What The F*ck 101: "I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden."

What The F*ck 101: I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden.

I am a registered Democrat, since age 18, but have actually never voted in my life. Even when I've supported many democratic politicians over the years I've still never voted. Why? Partly because I'm lazy and don't ever want to get out to the polls. Partly because I'm afraid of being in that number who votes for the wrong person you think is right. And also because I actually don't really believe in the voting system. It's always been a weird tug of war for me.

I always liked Joe Biden, as far back as when Obama was considering him as his running mate in 2008. Everything I was hearing about the guy sounded pretty good. The thing I always remember standing out to me about Biden was when he talked about being from Pennsylvania and always taking the train to work as a senator back then. For some reason that was pretty interesting to me. I've also always liked his candid, No Bullshit attitude, exactly what politics needs in a government full of more bullshit than a hundred-acre piece of farmland.

What The F*ck 101: I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden.

However, I also like Bernie Sanders and was going to vote for him without a doubt when he ran against Hillary in 2016. And I was going to vote for him this time around too without a doubt before Biden took the lead. Either candidate would've been fine for me as long as we get rid of Trump, but Bernie was the one I liked a little more.

But, aside from my feelings about Joe, let's pull over for a while and go over ManOnFire's mind-boggling What The Fuck moment in this whole scandal right now.

Tara Reade...

If you're not familiar with what's been in the headlines - and what had been trying to be ignored by Democrats, I must admit - Biden has been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, a former intern for his office way back in the early 1990s, who has also gone by a few other names throughout the years. Apparently some other women who worked with Joe had also come out about their own situations of being harassed/assaulted by him as well, but you never heard any of their stories. So at the moment the only victim who has been going public is Ms. Reade, who stands by it that Biden pushed her against a hall wall of his office and brutally fingered her.

What The F*ck 101: I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden.

I am not going to say that Reade is lying, and like the rest of us, I really cannot even know if what she says is true or not, although the way that Biden finally responded to it did seem a little odd. However, with much about her that has come out, I do not really believe her that much. And that's as far as I can take it. Apart from Reade and people she knew vouching for her claim against Joe, there are also others who knew her and are against her as well. Former landlords and associations of Reade who say from their experience with her that she is a liar and manipulator. Several holes and contradictions have also popped up not only in her claim against Joe but in other claims she's made throughout the years. It also seems pretty odd that for a woman who declares being a victim of Biden, she has praised him through the years and had no problems with name-dropping him when she wanted to talk about how she used to work for his office, all up until now.

To further top the cake, even Reade's own lawyer recently decided to no longer represent her, and he didn't even make it clear why. And as of late, nothing has been showing up in the news with any further statements from Reade.

"I believe Tara Reade, but I'm still going to vote for Biden"...

And this is our What The Fuck moment. Apart from Joe Biden, apart from Tara Reade, apart from all the scandal and controversy, the thing that is the worst of it all to me is the women out there who are saying they believe Tara Reade but will still vote for Biden, as long as we can get rid of Trump. Basically they are saying, "I believe a rape victim but I'm still going to support her rapist if it means getting another rapist out of the White House."

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

This to me is worse than the controversy in it itself. How can you do both? If I believed that Biden was really guilty of rape, even if I'm a Democrat, even if I like him, even if it meant finally knocking out Trump's malignant Reign of Terror, I simply cannot vote for him out of principle's sake. But apparently some women, including author Linda Hirshman and Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar, have stated their belief in Reade but also their allegiance to Joe and his campaign. That simply does not make any sense to me.

If you believe Tara Reade, you shouldn't vote for Joe Biden. If you're going to vote for Joe Biden, you shouldn't believe Tara Reade. I honestly feel that any woman who can do both should be very ashamed.


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  • The reason they're coming out and are openly saying that is because they've been called out on their hypocrisy when it comes to the "believe all women" thing.

    They played all kinds of mental gymnastics to try to justify still voting for Biden and ignoring or downplaying her accusations, such as for example here claiming that the "believe all women" thing is a "far-right trap" (something which I've seen some idiotic feminist users here claim, that far-right people use language to manipulate people):


    That didn't work because their hypocrisy is so obvious, so now they're simply saying "yeah I believe her and I'm still voting for Biden". They're nuts.

  • Its weird that you believe a person is a rapist but are willing to support that rapist, your practically saying rape is acceptable as long as your politics are the same as my own.
    Af least Trump supporters dont believe trump's accusers.

    What The F*ck 101: "I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden."What The F*ck 101: "I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden."What The F*ck 101: "I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden."What The F*ck 101: "I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden."

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  • The DNC sure knows how to pick a nominee. I really didn't want to vote for Biden when he said things wouldn't change, he relies too much on his "friend Barack", then him saying "if you don't vote for me you're not Black". Can we switch Biden out with Sanders, please?

    • Sanders isn't even a Democrat. For the vast majority of his political career he was classified as "independent" and the reason for that is that he is a Socialist. He now softens it up by branding it as "Democratic Socialism". You're supposed to believe that, because it's Democratic that it's automatically good and accountable to the will of the people. Even if it began that way, history shows that once you concentrate too much power in a central government, it will not remain Democratic at all. You're basically swapping out corporate tyranny for government tyranny. That's not much of a solution in my view. As human beings we need to recognize that we are unhappy because we are being subjected to tyranny by powerful institutions that are unaccountable to us. We need to think very carefully about how to reform institutions to be more compatible with human happiness. I would rather retain the distributed power of a free market economy and I would like to pursue reforms that make corporations more accountable to the will and happiness of people instead of the current framework where they are only accountable to deliver maximum profit to shareholders.

    • @dc-refugee nice paragraph, but I have one simple question for you. How do you know Bernie would destroy the free market economy?

    • @devilman666 It's impossible to know with any certainty what Bernie Sanders would achieve if he ever became President of the US. A president is not all powerful and it would in part depend on the makeup of the Congress and the SCOTUS (perhaps he would pack the court, as some Democrats have threatened, so that revolutionary reforms survive a court challenge). What we do know is that Sanders has thrown his support behind the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, both of which aim to radically transform society through central government direction.

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  • What?
    I dont understand the world today I really dont

    • @ariadner "I dont understand the world today I really dont" Welcome to the club. If you are familiar with "Alice In Wonderland" you'll find this is the rabbit hole.

    • I stopped trying to understand since 1999, something happened to our family and i started to make things good for us and us only, i need to understand the ways that will get me a good job and pays good so i can take care of my self and my family instead wasting my time to understand other shit that is taking my focus on my life.

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  • They also believe the dozen women who accused Trump. That means they'd rather have a sane man with one hideous act in his past, than a nut job with 12. I don't see the problem here.

  • I knock none for what they believe think or vote, reign of terror by trump vote for Biden 2 old dudes is it that younger politicians are afraid to step up or is there system really this corrupt either way every elected official is our every legal citizen in this country employee they work for us somehow that's lost to people we control the government but whatever, i don't know why people so wait hoping that one day the right time will come and they can stroke, all these women who claim to be assaulted harassed why wait 40 years to say something unless you g have a video picture it vice recording it's you against your accuser and be honest if something traumatically occurred to you it's not easily forgotten but to wait till the person is now hi Oroville and do this calls into question your motives we need to let go of the past what happened in okay for good or bad is gone yet in this country Oriole are falling on their sword to apologize for what they did not do stop it looks weak if Joe did this to her she had many years to push this issue no apology it amount of money is going to erase the past honestyh every single one of those elected humans in dc states, cities, counties, need to be kicked the hell out every single one of their corrupt assess gone enough of bull shit lies cover ups wasteful spending enough is there not anyone with morals left anywhere, Biden is to old to be in charge of anything all this is a joke

  • I believe Tara, Biden is a rapist, just like Trump, this whole election is a big joke, and I can only hope that Americans are smart enough to say "FUCK BOTH THESE SEXUAL PREDATORS!", and vote third party instead. Most democrat politicians dont care if Biden is a rapist, they want him to be president so they have more power and they get to take part in all the insider trading. It's nothing but partisan bullshit.

    • @devilman666

      You're wrong about Trump: mensrightsboard.blogspot.com/.../...-accusers.html

    • Why did they wait so long? Probably because Trump is a rich and powerful man who has a history of using threats of lawsuits to shut people up. "If you say anything then I will sue you for defemation", "alright then I'm not accusing you in a literal or criminal way, so you can't try to ruin my life in court.". Also, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything", clearly Trump knows that his power makes other people afraid and as a result they let him get away with things. Not all of his accusers came out in 2016, so what's your excuse for why we shouldn't listen to Trump's first wife, Ivana?

    • Michael Cohen's thoughts on the Ivana allegations: "It is true, You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.", even though marital rape exemption had been ended 5 years before she came out with the allegations.

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  • Perhaps consider the deeper meanings and connotations to what being a Democrat are. I don't vote because of somebody's party, I'd advise anyone to ignore the party label and look at the person.

    • The modern Democrats are communists. Communists demand total obedience from their members. All the members of the communist party are to do whatever they can to grow and empower the party. If that means murder children then they will murder children to achieve those goals.

    • @joeblow123 We need a big eyeroll emoji on this platform. It would come in handy for a lot of responses, including for this one.

    • @coffeewithcream Be as skeptical as you want but I have studied communism and I know what I am talking about. A lot of great men had their skeptics. Why should I be any different?

  • If you think Trump is a rapist, and you are voting for another rapist to get him out, what exactly are you gaining? That's hypocritical.

    • Right. Except that I don't believe Joe is a rapist.

    • I think he's a pedo, which is 100x worse

    • @Mellontikos And what do you think of Trump, who admits walking into the Miss America pageant dressing rooms while the girls were nude "because he owned the pageant and could".

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  • If the Democrats didn't deliberately fuck over Bernie - twice - this would be a non-issue.

    • Agreed.

    • @abc3643 Bernie found out history does repeat itself. In 2016 I could understand him stepping aside. After all, bad things happen to those who get in the Clinton's way.

    • @abc3643 This is the second time Bernie has fleeced America's youth.

  • I’ve heard democrats say that they would rather vote Trump than Biden. I never really looked into why Biden was such an undesirable candidate. The one main thing I’ve heard is his deterioration of thought/memory and his perceived creepiness. For the former, it seems as if he’s not entirely in the moment, saying things that either don’t make sense or just plain wrong. Again, I’m just watching quick clips of Biden and hearing popular liberal/democrats talking about his undesirability.

    • Trust your own judgement, over the judgement of democrats and other partisans when it comes to candidates from their own party. Many people have noticed Biden’s unsuitability for the presidency, including his “perceived creepiness”, so you’re not alone on that. Anyone with eyes can see that. So what you heard seems to b correct.

  • I do not like Biden, he’s no better than trump. In fact I think he happens to be the lesser of two evils. America has surely fallen and it’s such a pity, this country had so much potential

  • It doesn’t matter whether or not they believe Biden is a rapist. Take away the entire Tara Reade saga, and any9ne who votes for Biden is voting for a return to Obama and his unrestrained liberalism that took this nation in the wrong direction. Voting for Biden is voting against your own interests. Biden is unfit for the presidency, imho. Try to picture Biden in the Oval office when this virus hit our nation. His instincts were to NOT shutdown flights to USA from China, he said exactly that when Trump did the unthinkable in his eyes, and stopped Chinese flights to America, Biden was more worried about how that would look like racism. That’s how Biden would act if allowed near the levers of power. Identity politics has infected the entire democrat party, it will result in the continued road to destroying a once great nation.
    As for the many things that you, @Asker find nonsensical, what I find nonsensical is this entire post, that somehow being hypocritical in how a person justifies voting for Biden as being your main concern.
    Normally I don’t give anyone who openly admits to having never voted any credibility at all. I have to admit that in your case, my policy is justified.

  • omar is ugliest of double talk two faced. say whatever, blindly.

  • Some people's hypocrisy is just showing up after this incidence.

    • @cubstershura Major bigtime. With the exception of Fox News, the mainstream will glorify the hypocrisy.

  • Tara Reade is an obvious liar.

    • So the woman is a liar if it is against a politician you support. Okay you are as stupid as the Trump supporters who think Trump is not a rapist

    • @NorthwestRider Trump has a pattern of rape. Joe doesn't. Idiot.

  • Every single woman who feigned outrage and disgust at Brett Kavenaugh and now plans to vote for Joe Biden is a nasty little hypocrite and it exposes them for what they really are: little emotional tyrannical babies trying to weaponize rape to get their way politically.

  • If they ran Martin Bormann against Trump, democrats would vote for him. The only reason they would not vote for Hitler is because they call people they don't like Hitler, giving the Fuehrer too much name recognition.

    • Democrats hate Blacks, hate Asians, hate Christians, hate Flyover citizens and hate you.
      What The F*ck 101: "I Believe Tara Reade, but I Will Still Vote for Joe Biden."

  • I’m not American.

    if the leadership of my country came down to two possible rapists then I’d vote for the one with better trade immigration, civil liberties and economic policies. Whether they’re a good person or a shitty one ethically matters when it comes to corruption but that’s about it.

    I realize some people would throw their vote away in that case which is fine since it gets them out of the way so those able to make a decision, can.

    • the main issue is policy, i agree with you, that is the factor. too bad, that americans are swayed by twitter etc.

  • It's not that surprising that some would vote for him even if they think he is guilty. If the options are Trump and Biden and you think they are both guilty but that Trump is worse overall then it makes sense to support Biden even if you think he sucks. Sometimes you have no choice but to go for the option that sucks less.

    • @bandit74 How is Trump worse? Do you believe the lies the left-wing media is telling you?

  • Maybe they also believe the 20-odd women, including his wife, who have accused Trump of sexual assault or rape? Not to mention their own ears.

    I was going to say: "My guy did something good, so he's good, your guy did something bad, so he's bad", but I can't think of a single thing along these lines that Trump has done that was good.

    • @goaded

      Trump's accusers are liars: mensrightsboard.blogspot.com/.../...-accusers.html

      Trump has kept his promises: https://www.promiseskept.com/

    • @joeblow123 All of them? Really? Trump's defence, via Cohen, against the accusation that he raped his wife was that "you can't rape a spouse", not that he didn't do what she said.

    • @goaded Are you sure she is not lying? Women lie a lot about rape.

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  • Biden is a dunce. After you achieve great success you won't be so liberal any longer. I guarantee it. Or you'll just be a loser. Either way is good with me.

  • It's amazing to me that someone could be so anti-Trump that they will support someone that we know is a rapist. Here's the thing; the way I see Biden now, with all the shit storms that have been kicked up; I see Biden as the presidential nominee equivalent of a "nice guy." Trump is an abrasive, womanizing jerk, but Trump has also never advertised himself as anything but a womanizing jerk. There's a weird honesty (is it fair to call Trump's self aggrandizement honest?) to it all. Biden is the kind of guy that women avoid out of fear of his Machiavellian terror.

  • For now on we should make that title: “what the f%ck 101” a title on g@g anytime we talking about messed very messed up stuff lol

    • Yeah, I actually was trying to get something going with that lol.

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