The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

Question: If those that believe in MGTOW, or men going their own way, have families, and specifically female children, how do they support this movement?

The reason I ask this, is thus: the way I love my nephew, I know there is nothing on this earth that would make me turn against him or hate that he is a boy or believe that just because he is a boy, he will grow up and destroy the female sex. But at the core of things like MGTOW there is an inherent dislike, or sometimes outright hatred for the female gender with notions that society focuses too much on their needs, and treats men like disposable income. But what if your child, your biological child that is, is female? What about your grandmother, your mother, a cousin, a friend who is female?

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

Women aren't just women you sleep with, they are women who created you, are your children, and are your friends (if you allow that), and I get that you do not sleep with or and have no relations with those women, but if the core of this movement is that all women do is destroy society, these people are of the female sex too whether they are 2 years old or 102.

I mean, how did you get here to where you are if not for your mom and dad having sex? Odds are she wasn't I'm guessing a prostitute, which a lot of MGTOW's claim is the only safe (for their wallets) way to have sex. And your kid...if all women are bad and horrible and destroyers of the world, do you believe that about your own female kid?

You can look at your daughter at 10 years old, and know that she deserves a life where she needs to be a prostitute in order to have respectful relations with a man or just live a life where she is forced to be alone because no man should engage in any relations with her because she is female and will undoubtedly destroy them? That is f-cked up!

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

This attitude towards women totally negates that there is male or fatherly influence on children as well. If you are that child's father, and you are raising her, why aren't you raising her to not treat men like a wallet or disposable if that's what you believe all women do? I was raised by a father, and he never taught me to be cruel to men in those ways, and neither did my mother for that matter. And that kid, did not ask to be born, you made it so. You made that choice, and then you decide that they deserve to be punished for existing and being female?

There is a bigger picture these men don't or can't see. When you say all women this, that, boom, your children and your family are part of that, and let me say, if your mom wanted to destroy you in a very literal way, she would have gotten an abortion, but she didn't. Now, I definitely don't believe that every man needs to get married or have children. That is by all means your own business, but if you did or you had kids, those were choices you made. You wanted to start a family and you wanted to get married, and since a marriage crumbling takes two to tango, as with any choices you make, you must either live with the consequences, or in the case of things like inequalities in divorce or custody, fight against them if you want to see changes to the system, but not MGTOW.

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

MGTOW it seems is content with merely complaining that things are unfair rather than actually doing anything about them like the Men's Movement. But you see, if you are one of those men with alimony or child support or dealing with a difficult divorce, if you know the potential outcome is you will get screwed and have to pay for these things in your opinion, just because you think it's unfair and don't want to, that doesn't mean you will not have to pay them or do them, so I don't see how self-preservation or having a blind all reaching hatred of women helps one if they do nothing about it other than complain or attempt to isolate, but still have to deal with the legalities of their situation, nor do I understand how you could essentially hate your own female daughter or any other female family member unless they have actually done abusive harm to you.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I am MGTOW and have a family. I am actually married and have 4 kids. One is a girl. Most males I know in MGTOW have children, most have had a divorce and bitter female almost destroy them.

    No group complains more than feminism and they actually don't have any real issues to bitch about.
    MGTOW (minus the reddit basement dwelling virgins who are used as the poster children of the group but actually have zero affiliation) is a group of men who simply don't want women using them for protection, money, and making babies.

    It's men who are tired of women using scapegoats like "We are the women who created you" since you need our sperm or else your statement is mute. Incubating our spawn doesn't give you the overwhelming power to destroy us, control us, or treat us as disposable.

    My wife and my daughter are two of the most well treated and loved females you will ever see. The difference is, they know they can't use emotional manipulation to get through life. They can't use their sexuality to get through life. The can't mistreat and disrespect men any less than they expect men to respect and treat them.

    These are all things MGTOW teaches them but society doesn't. Society teaches women that men should be subservient and disposable. That men are second-class citizens here to make their world easier. It tells women that being abusive and disrespectful to a man is ok but it isn't ok for him to be that way to her. It creates the bullshit gynocentric world we live in now where you have "Hi miss" as sexual harassment and feminist maniacs destroying our world.

    Women who think MGTOW is bad only know the bullshit basement dwelling trolls. These same women seem to be ok with the hate group that is feminism though. Which has an endless history of misandry and hate.

    • I think it's the extremists that give mgtow and feminist a bad name. They are the ones that fight the hardest and quiet aggressively at times.

    • You cannot be a MGHOW and be married.

      Can you be married and a MGHOW?

      (There has been some deliberation on this, but the short answer is No.

      While it’s certainly possible that a man may have married 20 years ago, and recently became self-aware of the very precarious legal position he finds himself in today…this would be the only real way he could consider adopting a MGTOW lifestyle if he were contemplating divorce.)

    • @Unit1 Well I am sorry to tell you but I am very prominent in the MGTOW community and am very well married. I understand the trap I am in and that if my wife does decide to leave she can take everything from me because society is in favor of her. But since I got married before MGTOW and am still married, It would be foolish to commit financial suicide and lose my kids because I agree with something. My wife knows my boundaries and my stance, she doesn't shit test me, she doesn't monitor me, and she doesn't have control over my money or time. If women acted the way my wife did, we wouldn't need MGTOW. The reason I support and partake in MGTOW is that I am the only male I know who has it this way, every other male I know (and my ex's in the past) is the type MGTOW are against.

Most Helpful Girl

  • The problem is that MGTOW is just another radical group :/ . The problem aren't women, but the way society favors women and doesn't see each woman as an individual. And throws them all together on one pile (Woman pile), wether good or bad. And they do the same with men. All on one pile (Man pile).
    From my personal expirience I have an aunt, who treats her children like a burden, and only wanted them because her natural clock was ticking and all her friends had kids too already. Then her husband who isn't a blood relative of mine, he's a nice dude, a hardworking father, but because he works so much he doesn't have time to take care of the kids. And all my aunt does is waste the money he earned so hard on nails, hair stylers, branded clothing. And now if they were in court for a divorce (which I highly believe will happen someday) he will probably loose the kids. Because he works too much an won't have time for them and so on, and will end up paying for child support. And I don't think that's fair.

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  • Man are responsible for the woman they choose. It is therefor strange to see how many times later on they are disopointed about their own choice.
    There are people who take responsibility without it would be a duty.
    And they do that without any form of force. But I do not know how they call such people so if you know the word please tell me.
    In this world everybody talks in terms of law. Law was later in time after people proved to be not good on free will so they made arangements and everybody had to agree on it to provit from it and get protection by law and order.
    So many people leave this law and promise and lose the right of protection from law and government.
    Before the law excisted people depended on the good will of people so the speak.
    So things were more naturel.
    So the law brings new modern problems where peole feel the law as a force. While their ancestors choose the profits it would bring.
    No matter if they were forced or not , this world likes to make choices again all over again.
    The law it self is not pure nature and have their setbacks.
    That means it comes not without problems. And nobody is to be blamed for that.
    The law by itself is not holy for that reason and not boss in reality only a practicle use with the made agreements. People break these laws right now and that is ok and we start a new world. So this is normal.
    Because the law is useless and no more suitable.
    To live with no law in fact brings more nature back in town and more good also and children see more of reality that way and kept less stupid but remain more near nature without disturbence in the head that create mental illness for example or unhappiness.
    The law it self was never made to make people a slave. Yet it is used to make people a slave. The law was made to protect after you promise to be good and support the law of being good.
    But as soon they turn the law against the people to enslave people the law must go and the people win their rights back of their origine of nature that right is a right nobody ever can take away from them ever because that is their eternal proven right number one on top off all other rights to begin with. If that is not supported anymore in society something goes very wrong somewhere and right now nature itself is heavy under attack by the law it self. And that for sure is not good. Then the law must go and shut up and speak no more.
    People are losing their freedom because of the law and the to strickt rules and live for the law.

    • The people lives for the law while it should be that the law lived for the people. And that is no longer the case. They put the law above and higher in rank then people themselves while people are living creatures and the law a dead thing it has highest priority in the world where people must work for and support. That is not how things should be. The law is not created to put that dead thing as a law book against people but to support the people who need it. The law should serve the people. Not the people the law book. The law book is a dead thing. people are a living creature. They should be the first priority and the law should support that idea because who writes the law book? the law book itself? No. People do. So get real and wake up all and stop sleeping and having with the way things going in this world. You let your ancestors do your jobs and now it is your time to do your job.

  • I'm of the MGTOW mindset, but no one knows it. Haven't bothered with women for a long, long time and if anyone asks why, I just tell them I'm on the extreme end of introversion. Am very successful and am in the top 10% of income and asset holders. Well educated, too. Graduated #1 in my university class decades ago. Once my eyes were opened to gynocentrism, which become readily apparent to me through the deep misandry inherent in feminism, that was it. I've had zero to do with women since. I don't even communicate with them unless I've no other choice. Have nothing to do with my sisters because their sense of female entitlement is bottomless. Fortunately for me - I'm in a male dominated engineering field, so I don't have to work with many women either. I'm not married and won't have children. I don't care if my genes don't get into the next generation. I really don't want them there. It's their loss, not mine. There's nothing better than living a life free of kissing women's arses. Nothing makes me happier than being single and nothing brings me more fear than a woman having any level of power or control in my life - especially financial power. I'm not afraid of women - but I'm terrified of the power they have to lay claims without evidence and have that considered fact. I almost got destroyed twice by such false claims and was fortunately able to bounce back - but the toll they took was significant. I know how the gynocentric mindset works and I'll have none of it. I'll live a free man or not at all. If some woman tries to take me down - she's going down with me. You other guys have at it. I'm in no way jealous. For me, they're just not worth risking my future and sanity over.

    • We are with you man, thanks for such helpful opinion

  • MGTOW is not about hating women. It is about learning to protect yourself in a society where the laws and public opinion heavily favor women, and to find meaning in a man's life outside of women by self actualization.

    To protect ourselves we need to better understand the true nature of men and women. There is a dark side to male nature, that we openly talk about. There is also a dark side to female nature that our society pretends doesn't exist. To balance the culture that teaches us that women are made of sugar and spice, MGTOW have to focus on the dark side of female nature. Accepting our female family members have this dark female nature within them, does not mean we can't love them.

    The MGTOW you see complaining online are often going through the red pill rage. These men have often just been destroyed in court, or lost their children, even losing their identities as husbands, and fathers. Anger is a part of the healing process, and that isn't always pleasant to hear, but it is something that they need to do in order to get better. Most MGTOW go through it, but eventually move past that, and that is why they understand the newer MGTOWs being so angry at first as well.

    Some of these men were even taught to act as codependents being told they fail as "real men" anytime they stood up for themselves since childhood. Guys are literally taught that if a girl hits us, it is our lot in life to just stand there and take it. That can really screw up the minds of young boys. If you look at the recovery of codependents you find it often mimics the stages MGTOW are said to go through on their path to self actualization as well. When it comes to teaching men not to be shamed into doing something that hurts them, MGTOW is pretty much the only game in town.

    "MGTOW it seems is content with merely complaining that things are unfair rather than actually doing anything about them like the Men's Movement" The men's rights movement has made no real progress in the last several decades. Even talking about male suicide gets protested against, and requires the police to protect the speakers. MGTOW is about teaching a man to improve his own life, by doing what is right for him, with the hand society has dealt us.

    There are however some MGTOW that are also part of the men's rights movement. There is nothing in MGTOW that say's they can't also be MRAs. MGTOW in itself simply is not about activism, but it does not forbid being an activist if that is what the man wants to do.

    • I don't hate women. In fact I often walk female coworkers to their car so they get there safely. I may vent online sometimes, or have unpopular views on certain topics, but I have no issue being MGTOW and caring about women. I just have no interest in getting remarried, letting a woman move in with me, or kissing women's ass's in order to gain female validation. I don't really buy into the whole MGTOW level thing. One of the hurdles in male nature is our desire to compete with each other, do to the male hierarchy. Which is one reason the Men's rights has made no progress. We just keep fighting over who should be in charge of the MRA's. MGTOW levels are a reflection of that male nature, and does get addressed within a lot of MGTOW circles, although I think it could be brought up more often. So you get guys wanting to out MGTOW, the other MGTOW, which just proves that they don't fully understand MGTOW philosophy yet. There are more like a spectrum of MGTOW types, and not levels.

    • Thanks for the explanation. I'm not a Feminist, but I feel like when Feminists talk about Feminism, they suffer from the same issues. People read what they read online or elsewhere and they label everyone in the group as an extremist, in their case, out to destroy men, but when they sit there and talk about what Feminism really means, people don't want to hear it. I've talked to both types of MGTOW members... those that take the approach you have which I really have no issue with the way you explain it. Don't get married, some women are horrible people, don't give you money away, focus on yourself. I believe in that in the same way I believe that marriage IS for some people and that of course there are plenty of women not out to destroy mankind. But just as with the Feminist sort, the extremists are a part of MGTOW that can't be denied, and they often have the loudest voices, so that experience gets batted around the most from place to place.

    • One additional thing I will say about activism and in this case, the Men's Rights Movement is that if one does nothing, there will be no change. You may not think they are getting things done, but if no one is doing anything, that's not getting anything done either. That's the one major thing, outside of the extremists, that I am at odds with. I feel like MGTOW simply rolls over and accepts that the world can't ever possibly change and nothing will ever be done... women said the same thing about Women's lib, and blacks, Civil rights, but the struggle is clearly often long and hard in order to see change... we're talking decades or centuries, but none of those things could have happened, if no one did anything. Self preservation is great in theory, but it ensures that next generation, men will only ever go through the same exact things with no strides forward. That to me means, "they" win.

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  • Are you refering to masculism or some organisation specifically? It seems to me your perceptions of MGTOW is incorrect in most things - aside from feminazi gender superiority and men as expendable.

    But I agree that daughters may be a conflict. Either they choose not to have one, or they gamble - misguidedly in my opinion - that they can influence them to be a good woman and treat men with respect. Very misguided.

    My position is logical. I wish my mother never had me, and I will never have children. I dont believe in family either, and to be a masculist is indeed to go ones own way. Monogamy is an oppresive, embarrassingly outdated institution, and only one any man with testosterone engages in because women have all the power in the sexual marketplace, and those are there uncompromising demands.

    • they created for long time to make family like being hell. But family is nature. Every child has parents. And there are some things we can do nothing about. But I understand your disopointment you share with many. Love family itself. Not yours. But the idea of family itself. I know you would be good at it and a good person and father if society was different because that in many cases is that way and many get not that chance in this society that is not good for many and only the rich who rule on the top and like to keep it that way for themselves while many many others suffer with no way out their whole life time. I hope you can be albe anyway one day to heal your wounds but know you are not the only one and there are daughters and sons that suffer from their families not just the sons only. But sons are treated many times very horrible and it get's no attention at all and remain unknown to the government for ever the way things going right now. It is a horrible fact.

  • MGTOW, a complicated topic, they don´t know the whole story behind what is happening, truth is that not women nor men is responsible for the social turmoil in relationships, ideologies and so on, the truth is that everyone are victims of subliminal messages, ideologies and so on that were carefully planned by a secret elite that truly is in control of this world, they are the owners of all media, entertainment, communication, and their agenda follows the plan of their parasitic alien overlords, that is to make people fight one against the other and be divided, and live miserable lives, since these aliens feed off negative emotions, here is the explanation of everything that happens, ofc majority of people would think that this is argument of an insane person, which sadly isn´t the case and i know all this first hand and so well, unfortunately for me, so, to sum it up, everyone are victms of machinations of megalomaniac people that sold their souls, so to speak, to these aliens to gain power and in exchange they promulgate alien agenda throught creation of ideologies and all kinds of thinking patterns and behaviors that will end up in making everyone miserable.

    • Do you think gays are part of this mind control agenda?

  • Your completely wrong about MGTOW. Its not about hating women, to make a man hate a woman it requires the man being hated, wounded and exploited by the woman. That's the part your not acknowledging. As your picture clearly states, its to avoid how horribly bad men are treated in this society. So it has nothing to do with hating women and evrythign to do with women having exploited and destroyed men's life, blaming men for all their problems, and over all mistreatment. You have an issue with MGTOW talk to women, they are the ones that set them down this path, fix the laws, that's what allowed women to hurt and exploit them to begin with. You refusing to acknowledge the role women played in this situation only proves beyond a doubt to those men that they are doing the right thing, because if women are not even going to acknowledge the damage done, then they are not going to stop it or even will participate in it when the time comes.

  • While I'm not a MGTOW and I disagree with some of the things they say, I also understand them. I don't think women will ever understand MGTOW no matter how well it's explained to them, and this is why you'll never convince them that they're wrong. I'll try to explain it the way I see it.

    You mentioned the Men's Rights Movement trying to make changes - when you understand the way our society works you'll understand why they'll never change anything. We live in a society of people raised with feminist ideas, by mostly feminist teachers, parents, role models in popular culture - this includes people who say that they aren't feminists for XYZ reason. Most people don't care about men at all. They might pretend to, but they really don't.

    Your take is a perfect example. I see many takes like them bashing MGTOW. It's always about shaming those men for the choices they choose (while always giving the disclaimer that it's fine for guys to make that choice). It's always about their bitterness towards feminism, most often also about their ability to get laid. It's always a message of "shut the fuck up and stop whining".

    However, they have a very good point when it comes to the treatment of men in divorce and family courts, both by judges (who as you'll most likely point out are often male) and by the women they're with. It is a system biased against men.

    I can see why they'd want to avoid it. Many of them have already been destroyed in that way. Others see their friends get destroyed and they say to themselves "fuck that". They avoid marriage and children as a result.

    Now as I mentioned, our society is a female-centric feminist one. Nobody cares about changing things to help men. There are many ways in which men are disadvantaged, but feminist groups ( and as an extension society at large) always downplay these things in favour of helping women achieve "more equality". To them we have to focus on one group at a time, we can't fix both. They protest and usually successfully stop any attempt by MRAs to help men for the reasons mentioned. it never works. That's why MGTOW don't see the point in trying.

    The only way it could work would be if women wanted it to happen. But do they talk about how fucked up the system is and campaign to change it? No, they just bash and shame the men who want to avoid it. This further makes these MGTOW guys think that women just don't care and actually want to keep these things in place. That's why your argument will have 0 effect.

  • I'm afraid I only recently found out about MGTOW as a movement. I realize it is not essentially the male equivalent of a feminazi. Until I realized that however I would have thought it meant something very different.

    Anyone who's seen Inception, while it may have seemed confusing also probably picked up on the basic premise of what they were doing. They were trying to convince the son of an energy demigod to give up part of his empire rather than have him claim a monopoly. They do this by convincing him that his father was disappointed he tried to be him. They make him think his father wanted him to be his own person, not just his father's son. That's what I think of when I think of a man going their own way. It ought to mean a man who has decided not to let others define him, not someone who's cutting off ties to the world and society because he's full of himself and thinks he knows better than everyone else. The idea of the MGTOW Movement as it is today is foolish at best. To put oneself before family is simply selfish... and evil.

    • Cutting ties is not he result of being full of oneself it is about shedding the toxicity in one's life. There are toxic people in everyone's life. MGTOW is a path for men to find themselves without be treated like a used tampon

    • @NerdInDenial Cutting ties may not be the result of being full of oneself, but it is quite selfish. To say family doesn't matter is foolish. Cutting ties is to claim a certain arrogance. It's to claim that you don't need anyone. Toxicity isn't a bad thing to remove from oneself, but the impression I've gotten from what the MGTOW movement stands for is an assuming toxicity from the female gender.

    • Some people don't need anyone. They're a hermit by nature. Can you not create your own family?

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  • if you listen to the mgtow videos, mgtow men (including me) do not hate women we cannot hate for something the genetically a primal instinct. and for mgtow fathers studies have shown fathers are big part of that child's life let alone better suited for parenting, children with only fathers had higher intelligence and more successful life vs a single mother. no this done by women not men.

  • What about ChildFree and Anti-Natalists? You forgot about those crowds too. How do you think that is going to impact family in your perspective if at all? I personally wouldn't worry about it. We're at OVER 7.5 BILLION people on the planet so we aren't ever going to disappear any time soon, and families are still gonna be around. I think many people are merely just paranoid and we shouldn't even worry about it at all. The number of people on the planet that are marrying would probably consistently always exceed the number of people on the planet that are avoiding marriage altogether. The same goes for those that want children and are having them would consistently exceed those that refuse to ever have children and offspring altogether.

  • "or sometimes outright hatred for the female gender with notions that society focuses too much on their needs, and treats men like disposable income."

    No lol that's just for women under 30. Women 30+ are worth even less than unemployed men sadly.

    I dunno, I think MGTOW is stupid even if I can sort of see why some guys live this lifestyle.

  • Girl is a part of the feminists, media & pop. society praise her. Guy joins MGTOW, goes under immense ridicule. Yay equality! :/

    • LOL, where have you been... it's not on GAG, because you even mention the word feminist and there are 50 comments about how feminists are the devil. NO one is praising feminism in the way you make it seem they are.

  • There are two issues working here. Relationships with women and co-dependence with an admittedly anti white-male society.
    Men going their own way do not have to hide from defective Western white (and brown) women and the anti-white male conditions that certainly do exist. It should be, rather, to replace them. I am halfway there, having recruited and married a foreign-born female (FBF) from the Third World, who has not been infected with Feminist Derangement Syndrome. Our social milieu is with other groups/families with American males and FBF and we run our lives on the periphery. These FBF are aware of the nature of Western women and do not socialize with them. My home life is very 50's, which is a stable, nurturing platform from which to work around today's society until such time that we pick up stakes and move to her home country, a traditional, but not oppressive society. When that occurs, I will not be in exile. I will have liberated myself. Don't run from the game. Play your own game and pick your own playing field. And there are millions of eligible East Asians and Latin Americans who wish to go their own way, too.

  • I'm not MGTOW.

    But as your own chart shows, a fairly early MGTOW goal is to -not have children-.

    If I'd summarize the MGTOW position it's either defeatist or realist (and perhaps delusional but lets ignore that or not). They do not seek to change things, as they think society is entrenched. Since they feel society is unfair in how it dictates male/female/family interaction, they avoid it altogether.

    Some may hope that if enough MGTOW society will change, some figure that these things are cyclical, and there will be an Islamic revolution or something at some point (maybe 10 years, maybe 200, but a look at history shows it is not a straight arrow of increasing liberalism). But their own personal goal is not to be exploited.

    MGTOW may agree with the 'men's movement' but they also think there's little to no current chance of success for a men's activist movement.

  • You don't have to hate someone to avoid someone.
    Up to level 2 or maybe 3, I wouldn't even call MGTOW. Aren't those just normal behaviors for (young) guys?

  • MGTOW is not a movement; it's a philosophy. MGTOW does not advocate any political movement or policy changes because the war is over; feminism has won and it has taken its toll on society. The family court system and the METOO movement will and continue to prosecute men. When men realize they cannot have a family without persecution, they go into the grief cycle. That is the red pill rage in MGTOW; however, after that comes acceptance. Most MGTOW do not hate women but rather understand how they operate. They merely point out the negatives and warn others about the nature of women. A lot of the negatives of women are natural and instinctive.

  • It's feminism for men. Another extreme on a scale where the balance has been ignored for too long. We need inclusion to fight exclusion not more exclusion.

    Like PLM vs BLM. Both are flawed groups that need to pass on to something more productive.

  • Extremism is never good. Nor MGTOW nor Feminism. But you missed a point here. If that man is true MGTOW follower, he won't get married and have children in first place. Secondly, I can create similar take for feminism as it is much wild spread than MGTOW. At least MGTOWs don't physically harm women. (I'm referring to case of feminist women who damaged her son's dick so he won't become future rapist)

    • Do you have a link to that case? I couldn't find any with google.

    • @bubble_tea I'm unable to find it either. But I'm pretty sure about this case.

    • Thanks for trying!

  • You really don't understand MGTOW, do you (we'll just pretend you're not baiting for an argument or trolling)? MGTOW is not like the National Organization for Women or some other political movement. They don't have any central organization, entire libraries of literature, or funding and jobs to "study men". MGTOW is purely philosophical and very much open to interpretation so it's a bit like nailing putty to the wall trying to parameterize what is and is not MGTOW. There's no "standard" to MGTOW except in that they reject traditional views on marriage and relationships. That's it.

  • I wouldn't class myself as MGTOW; my sisters and my mum are the best! And I have a lot of female colleagues and friends... and one who is very special to me. I couldn't hate them.

    BUT. I hate feminists. Not the run of the mill equality chasers, I'm talking the looney tune ones who want men to be made redundant through growing sperm in test tubes (the aim of which is to phase out the XY chromosome). The ones who use any excuse they can to portray all men are bastards, rapists and Neanderthals. They don't realise how close to Aryanism their agenda has become. This is how the Nazis treated ethnic minorities, homosexuals and Jews before WW2.

    MGTOW is like the Dirty Dozen (or Inglurious Bast.. rds). Most people don't like them, don't like their rhetoric and don't like their methods. But in the absence of any backbone in the media or political will to challenge the current wave of neofeminazicism, at least someone's fighting back.

    • Feminism means a desire for gender equality and a recognition that woman are at a disadvantage in our society. It necessarily leads to the conclusion that, until women are on equal footing with men, we aught to try to empower them in the least harmful or disruptive way possible, such as be defending equal legal protections or advocating for social change. I'm proudly a feminist, what I don't get is how, for like the billionth time, yet another movement is being judged by the actions and opinions of a few people. How have we not figured this out yet? *Black man robs a store" Oh all black people must be thieves! *Man beats his wife* Oh all men must be abusive! *Feminist says something stupid like #killallmen* Oh all feminists must be nazis! MGTOW is a reaction to something that's good and right. It also makes no sense unless you have a seriously skewed view of reality.

    • @MikeAndMolly

      First paragraph I totally agree with. And the second, though I could take that you were talking about feminism, or charities that support men when they're at their lowest point (say after a divorce & the guy has been left homeless, destitute, sleeping in a cardboard box) who get trolled to death by feminazis. Like this one, which identified MGTOW way before the term existed... and is picketed by and savaged by feminazis about it helping homeless men...

      Men's health is just as important as women's health. There are gender inequalities against men that need addressing; for instance, Cancer Research wants more funds and better cancer treatment for men. Feminazis love to pretend this is anti women. It's not. Contrast with the campaign for the "luxury tax" to be removed from women's sanitary products (even MGTOW haven't a problem with it; it's a nonsense tax end of).

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