10 Things Nobody Tells You About The Rape

An astounding one in three women and one in six men will be raped in their lifetime. Of these, 3.3% are reported.

10 Things Nobody Tells You About The Rape

Rape is not talked about, but it needs to be.

Here are 10 things nobody will tell you about the rape... but you probably need to hear:

1. You didn’t have to say “no” or “stop” for it to be rape. Don’t put blame on yourself just because you froze or were unable to speak. Many rape survivors are unconscious and many experience a phenomenon where they can not speak, and freeze up. This is not uncommon and if you experienced this, please know... it is not your fault.

2. It’s still rape, even if you got hard or wet. Even if you did not consent to something, it’s not unusual for victims to experience body responses like these. This is a natural defence mechanism to prevent damage or harm to your body.

3. Rape is often a grey area. You may not feel like you were raped because when you think of rape, you imagine a dark man in an alleyway. Statistics show that these public violations are rare, and 58% of perpetrators are people known to the victim... often family, partners, or friends. Don’t let anyone invalidate your trauma just because it was not stereotypical. If someone had sex with you against your consent, they raped you... and it’s not your fault.

4. You may not acknowledge it for weeks or months. Rape victims often refuse to identify their experience as a rape until they are psychologically able to handle the idea. This is normal. If you are realizing you were raped, do not let time make you feel any less valid. Healing is different for everyone.

5. Over time, you will feel better. You may even feel better soon afterwards. You are going to have relapses and experience symptoms that you are uncertain about. This is okay. This is normal. Trauma is hard for the body to heal from. Often, triggers or side effects do not show up for months or years after.

6. You still deserve love. There will be someone who can love you. Your family will still love you. Most of all, you can still love yourself. It’s not your fault. You are strong for getting through this and you will only get stronger.

7. Just because you did not report, doesn’t mean you are making it up. People may try to convince you that it was all in your head, or that you are an attention seeker. This could not be further from the truth. You are strong. Talking about it takes guts. I understand if you could not report. 96.7% of victims do not report because of the lack of belief, support, and prosecution. Taking it to court can be just as traumatizing, if not more, than the rape itself. I understand. And you are doing fine. You are valid, and you are okay. Deal with this how you need to.

8. Therapy is not necessary right away. Seek therapy only when you need to... but do seek it at some point. If you are not ready for therapy but need support, phone a help-line.

9. You are not any less of a man, or woman, if you are raped. This does not define you.

10. I love you. I love you despite what happened. Understand that these words will be spoken to you some day, and that every day is another step closer to peace.

Do not give up.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Lol, I don't know why girls talk about how "terrifying" and "traumatic" rape is while at the same time it's their biggest fantasy and number one turn on.

    Girl: *Obsesses and masturbates to the thought of getting raped*

    *Gets raped*

    Girl: "I'm so emotionally traumatized and need a therapist to get through this!"

    Logic < 0

    • I'd be cautious taking those kinds of stats as a definite given. I dont personally know one single girl who has that as a fantasy.

    • @MaverickAngel I've come to realize that those stats must undoubtedly UNDERESTIMATE the true percentages, because I've seen girls say that they would never admit to it on a survey, even when it is their favorite fantasy. Many girls also don't even tell their closest friends about it either. So really, it's a lot more common than you and I think which is kinda sad.

    • The key word here is FANTASY. In a fantasy the dreamer controls every aspect of the imagination. And being taken in a fantasy is not like being taken by someone else who has control in real life. You cannot equate a rape fantasy to rape. People have all kinds of fantasies that they don't want to live. Rape is a real-life violation. A fantasy never is because it never happens.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Very informative. I learned a lot 👍👍👍

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  • best take ever. no7 terrified me. 96.7% don't even report? that's scary. and I very much agree that going to court, exposing the whole even and dealing with it for months in tha manner could be even more traumatizing, since you have to relive that event over and over in detail instead of trying to forget and move on. if there are any girls reading this comment who have been raped or abused in any way, please be strong and don't let it crush you. I know it's hard, I have not been raped but I have been sexually abused. I literally blocked it out of my mind and it resurfaced after a long time, making me sick and angry. sometimes the mind does that to protect itself, I guess I was not ready or able to emotionally deal with it.

  • When you threaten people to do sexual acts and send nude. It is by law rape. Just as sensing a nudepic with out consent of the receiver is by law Flashing. So in this now digital world it do not really surprise me. 1/3 Still sound extreme even with those conditions.

    • "When you threaten people to do sexual acts and send nude. It is by law rape" False to fact, and just the sort of thing that causes inflated statistics like these. Thank you, you are part of the problem. :P

    • No. In Norway one got judged to rape sentence cause of this. I did not write the Norwegian law.

    • Can you cite the case?

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  • Beautiful.

  • 1 in 3 women? Yeah right. More like 1 in 10 if not less. If it was actually 1 in 3 then this whole crazy talk would be a much much more popular topic. More popular than cancer and mental illness. Don't let feminist lies fool you.

    • I have read these same stats. Sexual assaults might not be consummated, there might not be penetration, there could be some BDSM factor. Rape may be included in sexual assault. However, the rape report stats seem terribly skewed. I've read about 36% of sexual assaults are reported, about 12% are prosecuted and about 6% end in convictions. These are abysmally small numbers in reporting. There are about 10% of sexual assaults that turn out to be false accusations and are usually found out in the discovery phases of investigations.

  • Your stats are bullshit and yes if a person has the ability to say no or stop and doesn't it is not rape. That is bullshit.

    • Considering those are stats which can be found on Amnesty International's website with full references to the studies involved, the stats are not bullshit.

  • How do you know 1 in 3 women are raped, if 97% don't report it?

  • Your statistics seem to be incorrect, it seems that men and women are raped and rape at roughly the same rate (if you include rape by envelopment).
    If we can't address it as it is, we will never see a solution to the problem.

  • Sorry, the stats just don't support that claim. You've been fed a line of bullshit.

  • The worst part is these statistics are not confirmed and have a lot of errors. In usa male and female rape is almost equal.
    In general every 1/3 woman and it’s believed 1/4 man will experience rape.
    I’m in my 20’s the perfect age to get kidnapped raoed or trafficked and im always scared and watching my back just in case.
    I noticed a lot of gay guys like me on tinder gold even though im not gay but to be kidnapped and raped by one of them well my stomach turns at the thought of it.

  • The 1 in 3 / 1 in 6 rape nonsense is not factual, please stop propagating this feminist created bullshit.
    Actual Rape is RARE. Less than 1 in 1000 people in the US as per the Bureau of justice statistic (The top crime statistics organization with a 98% accuracy). This includes the estimated "90%" that don't come forward but doesn't exclude the endless number of false allegations, or claims made out of regret, "feeling obligated", or avoiding responsibility. So that number is actually lower than 1 in 1000.


    • Condemned rapists is all they know. Rare indeed. :p

    • I love downvotes on fact. This is why we have fictional victimhood. Moron Snowflakes.

  • Nobody deserves to be raped.
    It’s so much more fun when she is aroused and looking for sex.

  • Nice information

  • I was drugged and raped... I remember vaguely wtf was going on. It was like I felt tipsy... Then WASTED... I snapped back into a slight memory of 3 or 4 women taking turns riding me for hours.

    I was also handcuffed to the bed frame. I never knew who they were.

    My girlfriend back then left me after i told her what Happened... She never believed me.

    Thank God no STDs. Aids. Or herpies.

    • Thats just fucked up she left you? Wow fuck her.

    • Now that I think about it is possible those 3 or 4 friends where friends with your girlfriend? And she knew but said she didn't believe you because of it? Either that or she's crazy stupid when do men ever give false rape allegations never.

  • if you consider a guy taking you to a quiet place and rubbing their crotch against your backside rape, then i was raped twice as a kid. you women make a huge deal out of this. believe me i just ran away from those guys and that was it. i never thought about it again until now. it's an awful experience but it's in no way something that haunts you your whole life. there are way worse things that happen to people yet those people with really horrible difficulties in their lives are ignored because women expect the world to stop everything and condemn the guy who pinched their ass. i think the real rape victims out there still don't get the attention they deserve because everyone is distracted by this political "metoo" bullshit. i really can't feel sorry for a woman who thought that flirting with his rich powerful boss or some famous actor or whatever would bring her fame and power and instead got raped.

    • Late af, but someone rubbing their crotch against your back when you were little is not rape LMAO.

  • I know quite a few people - male & female who were either raped as an adult or child or experienced childhood sexual abuse. The people who sneer or make light of this are so incredibly far off base.

    Another fact I’d add is that it’s not always incredibly violent. If there is a big strength mismatch, one person doesn’t necessarily have to beat the other up. With children, trickery and manipulation is often used, as well as threats. I get why people on this board especially want to minimize that it’s a common occurrence, but sadly it’s not uncommon.

    Good vibes to all who’ve had to go through these types of things.

  • One in three women will be raped in their lifetime? Sorry, but that is completely false. You are the victim of false feminist rhetoric. I challenge you to show the source of that statistic here.