The Pill and Sex: A Different Perspective

I’m currently in my third sexual relationship. During my first two relationships, my partners and I used condoms and spermicide because I was afraid of hormones—I’d heard horror stories from the web and from my girlfriends about the side effects of the Pill, the patch, and Nuvaring. So my partners and I got by with other things.

Condoms: A necessary evil?
Condoms: A necessary evil?

But my current relationship was different. My boyfriend and I both knew from the beginning that this was “the real thing.” It was more intense on several levels—emotional, psychological, and sexual. Sex was more passionate, and it was more frequent.

So, several months into this relationship, I made a decision. My periods had always been heavy, crampy, painful, and irregular, but I had just suffered in silence. But one day it occurred to me how lovely it would be for my boyfriend to be able to come inside me—me, not a piece of rubber—and that if I could make my periods lighter and easier at the same time, this would be one of life’s great keys to happiness. I still remembered the horror stories about the Pill, but I knew that millions of women use it and I reasoned I could always just quit taking it. So the next day I moved up my gyno appointment, and a few weeks later walked out of it with some samples and a prescription for Ortho Tricyclen.

Once I started it, I got myself an app to help me to remember me to take it on time. Boyfriend and I agreed to wait at least a month to stop using condoms—the idea of having sex with nothing visible there to stop pregnancy was a little anxiety inducing, especially for me—and anyway I wanted a month of practice to make sure I was going to be good at taking it as I should. I also wanted time to see what side effects would pop up.

To my amazement, the only effects I experienced were good ones. Other than a little discharge for the first several days I was on it, nothing bad happened. By the end of that first month I noticed my skin was clearing up. My boobs grew a bit—no more than a cup size, but since I’m a bit small, it was welcome. My libido stayed high. And when my period came, what a change for the better! Light and relatively painless. By this time I was thinking “Why didn’t I try this before???” Despite all the horror stories and all the fears, I turned out to be a poster child for a positive experience with the Pill!

Taking the plunge
Taking the plunge

A few nights after I started my third pack, it happened. It wasn’t a conscious decision on our part—I think it was just the fact that my period had just ended and we had both gotten comfortable with the idea of me being on the Pill. There was no discussion—when the time came my boyfriend simply didn’t reach into the drawer where we keep his condoms. Instead we just held each other close, I opened my legs, and he slipped inside. It was as simple as that. It added an extra dimension to our lovemaking to have nothing between us—both psychological and physical (especially for him in the physical department.)

I had planned to ask him to pull out the first few times, just so we could ease into the idea of being protected by the Pill. But that didn’t happen. It was too intense a moment. But something else unexpected happened. I easily and quickly had an orgasm.

I had had orgasms during intercourse before, but not very often—usually my boyfriends would need to give me one beforehand. And when I did have them during intercourse, it normally took some doing. But not this time. It came very naturally and easily. (And it goes without saying that without a condom, my boyfriend had absolutely no trouble having one either!).

I chalked it up to the novelty and extra intensity of our new-found freedom from condoms and didn’t think anything else about it—until the following evening, when we had sex again, given that it had been so pleasant the night before. And again I had an wonderful orgasm during intercourse.

Before long this became the norm. Sometimes, now I will even have two or three. At first I was amazed and grateful. I still am, but now I realize what had happened. I had come to trust the Pill. Before I was always nervous, always feeling the base of the condom to make sure that it hadn’t slipped off, always waited to hear my boyfriend say afterwards “Oh my God—it broke!” I never heard that, but I always feared I would.

But all the effects I got from the Pill showed me that it was working, that it was doing something, that it was always there. All the fumbling around a dryness of using the condom were gone. I was protected and safe (well, as safe as any woman on the Pill can be, nothing’s perfect of course), and so I was able to relax far more during sex. In short, I was, and am, convinced that being on the Pill has made sex more enjoyable for me, and it has made it easier for me to reach orgasm.

Life on the Pill: For some women it's good!
Life on the Pill: For some women it's good!

This has often—maybe usually—NOT been the case with my friends, and reading various posts on the Web, it doesn’t seem to be the case with most women. But surely I can’t be alone. What has your (or your girlfriend’s) experience been with the Pill? Has it gotten unjustifiably bad press all this time? Am I a freak, or are there others like me? Please share your story!

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Ironically, irl I only know one woman who had a really bad pill exp. surely others I know have, but any girl I have ever talked so it just hasn’t been the case. This ex would try it and have headaches, long periods, dryness, all the horror stories. So I know it can happen, but in my lifetime exp 1 of 25 had a bad exp. most others were positive. So when women get their panties in a twist when someone insists on condoms and BC is “bad” I’m like wtf? If you tried and it was bad on I get it. But so many women get on a moral high horse about going on it when they’ve never even tried. Sorry, but if you’re going to be in a committed ltr, and aren’t willing to get away from condoms, I’m not even interested in a relationship. It makes sex that much worse for guys... and a long time of life long of inferior sex? I believe you NOW get the point :)

  • Genuinely Happy for you two : )

    Similar experience in my last relationship. First few times we had sex I pulled out, then one time she randomly told me to put it back in and cum insider her. I felt anxious, fear, excitement and just primal intent all at once lol. Using the pill with no condom in my opinion is best as long as the girl doesn't have a bad reaction.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I only use the pill for when I bleed a lot, but I’m currently on Nexplanon. My boyfriend and I used condoms the first month or so of our relationship but then I decided “no more” and got the implant. We’ve been having sex without any barrier for years now and honestly I couldn’t imagine going back to condoms if I was in a stable, committed relationship. There just isn’t anything that compares to actually feeling the penis vs. latex. You’re definitely not a freak though. Tons of women experience the same side effects and then tons don’t. All of our bodies react to hormones differently so it’s normal, no matter what you go through. :)

  • Yeah no. Even if you have none of the "obvious" side effects, this hormonal treatment of your fertility will still increase your risk for blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, liver and eye problems, and certain types of cancers.
    Why anyone would even think about opting for such invasive hormone altering contraceptives, especially considering the countless more inherent side effects, when there are actually hormone-free options is just beyond my comprehension and tbh, I don't think I'll ever understand it.
    I mean good it works for you but let's not promote something that is overall still much worse than good...

    • That's not true. All our bodies have hormones and in some women the balance of hormones is off. This just helps to regulate it and works as a contraceptive. All those side effects you mention are proven to false.

    • @yougurt actually, they haven’t been proven to be false at all. Please don’t propagate this shit

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 17
  • The pill was great to me! My doctor prescribed it due to my acne and irregular periods and, just like you, my skin got much cleared in a few months, I know exactly when I'm getting my period, I don't have any cramps (though I didn't have before either) and my boobs grew a little bit. I think the pill is an amazing invention and if they give negative side effects it's because it's not the right pill for you. There are different brands, different combinations of hormones and some work better for some girls and others work better for other girls. A doctor should pick the best for you, even if it's not at first try.

  • Glad it works for you. For the other million teens who get pregnant a year your telling them to stay off the pill is like telling them to get pregnant.

  • Actually, most people who take the pill do not experience any severe negative symptoms. My girlfriend and I are still trying to decide if the pill has affected her libido, but she's been on it for years and we're very happy with its effects.

  • My experience with the pill has been sort of rocky. I first got on it when I was 18. I wasn't sexually active but I knew it would happen at some point, so I wanted that extra layer of protection. I also wanted to be able to control my periods and skip them if necessary. I used my first brand for about a year, but then I was prescribed with another brand. I'd gone to a different gynecologist, and she said that the dose of hormones was too high for me. So I started taking this other pill (Yaz), and ended up getting a bunch of mood swings. I felt awful. At first I didn't think too much about it and figured I was just stressed and sad over things that were happening in my life, but then I started wondering if the pill had something to do with it. After maybe a year and a half of feeling not so great all the time, I decided to switch again. I started feeling better almost instantly. However, for the past year or so, I've started getting these awful migraines right when my period is about to start, usually a day or two after taking the last pill. I'm so done with getting these migraines. I only have about 2 months worth of pills left, and after that I'm getting off of them just to see if the migraines will go away. If they do, I might just try another brand again, because I do like feeling protected and the control it gives me over my periods.

    So don't celebrate just yet. It might take a while before you start feeling actual symptoms. Give it another year or two, and pay attention to what you're feeling and how your body is doing. Maybe use an app like Clue to track your periods, how you're feeling and what your body is doing throughout your cycles. Clue really helped me pinpoint exactly when I was getting migraines, because before I hadn't really paid too much attention and put 2 and 2 together.

    • You should go back to the pill that was working well for your body. Every body is different and that's why there is such a big variety of pills.

    • @yougurt but the hormone levels were too high for my size, which would put me at an even greater risk for getting blood clots. My family also has a history of blood clots. So although I didn't show any immediate symptoms, in the long run it could have been bad for my body. I trust my doctor's judgment in terms of the change.

  • You aren't alone or in a minority. The vast majority of women have a positive experience with the pill. Nothing is going to be a perfect fit for all, the thing is we only hear about things when things go wrong. Women who have positive experiences on the pill don't generally have a reason to share their stories unlike women who've had negative experiences.

  • It's nice to hear something positive about this stuff for once :)
    For me personally the pill hasn't worked because my body reacted with shutting my libido down completely. No sex at all is surely the best contraception methode but definitely not what I intended xD

  • This is like half Penthouse forum half drug advertisement.. I'm glad it worked out for you.

  • But risking a pregnancy is always so fun haha

  • Gross

  • You describe it perfect! So ease and skin to skin! Bar in arm! Xoxo

  • This was really interesting to read. You did a great job and I'm glad your experience with the pill has been so good.

  • 1. The wonders of modern chemistry exposed!

    2. I'm so glad I'm a man.

  • One word of caution. If you take any other medications it can interact with the pill and stop it from working, as i found out the hard way. Err on the side of caution if you ever have any doubts

  • Awesome!

  • There are definitely other women who have had positive experiences, so you aren't alone! I have personally the Pill destroy a lot of relationships though, so I would definitely want my girlfriend to think twice before starting something like that. I have heard better things about implanted BC than the Pill.

  • At my age is risky or tricky to take a BC pill or other BCmethods cause im hitting almsot 50for me the easy and cheapest way to havesex is if aguy wears a condom easy to buy easy to get. And I say this beause im a Vstill so for me taking a pill at my age my partner will ahve to wait for months for my body to get used to i IF my body get used to at my age
    or to any form of BC method, when with the condom if I want to have sex is something fast and in the moment and the guy does nto have to wait for months

    • Haven’t u had menopause or something yet

    • @thottttiana I may be getting to menopause but I have to wait until 6 mons straight had passed without my period to really know im onmy menopause. Now my period comes every 2 months

    • Menopause happens when you haven't had a period for 12 straight months and you aren't pregnant or sick. It's a normal part of aging.

    • Show All
  • Pills.
    Just wait...
    They will show you long term effects.

  • "Lovemaking" isn't real. But overall, thanks for sharing your experience. More girls should have easy access to the pill.

  • Thank you for sharing this...

  • Most girls try other products then the pill cuz of blood clits that can kill you or hurt you bad

    • Well I can see what was on your mind when you wrote this. ha ha

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