lesbian porn topping women’s preferences, and many are left scratching their heads, but I think it’s got to do with a mixture of different reasons. Firstly, I think this relates back to the previous two arguments, women want to fantasise about what’s being done to them, straight porn doesn’t reflect that, but lesbian porn does. I think lots of women get not satisfaction out of the and male centric way straight porn is created, and does not tap into the fantasies that women may actually have. There is more soft core, and “for women” categories of porn that exist, which are very popular with women, they cannot compete with the sheer volume of lesbian porn created in comparison.

“The Gap between Male and Female Fantasies and Reality”

Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

I think this is a really important aspect of the difference in male and female sexual preferences on this topic. It’s generally agreed upon that men’s personal kinks and fantasies more readily effect their real life sexual preferences whereas women’s do not. This was shown in the University of Montreal’s study into kink, in which a large chunk of the women involved never wanted these to come true, in contrast the majority of men did want their fantasies to become reality. I think this extends to the idea of sex with the same gender, if men masturbate to it, it’s what they want, not the same for women on the other hand. I can understand the confusion here, especially on the part of men, but I think you just have to acknowledge the female fantasy as less of an indicator of actual desire and behaviour, and more about an exploration of boundaries in a safe environment.

“Not Bisexual”

Why Women like Lesbian Porn/The Differences in Male and Female Sexual Desire

Something to remember for those of you who may be anxious your girlfriend/wife will run off with a woman some day.

I think there is a little more wiggle room for women’s orientation than men’s due to the differences in sexuality, but there are definitely women, including myself, who only want to have sex with men no matter the situation. I think it’s important to detach fantasy from reality, understand that for straight women, it’s men they want to be with with and to trust their judgement in this situation. They are not hiding any sort of closeted sexuality, it’s just a difference in the way the opposite gender see their desire, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

A lot more could be added to this argument, especially regarding the societal manipulation of sexuality in women vs men but I just wanted to keep it relatively brief.

Thank you.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • This is an excellent MyTake. I've been meaning to address the same issue myself, but I never got around to it. Although I think I have something to add to your MyTake, yours is better than the one I had planned to write. Particularly your explanation of how women view sex as something that is "done to them" is something I never considered, and it nicely explains women watching lesbian porn, which frankly, I could not explain.

    What I do have to add, to your excellent MyTake, is short. One argument you often hear is that "studies have shown that women become excited by looking at naked women."

    This statement is true in that studies have indeed purported to show this, BUT the studies were designed by male scientists (while searching for a female Viagra) who made a crucial error. Sexual excitement in males is synchronous with erectile tissue engorgement. In order words, men get hard when they're sexually excited, and when they're sexually excited when they're hard.

    HOWEVER, This is NOT necessarily true for women. In fact, Viagra works PERFECTLY on women, giving them clitoral erections. HOWEVER, those erections were totally unrelated to the women's feelings of arousal. Similarly, the vaginal engorgement and lubrication related to watching naked women, or other forms of sexual material including aroused MONKEYS was unrelated to the women's sexual arousal as well. The most likely reason behind the women's APPARENT arousal is the the lubrication serves as a self protective mechanism in the event of rape or other unwanted intromission. This apparent arousal, including (non-pleasurable) orgasm in the face of rapes is the false basis behind so many rapists claims of "she loved it." As the researchers finally came to realize, many if not most of the very reliable indicators of MALE sexual arousal and desire are meaningless in assessing female arousal. That's why it took SO LONG to develop flibanserin (the female "Viagra"), and is also why flibanserin is a BRAIN drug, while Viagra is a "body/blood vessel" drug.

    • that's actually really fascinating. Thank you for your input it was really appreciated.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Nice Take! I can imagine why there are many guys who are criticizing you, it seems like they hate lesbian and bisexual women.
    Anyways, I watch all kinds of porn but lesbian porn is my favorite. And it's not that I'm attracted to women or that I would actually have sex with a girl, but I like it because it's delicate, soft and more sensual.
    It shows how I would like to be treated while having sex.
    And I agree with all of your points.

    • very true its infuriating because its 1 less potential partner its probably just a built in male thing even if we aren't even remotely interested or attracted to them 1 bit it still pisses us off

    • @troychapman Well, I get what you're saying. And it does make sense.

    • i wonder do straight girls feel the same with gay guys or do they generally just care what about if someone they are attracted to is gay someone they were crushing on?

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11 39
  • just saying, if it was a guy saying "women are not as visual as men", he will get gang raped in a feminazi orgy saying how he can't generalize.. etc And yeah, everyone is different, but there are majorities, so... And I do not use the word feminazi to belittle actual feminism.

  • No. It sounds like you have some kind of resentment towards the term bisexuality, perhaps a resentment towards your own sexuality. But for example, I am female and I can say with confidence that I am 100% heterosexual. I do not enjoy watching lesbian porn at all (no offence) it's just not what I am sexually attracted to. I do not find female bodies attractive, again, no offence to women who do find other women attractive. I like everything about men, I like having sex with men, and I watch a lot of heterosexual porn, in fact my fave thing about porn is watching hardcore penetration. I like rough sex. This is just my opinion though.

    • Again, I agree with you, but I'm just trying to rationalise those straight women who's sexuality is constantly undermined since they masturbate to lesbian porn and have had some same sex fantasies. I just don't think simply because one have had some lesbian inclinations they are automatically bisexual. I'm also arguing against the men who automatically erase straight women's attraction to men.

    • Agreed

  • Oh god lol. I knew I was gonna read the blue comments and be ashamed.

    Well OP, I think men are incapable of understanding women. Sorry. If you'd like, I think you would enjoy doing some research into women and science. Women have made contributions to science solely because they were female and able to think of things from the female perspective. Guys will get angry and cry at me for saying it. But fuck them they are stupid =D

    Anyways this topic is something I thought about a lot in the past and always wondered how things work in womens minds. I did end up talking to a few girls, and also have seen some female youtubers talk about this. Basically everything you said falls exactly in line with what other girls have said about womens sexuality. What sucks is science also has been studying womens sexuality... using mostly men. Of course, as soon as women get onto the research train suddenly they are learning tons of shit about women.

    Yea, men are assholes. We legit think we know everything. I can't stand it lol.

    • Yeah I think there is an issue when we look at subjective thing, aka. sexuality on one framework instead of actually analysing on it's own basis. I hope I helped you out a bit.

    • Hell yea. I rarely read mytakes lol. I read this whole one, it was very good thank you =D

    • Newsflash to understand women sexuality date one! You cannot obtain an accurate info by just asking them. Why? Because it is controlled by many facrtors like the fear of slut shaming and making themselves the desirable trait as women are naturally insecure with looks. So go out there and date many women different kiinds too so you will undersatnd th women's real sexuality because they will truthfully explain it to you once they have a trust in you, but this trust is deep since you are intimate with that woman.

  • lesbian porn is rarely rape-sex. thats why its better. lots of sensual touching instead of a jack hammer. better.

    • also not particularly based on degradation.

  • "Men are more set on the idea of whom they are sleeping with, how hot they are, what their body looks like, what gender they may be."

    It sounds like the male way is more "straight" then. And this:

    "For women on the other hand it's more about what, what can you do to me, how can you make me feel, how can I make you feel, the actual identity of the person may be a bit more irrelevant. This is why women come off as more personality driven, because they're looking for someone they have chemistry with and have good sex with. When we fantasise, it's about what they can do to us and what the sex it going to be like, not necessarily your specific body."

    That's all fine and dandy, but a man can act like a woman, a woman can act like a man. But the reality is the chromosomes and body parts are literally what differentiates and decides the sex between a man and women right? So if that's the case, the visual and everything would be strict on that basis. Heterosexual, gay, bi, its attraction to men or women or both. What's the biggest differentiator between a man and woman? It's the physical. Their face, and body. If you're straight this would be the main and biggest decided, because that's what obviously makes men and women different... the biology and the exterior that goes with that, thus attracted to the traits and features that go with such sex and not to sex, if straight, means you wouldn't be attracted to or find sexually appealing of pleasing.

    I've heard a feminist believe the male gaze and women having a narcissistic arousal is because of how men and women internalize our culture. Women internalize the male gaze, so the "female gaze" you said is really a social construction with women being sexualized and the sex objects so their arousal geared that way because of it being suppressed, men controlling media so women's bodies all over and less of men and women's bodies taboo, covered up and which creates the tension and female body fetishsized and male body not, so women don't have the visual motivation to male body like men to women. She believes women aren't inherently a ton less visual than men but culture magnifies it.

    • Plus men often desire to do their fantasy, because that's the point of them. You say women are different because they usually just want to explore for the sake of it. It doesn't make sense and the male perspective makes more sense because of this. For example, when hungry you think of say a burger or see it on tv, it makes your hungry and delighted. You crave that burger and it looks good to you. You think about it because you're hungry, you want to eat burger because you're hungry. It's interconnected. Arousal and desire/lust are or only makes sense for them to be. When you're turned on, it's because of said body or act or situation is pleasing and stirs the senses and it's because you're either visual or horny or a lustful mood. Or the arousal makes you lustful and it because you want sex or creates it which is the purpose of being aroused or causing it. Creating the desire for action.

    • The writer of this MyTake is really a bullshit person. She is a bisexual but don't want to accept it. She said, **for women on the other hand it's more about what, what can you do to me, how can you make me feel, how can I make you feel, the actual identity of the person may be a bit more irrelevant.** Then logically women should be aroused by women getting pleased by shemale, bonobo or chimpanzee. [When we fantasise, it's about what they can do to us and what the sex it going to be like, not necessarily your specific body."] This is the fucking asshole I have ever read on internet. Logic say if it is true then women would not mind being eaten by another women or watching baby girl eaten by adult men should arouse them. But reality is they only get aroused if the women is sexy. So, they are bisexual, they are sexually attracted to female body. Your expiation is perfect. The writer is a immature bi or a fake pink account who knows.

  • "For women on the other hand it's more about what, what can you do to me, how can you make me feel, how can I make you feel, the actual identity of the person may be a bit more irrelevant." It's still sounds Bisexual to me, so what the point with all those excuses, especially considering that I know few true straight women, who are not into women, and who are not into lesbian porn at all. Also most men are not anxious about their girlfriend/wife will run off with a woman, in fact most men tend to be much more jealous and anxious about their girlfriend/wife being with other man, as most men see lesbian relationship as much less serious, and not the real deal, in comparison to sex that involves a man.

    • "Also most men are not anxious about their girlfriend/wife will run off with a woman" - Read some of the responses on this MyTake, they may change your opinion.

    • Buddy it's a my take from an 18 year old girl of course it is flawed. Women are well attracted to men visually too. Why would they go for the handsoome guy or ripped guy if they just care about pleasure? Why are many woimen turned on pleasing the guy sexually? Because opposite attract.

    • More like because women tend to be submissive, but I agree with you otherwise. :)

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  • That was well argued and well explained.

    A definite riposte to the droning idiot who won't shut up about this subject on this website.

    Thanks for writing this.

  • If they are attracted to lesbian porn... they aren't straight.

  • Lesbian porn has more realistic touch.

  • I actually was hoping you might delve a little more into how society has shaped these things. Human brains are very prone to associations. I don't like hardcore porn and prefer more erotic and sometimes lesbian as well (I've tried gay just for shits and it really doesn't do anything for me). But I've been watching porn since I was pretty young, so I think the things that turn me on are probably from associations that have turned me on for a long time. Do you think the way you discovered lesbian porn or perhaps the way that men and women are portrayed in media adds to what you feel?

  • Nice take ^^

  • That was 'brief'? LOL

  • Lesbian porn is way more sensitive, sensual and just so hot. Not because its two women but the sensuality and that fire that they build. I just don’t understand why can’t you see a man and a woman do that more often in porn I would probably start watching again.

    That was a great read 👏 great work should get some kind of award for it 🏆

  • That's cool and all, but if you choose to "visualize" what can be done to you and it does not involve a penis, you are not straight.
    Simple as that.

    • It's not necessarily a fantasy featuring what is been done to oneself, but just being able to get turned on by sexual acts. Um, excuse me, no penis. So if I fantasise about a guy giving me head (which I have done quite frequently) I'm automatically not straight because i'm not getting penetrated. Men get turned on by lesbian porn since there are hot women in it, women get turned on by lesbian porn because they like the idea of sex.

    • Women get turned on by lesbian porn because they like the idea of sex with women. There is an absolute crapton of porn that isn't "male-centric". Nubile Films, which is a sensual erotica website is currently ranked #3 on Pornhub in views. So don't tell me women can't find it (or X-Art, Met Art, EroticaX, Dane Jones and billions of other sensual erotica sites for that matter) or simply watch amateur videos and community creators which are now starting to outnumber other categories in ratios of 10:1. Because that is BS. I know because I don't watch male-centric (or lesbian) porn either.

    • You forgot one thing bud. Many straight women will actually pretend to be into lesbianism just to turn men on. So overall it is for the sake of impressing guys. Now if people show you statistics, it is complete BS because it is altered to promote LGBT. tHEY ARE REALLY TRYING TO PROMOTE THAT LESBIANISM is hot and it actually adds to the factor of women empowerment aka feminism.

  • Whilst I appreciate your view on it, I respectfully disagree and still state that they are not 100 percent straight in that instance for still having fantasies with other women, even with not acting upon it.

  • Women are more bi than men... and this is news how? In other news, water still wet, sky still blue, grass still green.

  • I am a good Irish Catholic boy meaning I have little understanding of the difference in sexuality b/n men/women

    I would fathom to think, the only difference is no difference. As seen in sexuality being unique to an individual rather than conveniently grouped under one all-encompassing umbrella.

  • Great take.

    I kinda had similar views regarding this, but you kinda nailed it here. Gonna use this as reference from now on.

    Only one issue that kept being in my head while reading this.
    Why is there a lot of sjw backlash regarding the male gaze?
    Male and female sexuality aren't the opposites of each other, nore are they gender flipped mirror images.
    Female gaze, described as " a sense of pleasure in fantasising about receiving the kind of love or admiration that a woman gets when she is looked at by men."
    Is basically what complements the male gaze. Just like female sexuality complements male sexuality on the broader spectrum.

    So, if females like being looked at, and they can identify with a woman being looked at, how is it that there is a lot of backlash at this "male gaze" perspective in movies?

  • I've watch lesbian porn and saw how sensual it was and I felt like I'm imposing on someone's intimate time. lol
    That's hilarious.

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