Bush is back in Fashion... Throw the razor girls!

There's more power in your pubic hair than you might think. It can protect you from infections and eruptions, prevent STDs, and even help you gain better access to your clitoris during a steamy sexual encounter. The world sends a different message about pubic hair to women, though. Every time you see a naked woman in porn or movies, she either has a smooth playing field or her hair is very, very trimmed. Similarly, if a woman in an advertisement wears an itty-bitty bikini, there's no way in hell you'd ever see any stray hair poking out of her bath suit bottoms. We just live in a world where at best pubic hair is considered unnecessary and at worst disgusting.

It's not that hairlessness is inherently wrong, but the problem is that many women now believe it's the only "normal" and healthy option. Source's spoke to researchers,and worked on an app that tracks your time and ovulation, who studied why women choose to get rid of their pubic hair. One researcher, Claire McWeeney, tells the media messaging and advertising show women "using products like razors, hair removal creams, and waxing strips on already hairless skin — as if the natural state of a woman before hair removal is not something that should be seen." It's no wonder we've learned that a woman's pubic and body hair is unacceptable.

We're not, of course, demanding that all women grow their pubs in a unified stand against patriarchy (though that would be cool). We have to set the record straight instead. You simply need to know some things about your pubs so you can make an educated decision about what to do with them (or not do with them). Here are five pubic hair facts you should know so you can make your own decision.

1. There's a lot of health benefits to having pubic hair "Pubic hair serves as a protective barrier to genital tissue and sensitive vaginal opening," says McWeeney. This prevents you from getting inside the bad bacteria and causing an infection. Not only that, but pubic hair also acts as a friction barrier, making it less likely after a particularly vigorous sesh in the sack that you will feel sore. Pubic hair also helps protect you from skin-to-skin contact spreading STDs. If you leave your pubic hair intact, you reduce your risk of micro-tears on your skin, which means you're less likely to get human papillomavirus (HPV), genital herpes, and a skin infection called molluscum contagiosum. Continually remove your protective pubs and your chances of contracting an unwanted STD may be increased. There are numerous health benefits of pubic hair, and here you can read more about them all. 2. ... While there is a long list of hygienic benefits to having pubic hair, society has taught us the better the less we have. A study published by JAMA Dermatol actually showed that 59 percent of women who groom their pubs think that doing so is their vagina's most hygienic choice (while only 31.5 percent claimed it was for looks). Not only do we believe it is aesthetically pleasing, but we have been duped into thinking that stripping ourselves of pubic hair is a healthy choice for our bodies. However, experts are trying to persuade women otherwise, because there's really nothing hygienic about a woman waxing off her pubic hair—in fact, it's just the opposite. Which leads us to... 3. Hair Removal Injuries Are Becoming More And More Common Giphy All we show in advertisements is smooth, flawless skin, but the reality is that if you wax flippantly or shave the wrong way, you can seriously hurt yourself. "There is also a risk of injury for people who choose to remove their pubic hair," McWeeney tells Bustle. Because people do not realize this, more women are showing up with pube-related injuries to the hospital than ever before. Between 2002 and 2010, there was a fivefold increase in the number of visits to the emergency room due to pubic hair grooming; 83% of these injuries were due to razor use, and the most common site of injury was external female genitalia (ouch!). Clearly, too many women at home are trying to remove their pubic hair and then harm themselves. 4. Women who regularly receive the head are more likely to get rid of their pubic hair. Of course, when we decide what to do with our pubs, one of the things we think about is who or what comes into regular contact with our pussy. A study published in JAMA Dermatology shows that women who have sex and who regularly receive oral sex are much more likely to groom their pubic hair. The same survey found that most women choosing to get rid of their pubic hair had partners down there who preferred less hair. Clue researchers believe that this expectation has a great deal to do with the cultural beauty standard with which we are presented. The fact that we never see pubic hair anywhere "may contribute to a self-awareness around pubic hair that leads women to remove it." Unfortunately, this societal standard has made many men part of hairless vulvas, so most of us have met a guy (or two) who urged us to get waxed. Even though you've previously listened to their requests, now is a good time to understand that any guy who tries to tell you what to do with your pubs is not worth your time. However, if your partner simply expresses their preference, here's how to negotiate that sensitive conversation. 5. Some Hair Removal Methods Are Safer Than Others If you're one of those women who've tried both hats and prefer to have no pubic hair, you'll have more power. But make sure that you are smart about your removal process; the last thing you want is to face cuts, wounds, or abscesses as you have made some basic waxing errors. When shaving, make sure you use a brand-new, clean razor to avoid razor burning. If you prefer wax, just skip the kits at home and choose the touch of a professional. Finally, as these products can burn your skin, your best bet is to avoid depilatory creams at all costs. The team at Clue recommends that you exfoliate before doing anything else when you are preparing for a hair removal sesh. "Exfoliating with a gentle scrub will remove dead skin cells in advance and reduce the likelihood of [ingrown hair] developing," check out this article on how to hygienically groom your pubic hair and read all the reasons for considering rocking a full bush. No matter what you choose to do with them, your pubs deserve the best treatment.

#BushIsBack #ProudOfMyBush #PubicHairDontCare
#BushIsBack #ProudOfMyBush #PubicHairDontCare
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I’ll tell you this, when a woman takes her panties off and I see hair down there, I get harder than steel. It’s “very” sexy. It makes you look like a woman and not a teenager.

    I like that wild and primitive sex. Like we’re cave people out in the wilderness. There’s something sexy about seeing a woman in her natural state. Long hair untied, no makeup, naked and hair down there.

    It turns me into an animal. And hair doesn’t stop me from giving her the lip and tongue action she deserves down there. Girls think I’m weird for asking them to stop shaving down there but never pick up a razor after they see what it does to me when we lay down.

    Any guy who has a problem with pubic hair is a pig headed, narrow-minded, misogynistic fool. As long as it’s clean and doesn’t have any bad odors throw the razor girls!

  • Bush is back in Fashion... Throw the razor girls!
    • I don’t get it. What’s the meaning behind that picture?

    • @Dongtai the person is saying you have bush shave it

Most Helpful Girls

  • What is a razor?

    Never used one for any parts of my body and never will.

    People like nature in general but don't like natural looking girls. I never could understand this idiosyncrasy.

    Then they come up with this fallacious excuse that a shaved bikini zone is more hygienic but the reality is that most of them prefer it because it gives the girl this virgin, prepubescent look.

    There is a dormant paraphilia tendency in everyone and a shaved bikini zone is just an invitation to awaken this paraphilia. There is no scientific proof that a shaved person is healthier than one that is not unless of course the tabloids say so, in which case science is wrong.

    • It's shit. Shaving bikini area is a complete shit. I would never do it.

    • And you ladies shouldn't have to shave it. I for one am glad that my wife's pussy is really hairy.

  • Pubic hair on females and males is absolutely disgusting!

    • Not for me though. For me that itching , burning is disgusting.

    • Mine doesn't itch or burn ever!

    • @page90 How do you find guys who shave down there?

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What Girls & Guys Said

18 35
  • Well said - I keep mine natural and I love it that way.

  • I'm a guy and I use an electric trimmer and keep mine trimmed. I've tried shaving before but every time it itches unbearably and causes the little red and white bumps that hurt like hell. I have sensitive skin though and the same thing happens shaving my face... especially on my neck. When it comes to girls I like the look of natural but eating her out is totally gross. Smells and stuff get caught in the hair plus it makes it really difficult to eat her out... you get all of that stuck in your teeth and stuff too. I'd prefer if she had like her pubes natural up top but was shaved around the lips and hole itself. Google image the pornstar Dani Daniels if you want to know what I'm talking about.

  • I like the softness of a mans pubes on my face. He is scratchy if he shaves or trims himself too short. I don't find his smell offensive either, usually is a turn on. The last guy I was with had a wonderful smell & tasted so good after a day at work, sweating & no cleaning before I plowed my face down on his very nice average sized cock. It upset me when he trimmed his hair one time. Said it was to keep down smell & for others. I said you smell nice, no bad scent & I like you natural so no need. He had some other chick friends with benefits. I walked away but still able to be happy, no serious harms or fouls done. It was his loss though.

  • My vagina doesn't follow "Fashion" I've been shaving since very young.
    It can be dirtier and more unclean if you have a bush leading to infections and overall not "niceness" I don't mind a trimmed bush but a full on bush? Just unclean what do you do on your period!!!

    I don't shave for anyone but myself so I do not see the problem, It's actually proven to be cleaner to keep it a baldie or trimmed if the razor or whatever you use is properly used and clean.

    • You clean it with a warm wet wash cloth, take a shower. Its no harder to keep it clean with a bush. I wore mine full, trim & baby smooth. I no longer trim or shave its just not good. Also I've never had a UTI, bladder infection, no yeast infection nada! Not had a single one of those common women problems or any sti/std either. I take baths & not showers. So preventing those issues is on your hygene & your partner, he should wash his hands first, begore you let him put his hand up you. Think about unwashed hands germs being put in your body, grose!

    • @Bonney I don't have a partner, I have not had any infections either so please don't lecture me like a child, my previous partners have been very clean as I'm very picky about hygiene thank you.

    • So not true.

    • Show All
  • I used to wax , now I keep a manicured bush, my husband does shave his balls. I do find pictures of women with untrimmed pubes erotic, and once winter returns I just might throw away my razor and let it grow.

    • I agree !!👍👍👍

  • Someone has finally written this myTake. Removing pubes is unhygienic. If the guy really wants a woman to do that, he should pay for that shit, it's expensive and unpleasant

    • 😂😂😂 thanks.

  • My pubes are totally intact and I love having a hairy mound.

    • No trimming or shaping even?

    • @sidhk69 I trim but I don't really shape mine too much. Just enough to keep from poking through my bikini.

    • So u love the natural look

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  • Okay, I know this opinion is going to be unpopular seeing the direction of the thread, but honestly: I feel a lot more self confident, and comfortable overall when I am clean down there.

    A lot of people tell me to just shave it, but I really don't feel safe putting a razor (electric or not) right next to my lips - so waxing with a tweezer nearby it is. You get used to it - but it is really painful initially.

  • OMG, another Kevin Costner director!!
    Does the word "BREVITY" mean anything?
    Nobody wants to read a NOVEL, here!!
    Make your point, and if we want the history of female intimate grooming, we can Google it!!
    What was your point?

  • I have to agree. I love my hair down there, makes me feel very feminine 💜💖💜💖

    • Don't throw the razor Use it to shape instead!! Lol

    • So hairy legs would make you feel feminine too?

    • I doubt on that

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  • I already knew this stuff. However, that doesn't mean it's "Back in style". Most guys don't like it. Would you want to have your mouth buried in a forest of hair? I sure don't.

    • Do you shave?

    • @VIVANT Yes. It feels better and cleaner that way. Less itching too.

    • It’s interesting how people seem to have opposite experiences with it Lolol I like to trim but shaving just makes it itch non stop Growing it is also uncomfortable If I was born without any i guess be happy but as it is here atrim is all it gets

  • Great Take 🌺

  • I've always preferred a bush. So good news all around.

  • It's better waxed/shaved for both men and women.

    • What’s better? Looking like a prepubescent kid. No thanks.

    • @Guitar97 it looks better. A hairless child doesn't look like a hairless adult. This is nonsense.

    • Na. Why do you think it looks better.

  • I just shaved, couldn’t you post this earlier? 😂

    • Sorry. Lol. Now onwards don't shave.

  • Thank god. I love when women have pubic hair. It's just a natural look for a grown adult, man or woman. Hairless is like a child.

    I swear that society just has a thing about convincing men and women that one thing is okay for one sex, but the opposite is true for the other. So if it's no problem for men to have pubes, then women shouldn't have them. If it's okay for women to have long hair on their had, then men should have short hair, etc, etc, etc. It's all culturally enforced to the point that people become repulsed at perfectly reasonable groom choices and habits. Society is so fucking stupid when you think about all of it's little unwritten "rules" and most just go along with it like sheep.

  • I really hope it isn't back in fashion, I refuse to go down on someone with a bush... she has to be at least trimmed. I dont want hairs in my mouth whilst having my dinner lol

    • You dont shed pubes like your heads hair. Regular bathing gets the loose hairs gone.

    • @Bonney still not a Fan of or, seems disgusting to me

    • Why is no one these days happy with the way they were created? People now are too cought up on keeping up with fake folks they see in media & are ashamed of the individual beauty in their own body.

  • It's up to people what they do with their own pubic hair, I personally shave but have no probs with women who don't want to

  • I know it might sound strange to some, but I would rather my beloved not shave her's and just let it grow out.

  • I've always prefered girls who aren't completely shaved... what can i say im weak for the muff lol... I don't know if i love that overgrown status but if she does a little upkeep its so much hotter in my opinion!

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