An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around.

I came across a few 'Slut Shaming' posts by women blabbing about how men slut shame women who sleep around on GaG.

I also saw majority of Men and at least half of Women here having extreme views about promiscuity.

There are few Men here called 'White Knights' who will defend women manipulation, deceiving, promiscuity and agree with women . Everyone can voice their opinions, we live in a free country after all.

If we analyse, who are these 'white knights' ?

These 'White Knights' are usually men who are above 35 years of age, or who are already married or who are desperately waiting for any warm body that they can settle with.

If you ask a guy less than 35 years of age and who is looking for a woman to marry and not to just have some casual sex , 90% of guys like these will want to marry a woman with no or very few amount of past sexual partners. (Even if the those guys have slept around, they still want a 'pure' woman. Hypocracy , which I don't agree).

What do Men and Women lose if they have Casual Sex?

Loss to Men: A committed relationship? Maybe.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

A good reputation? Yes, men can jeopardise their future potential to have a high value mate through perpetual promiscuity (See the book social Psychology and Human Sexuality, 2001).

But more importantly – what, on a reproductive/biological level, do men sacrifice?


They sacrifice quality.

And that’s quality of the women. Many men who sleep around don’t mind this; all they are looking for is novelty in experience anyway. Almost any willing woman will do.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

It’s still a sacrifice – in terms of a relationship and in terms of a reputation for the purposes of having a relationship with a high value woman though.

Of course, the ACT of sex carries with it very little sacrifice for a man. In fact, it’s all gain to the male limbic system. Get in and get out – hopefully. Unless she stalks him.

But quality is still the sacrifice for a promiscuous man – and that’s why men will try to get the highest value woman they can for a relationship – and have low standards for casual sex.

Women might be attracted to promiscuous men and have sex with them. But the kind of man who is being promiscuous is not generally having sex with 10 women who are rated 10s every week.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

The more a man is eagerly looking to sleep around, the lower quality women (low mate value) he has to settle for in that act.

Another way we can think about it is – it is generally assumed among the male community that high reproductive value women are extremely hard to ‘hook up with’, in COMPARISON to lower mate value women.

Loss to Women : And what do WOMEN potentially sacrifice, if they sleep with a man quickly (as in, before enough attraction has been built up)?

According to scientific research reported in the book ‘Social Psychology and Human Sexuality’ – women potentially sacrifice their reputation, and risk being viewed as having lower mate quality.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

Of course, we don’t live in tribes of 100-200 or more any longer. So, reputation damage isn’t as real a threat to females as it may have been many years ago.

Women in one country can fly across the world and sleep with many men, and then fly home and not risk any damage to their reputation, don’t you think?

Why Men are not Slut shamed but Women are?

Shaming of immoral, unmanly, or unfeminine behavior is a necessary component of a stable society. A world that says you can’t judge people for behaving like losers or failures is one that will inevitably regress to the lowest common denominator. It’s the world we happen to live in, where kids are given participation trophies no matter how badly they suck at the game and where an old fart deep in his dotage is called “courageous” for cross-dressing and calling himself “Caitlyn.”

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

Additionally, if you feel shamed over something, it’s an indicator that whatever you’re being shamed for is something you hate about yourself and want to change. For example, while a devout Christian may retain his virginity until he gets married, because he’s choosing to save himself for a higher cause, attempting to shame him for not having sex wouldn’t work.

While nobody can force you to live your life a certain way, you can’t sit in your basement all day twiddling your fleshy bits to hentai and expect the same measure of respect as a manwho actually accomplishes something real. Yet much in the same way that fat girls demand to be given the same deference as skinny ones, loser men in the manosphere—and moral degenerates who steal other men’s wives—demand to be treated the same as men of virtue.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

The reality is that if you’re being shamed, you probably deserve it. If you’re unwilling to own the consequences of your behavior, you need to change the way you act. In other words, if you’re sick of being shamed, you should stop acting shamefully. Demanding that the rest of the world change to accommodate your failures makes you no different than a spiky-haired Tumblrina crying about how she was born with the soul of a naked mole rat and why won’t you accept her for who she is, you cishetwhitemale asshole?

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

At the end of the day, choices have consequences. You’re free to carve out whatever life you see fit, but I’m also free to mock you for it if your life choices are stupid. “Shaming language” is just an attempt to de-legitimize any criticism of anyone who chooses mediocrity over greatness, failure over success.

The only Valid point I agree with women is that Men who sleep around should be just as much shamed as women who sleep around and not to be seen as heroes because they could seduce few confused women who were out in the bar to explore their sexuality and want to compete with men dominated society and end up being used and later turn bitter towards men by becoming hardcore Feminists.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

Please Blame Nature not Men for your Design,

Men didn't make you this Way.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

Ladies, I want you to talk to the big man upstairs (God) and complain him why he made you this way. Men are not at fault if God designed you in such a way that after enjoying sex for 1 night you will knocked up with a kid and will have bear the consequence for 9 months.

Why women are more 'Vulnerable' to Judgement than Men

As I said earlier talk to God why he discriminately designed Men and Women.

Talk to God why men want 'Loyal' women.

Talk to God why women want 'confident' men.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

Its in nature of Men to seek out a 'Loyal' woman and that's why most guys 'Judge' a woman so that they can weed out promiscuous women.

So women are more vulnerable to criticism, here's why -

1) Once women do something, regardless of whether they don’t EVER tell anyone they did it – their neurology has experienced it and something internally still DROVE them to make these choices.

And if they mainly practice unattached sex, because they are avoiding the deeper parts of themselves that truly want to surrender in trust to a trustworthy man – their body can, over time, train to send messages to men that they are ‘the one of many’ rather than the ‘one and only’.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

And all men naturally categorise the women they meet in to one of these categories – based on how the woman shows up.

As we know, what we practice persists.

Women's body language doesn’t lie.

High value men looking to devote themselves will be able to read what a woman is all about through their body faster than they even get the opportunity to verbally tell them anything about themselves.

I know it kinda sucks to hear it – but no matter how ‘UN-easy’ Women feel inside, because they would turn down most men…what their bodies practice becomes the energy they send out.

2. MEN talk to each other when they get sex easily. (ground breaking information there!)

I theorise that men do this gossiping about easy sex to warn each other (their own sex), just like women gossip about ‘jerks’ who make bad or abusive boyfriends – men spread pictures, videos, and gossip about women they have casually slept with.

This is possibly because on a primal level, in our tribal days – this information was CRUCIAL to the future reproductive safety of all men – why?

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

Because it warns other men not to invest their resources in the women they have gossiped about, since paternity cannot be determined.

(Paternity – meaning no one really knows who the father of the child is, since the woman hasn’t established trust and commitment with one steady guy, or doesn’t seem to have).

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

If human males were chimpanzees though, they’d all crowd around and take care of the baby – even if 10 of them had sex with the same lady chimp, because there’s always a CHANCE that the baby is theirs.

Although, male chimps have measly fathering skills compared to human males – and that’s partly why they need to ALL invest a bit of paternal energy.

So, just as women in a certain context, protect each other from low value mates of the opposite sex, men do the same in their own way.

Paternity is serious business.

For a man, incredible humiliation and “life-destroying” (to use a real man’s words) emotions can be felt surrounding the possibility that he might have invested time, money, effort and resources in to – gasp – ANOTHER man’s offspring.

In fact, I’ve noticed a scary phenomenon.

Men tend to get more insensitive to the women who have sex because she doesn’t know what else value to add.

In other words, some men become more disrespectful and insensitive towards the women that they get easy sex from.

3) Women sacrifice their true nature for casual sex, sometimes.

What I mean is – women are not biologically inclined to have sex with men that they don’t trust.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

If women are having sex with men that they are HIGHLY attracted to – ie; a man who DOES show up as capable and trustworthy, then the danger might be that she really DOES love him and want a commitment. But, by then, he could have categorised her as ‘one of many’, depending on how she’s showed up.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

If she’s had sex EARLY – but she’s showed up as his one and only’, then there’s no problem for the woman – the deal is already sealed.

But if a woman has not done that – then…she could really find herself hurt – and based on the reason that she wasn’t attuned to where the man was at, and how he really FELT about her – whether he truly had any feelings or good intentions for her or not.

There should be an equal Footing.

I am not a 'White Knight' but I support women that Men should be as harshly judged and looked down upon in society if they sleep around.

'Slut' should be used for Men as well.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

But if women are sleeping around just to score equal points with men, then that's wrong.

Two wrongs doesn't make a right and eventually its a loss to women till society doesn't learn to slut shame men as well.

An Unbiased View on Men and Women who Sleep Around

So don't worry ladies. Be strong, Be healthy, Be fit.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • It's funny... if this was a few years ago, I would be pro-sleeping around... but I am not anymore. When I was in my early 20s, I was never really experienced with women. Hell, I didn't really start dating until I was 24 and that is when I had my first kiss. Anyway... since that time, I had 3 one night stands, had an STD scare, and then met my girlfriend.

    My current girlfriend, while a great, career oriented, educated and successful woman... she disclosed her life before she met me. She told me she had sex since she was 16 (she is now 23), fucked quite a bit of guys in high school, fucked quite a bit of guys in college, had an STD scare, and had 2 short term boyfriends (under 6 months for both of them).

    When I started having sex with her, the sex wasn't much fun for me, because she was soooo particular about everything. Because of all of her past sex experiences, she knew exactly want she wanted, how she wanted it and knew what it took to make her cum. As a result, my sexual efforts often frustrated her and there was nothing for us to really explore sexually together since she has already done everything.

    • Yes, You are right.

    • So how are you working things out with her in the bedroom?

Most Helpful Girl

  • Agree if someone has sex like that own up to it if not you deserve to be shamed for those activities

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  • I've been active on this website for almost a week now, I think, and this is THE FIRST good post I've had the pleasure of reading. Well done, man.

    The great Australian comedian Jim Jeffries once answered the question of the "double standard" in our society that judges men and women differently. Why is a man a STUD, but a woman a SLUT? Well, what he said was basically that "for a man, it's hard to become a stud. He must learn to be charming, confident, witty, quite well off; but being a slut is EASY. All she has to do is spread her legs."

    There's the real issue that modern women, who claim to be "SEXUALLY LIBERATED" fail to recognise. It's the fact that, for most men, it's pretty hard to get laid. But for a woman, she can get sex ANY time of the day. Literally. Anytime, anyplace. There will ALWAYS be someone willing to fuck, even if the woman isn't good looking.

    That's where I see the issue with women these days. They're trying to be like men, when they're NOT men, and they'll never BE like men. A woman has always been the gate-keeper of sex...

    Ah, this brings a clever analogy to mind that I heard a while back. Think of a man as a KEY and of the woman as a LOCK to a door. A STUD is basically a guy with a master key and can open almost any woman's lock (although I'd have to agree that great power comes with great responsibility, and studs are not deserving of praise). A SLUT is basically just a useless lock. Any key will open this door. What good is a lock that can be opened by any key?

    And I'll be sure to read that Psychology and Human Sexuality book. Thanks.

    • Agree!

  • For the record, there is already terms like womanizer, and also an song about it.

  • i was just wondering how you came to the conclusion that you're making an "unbiased" take, when this take is so full of normatively loaded assumptions and concepts that there's no way the term "unbiased" could ever fit what you just said here xD

  • Thank you

  • Agreed. A slut is a slut, be them male or female.

  • true take

  • Sluts are gross

  • I never have never looked down on someone for having many partners. I think most people that do are more jealous then anything.

  • nice take

  • Wow that's fucked up. You think older guys who won't slut shame are white knights? Lol!

    Dude white knights, aside from usually being young, naive, and virgins, almost invariably have the delusion their behaviour will lead to sex because they don't know how to get sex.

    I do. I mock white knight behaviour but I won't try to shame a woman for enjoying sex or trying to find a sexually compatible partner.

  • I enjoyed reading this mytake.

  • i think men are shamed they just don't take it heart like women do

  • Men are shamed too. They're called, pigs, perverts, dogs, players, creeps, disgusting, etc. for sleeping with many women.

    I personally believe you should be the person you'd want to end up with. Don't want a girl who sleeps around then don't sleep around yourself. It's hypocritical otherwise. I also don't believe a guy who doesn't sleep around should be judged for wanting a girl who also doesn't sleep around

    • Men aren't shamed, not unless they cheat or something...

    • @Kkaos They are. They're shamed even more when they cheat or something but they are shamed for sleeping around. I've heard female friends shame guys for having common one night stands and liking casual sex. Also when it comes to religion everyone who has sex outside of marriage is shamed for it, male or female.

    • Fact is a man who has more sex is more desirable on the scale of attractiveness. Whereas a woman who has more sex is less desirable.

    • Show All
  • I think it all comes down to what you want.
    If you just want some casual sex then go for it however if you want a relationship then all these things matter a lot.
    You have to be intelligent in making important decisions of your life.

  • sloots arr sloots. Male or female doesn't matter. Nice take.

  • I agree with man should be slut shamed as well. Nice take.