This is just my reminder that Reddit is full of the slimiest, most disgusting, horrendously negative, vile, Cancel Culture people on the internet.


Context: I asked a question in a teaching subreddit about job references. Out of nowhere, I had some psychopath backtrack several years of my "Reddit history" in order to "cancel" me on Reddit because I didn't agree with their political opinions. They did this on BOTH of my accounts. And it was completely out of the blue and unwarranted. I don't really care that much, but this is legitimate cyberbullying. This is literally Cancel Culture shit. And it was done for no reason other than this person has a black, foul heart filled with unfathomable negativity and hatred. This piece of shit, /u/This_neverworks, and their equally shitty moderators on that sub. This post is my own form of catharsis to that. Just me going through why these types of people are truly some of the worst human beings ever created in modern history.

So all of this garbage was just a shitlist of "this guy deserves to be fired." But almost all of it were merely political opinions this person doesn't agree with. Make no mistake, I don't like the state of the world and the fact that its run by clowns and idiots who don't believe in reality, intelligence, or common sense anymore. But I've never in my life felt a need to "crusade" against a total stranger on the internet and try to destroy their reputation on a fucking jobs subreddit for literally no reason. This is beyond disgusting. These types of people, who also occupy Twitter, have no soul and are truly dark-hearts. Literal sociopaths who think their far-left, ideological horseshit makes them "moral superiors" than others. You know; the typical Cancel Culture crowd.

And while I've been on Reddit for a while, this was still quite a shock to me. Someone taking time out of their day to make a shitlist out of a random stranger LITERALLY because they don't agree with their political opinions, and unwarranted, at that. I had never interacted with this person before. While I know the Reddit/Twitter userbase is full of some of the worst people imaginable on the far-left, this was still shocking. Like, how fucked up and evil and negative of a person do you have to be to dig up shit FROM FIVE YEARS AGO, on an ALTERNATE ACCOUNT that I've never used before on that sub, in order to "cancel" them? If this was real life, I'd have no problem injuring someone for doing this. Like, literally, putting them in the hospital. It's beyond sleazy and scummy. These people are legitimate psychopaths.

However, despite all of this, it made me realize just how shitty Reddit is and just how VILE the people on this fucking site is. Even on a professional job subreddit using a different account, you can have some shitbag like /u/This_neverworks try to "cancel" you. I legitimately was shocked. Especially when said in their calm "I'm better than you" smug vocabulary.

There are people who have served in the military that have said SJW's are literally - no hyperbole, no exaggeration - worse than the Taliban and every terrorist they've ever encountered. And this is my own proof of it. It's unimaginably petty and disgusting. It's something someone with no soul would do. Both this soulless piece of shit here, and the equally amoral moderators. And what was it for? Having different fucking political opinions from them. You know, cause I'm not an SJW, far-left ideologue. Because I think this world is going to shit by political extremists on the far-left. THAT is what they spent, what must have been at least an hour, taking umbrage with.

I am merely angry at how evil people, on any political side of this world, commit acts of evil and brainwash people with these disgusting thoughts and ideas. From the Biden administration, to Bill Gates, and everyone inbetween. I'm not even a "conservative" or "Republican" like these fucking scabs on the internet seem to think. There is a HUGE difference between being angry and being a soulless, legitimately EVIL piece of shit like this. A Cancel Culture type who think they are morally superior to others while being vile, disgusting, truly shitty human beings.

It's been a month and I still think about this. I don't apologize for jack shit I've said in the past and you'll never get an apology out if me. What still shocks me though, is the fact that these shitty people teach children and have no problem "attempting" to destroy someone's online reputation - as if anyone in the real world gives a flying FUCK about Reddit; as if Reddit is an accurate reflection of the entirety of any human being.

To put it simply, these people are pure fucking evil, or at least the closest thing to it, being true "good" and true "evil" don't exist. What I mean is, they are either literal Sociopaths (though I doubt it; I've met sociopaths before and they are merely "True Neutrals," neither good nor evil), or more likely, they have Borderline Personality Disorder. I'm far from a doctor or shrink, but this seems like behavior from Borderline Personality Disorder people. Which is basically just the medical term for someone being a huge fucking asshole with no remorse or sympathy.

THAT'S what the Reddit userbase is like. I made the mistake of thinking being in a teaching subreddit and using my "less controversial" account (mainly, the one with less bans on it) would temper this shitty, amoral, sociopathic behavior from these people. From shitstains on humanity like /u/This_neverworks, who teaches children might I add, but think someone's mild political opinions that aren't on the Progressive left is enough to "cyberbully" them. THAT is what has stuck with me, a month later. We have literal fucking psychos teaching children. Although because I voted for Donald Trump, they probably think the same thing of me.

And as I said, the other shitstain moderators were way worse. I really wished I saved the insane rant from the mod who banned me off that subreddit. He basically said the lines of "We're not above being shitty people and will laugh and mock you for being the far-right, Trump-supporting, anti-vaxxer, white supremacist that you are." (I'm not even white or right-wing.) It really would've been worth exposing to the whole world to see just how shitty Reddit moderators are. But I usually don't bathe in negativity, despite this world constantly being surrounded by it. I comment on negativity, but I'm not a fan of it.

So let's of over everything this slimy, reprehensible human being tried to "cancel" me over. This is just for me, and no one else, as it's a reminder of how bad Reddit is, and how disgusting these people are.

A post from four years ago literally on a subreddit called /r/rant about how bad modern feminism is. Really? That's what these fucking people think is "bad?" I didn't even say anything that was false or inaccurate. And I ended it with "Only love is proven to defeat hate. And I'm not experienced enough to be the love to end this war [against men]." It's literally on a sub called /r/rant and it's from 4 and a half fucking years ago, and it's a post about the war on men and masculinity that ended with needing positivity to destroy negativity. And this is what these shitstains on humanity think makes me unfit to teach?

I get why, though. These people project. SJW's ALWAYS project. The assumption with all of these horrendous people is, that everyone else is as bad as they are. That because I think feminism is an anti-male, hateful toxic ideology, that I must be brainwashing my students with my political opinions and ideas. Something only a true piece of shit would do, in ANY educational environment. Something THEY probably do. Hence, the thought process is "He's a misogynist MRA red-piller; he hates women and wants to kill all girls. He's unfit to teach!" Because they're the inverse of this; Progressive feminists on the far-left. So they assume I would be doing the same thing in schools that they do. Crazy that these fucking psychos exist out there. Moving on...

This second post is so META. I said how the people on /r/rant, but really Redditors in general, are far-left, violence supporting, SJW, miserable assholes who no one will ever love and will die alone. ...Which is likely true. Just like old /u/This_neverworks here. Because after all, why get offended at the idea of people growing old and miserable and living alone and dying alone with no one ever caring about you, unless you felt something PERSONAL with that?

"What do you hope is wiped off the face of the Earth." Social justice warriors. Cancel culture dipshits like the one who decided to highlight my posts they disagree with. If it wasn't 2am right now and I wasn't bored, I wouldn't ever give such attention to such people. But as I said, this has been brewing with me for over a month. The levels of depravity and "evil" sociopathy one must be in order to do this to a random stranger on fucking Reddit. They've got me stopping down to their level. I mean, after all, they were the ones who got me banned off that subreddit, not that it wasn't for the best.

These people are sociopathic scum who likely have BPD, as I said. And this whole LONG ASS post is to remind myself, and hopefully warn future people with too much time on their hands, the level of scum that exists on Reddit. Someone has political opinions you disagree with - not even Nazi shit or anything, but merely not being far-left like they are - and they don't deserve a job because of it. So yeah, it's worth me commenting on what this shitstain thinks are "opinions worth canceling someone over," which looking back on, are so fucking mild, it's now funny.

I didn't actually look at these the first time around, because I know I don't fit the Reddit soyboy mold. I know I post shit on here these far-left shitbags disagree with. But this shit is SO MILD, it's funny. I never said "Heil Hitler" or "gays need genocide" or any kind of p3do shit which any NORMAL person might find to be disturbing or worth firing someone over. I'm not a Nazi, a bigot, or a p3do, and yet, they spent all this time attacking some REALLY old fucking posts I made on a shitty website like this.

Ah yes. Something else truthful, with some opinions in there, that they disagree with. I feel better the more I type this. Pointing out just how petty and shitty these people are. And the fact they think I must be in fucking classrooms speaking my political opinions. The fact that they're unintentionally telling the world how unprofessional THEY must be, by assuming everyone else would be as equally unprofessional at their jobs and just ranting off political opinions no one asked for.

And that's all this shit is. Political opinions these Should've-Been-Aborted wastes of semen disagree with. Well, they can use this one, too. I know Reddit has very few sane, rational people on it. But there are some. And frankly, speaking out against psychos is always the better option than silencing yourself for lies and misinformation. Or rather, this is just a fancy way of saying "I don't give a fuck what you think and I stand by what I said." At the time, it was a shock that someone would go through this much trouble against a random stranger on a jobs subreddit. But again, this is REDDIT. Being vile disgusting shitty human beings is the NORMAL THING here! Even IN a job subreddit where you'd think some level of professionalism would be warranted.

This post here is to remind myself that the Reddit userbase truly IS this bad. This petty. This childish. This sick. This fucking idiotic. And yes, I do mirror these on other websites.

Ah... So I have a post where I talk about why I disagree with feminism AND after that, explain how horrible a teacher must be in order to try to brainwash their students into believing in what they believe. It makes so much sense now. This second post I made over a year ago would vindicate me to anyone who wasn't a fucking psycho from Reddit/Twitter. This shitstain, /u/This_neverworks, STILL decided to post this as "evidence" against me that I must be a shitty human being and unfit to teach DESPITE me saying the clear opposite in the second post they linked. It makes perfect sense now. Their mentality is fucked up, for sure.

This one is too funny. Even me NOT WANTING TO DATE WITH A FUCKING FEMINIST, is just "too much" for this shitstain of a person (probably a female, being how pro-feminism they are) /u/This_neverworks, is. The whole entire post from three and a half fucking years ago, was "Men of Reddit, what was the moment that instantly made you lose your crush on someone?" I wrote when she said "I'm a feminist" and how go find a normal, secure, non-man-hating woman rather than deal with her vitriolic toxic bullshit. Classic! I'm actually amused to see that one again!

This self-righteous cunt actually thought any news sources (not that you should trust the news) calling out Peter Daszak was "crazy wacko stuff" by what they posted as the link. Again, THIS is what Redditors look like.

I feel so much better having gone through all this shit. It's like having a group of Flat-Earthers mock and belittle you in a room. Bizarre and insane, at first. But the more you look at it, the more you realize just how fucking CRAZY the shitty subhuman trash of Reddit really is. EVEN IN a "professional" jobs subreddit. I do feel better now. I didn't look at these posts when this waste-of-cum tried to "cancel" and humiliate me in the sub. I was just more shocked that someone I've never talked to before would go back 4 years and multiple accounts to try to embarrass and humiliate me in a post that had literally NOTHING to do with politics or my opinions, let alone the moderators allowing dogpiling and massive shit-talking despite their own fucking "1 - Be Nice! Don't attack others." rule. (Something this other waste-of-cum moderator said was subjective and would only be applied if slurs were used in the posting; yeah, this shitbag moderator /u/uReallyShouldTrustMe actually said they could dogpile and insult others as much as they fucking wanted as long as they didn't 'curse or use slurs" in doing so; fucking Reddit man...)

I've never pretended to be some morally righteous person or anything. But these are the kind of people I would happily wish cancer or CAD on. And I don't say that lightly. I legitimately mean that. There are GOOD people in the world who suffer everyday. And then there's people like THIS, who get to walk around not dying or suffering from deadly illnesses. So many people in Africa and Asia suffering and shitstains like these fucking Reddit moderators aren't suffering on the outside as much as their dark black souls are, on the inside. I feel so much better now having actually gone through all this shit. It truly is cathartic. These truly are wastes of semen for people that their parents should feel great shame for. And the worst thing is, SJW's aren't even all that rare, anymore. There's at least a couple million people out there who likely have BPD as much as these far-left fuckwits do.

And in the end, I suppose that's the biggest form of karma, after all. I don't believe in God or "good and evil" or fairness in the world because people like this aren't hooked up to an IV in a hospital somewhere, slowly dying of illness, while people who aren't evil or sociopathic get to live healthy lives instead. However, when your heart is THIS dark, when your actions as a grown adult is THIS petty, when you are THIS much of a piece of shit human being, in ways I literally don't have the words to describe... I mean, isn't that punishment enough? That these people have to be who they are? That their pettiness, immaturity, and nasty behavior towards others is the only semblance of "happiness" their rotten souls can muster? Someone who thrives off Schadenfreude and the misery of others, well, isn't that already a failure of a human being, already? And just like I said in that old post about SJW's dying sad, miserable, and with no one loving them, these people are no different.

And to think, these are just a few scumbag moderators on a fucking jobs subreddit that isn't even in North America. Now imagine how much more people like this, there are across the rest of Reddit, and social media in general. And I can't feel too bad about their future after that. If Hell existed, these are the people who wold try to "cancel" Satan as soon as they got there. And knowing that, at least, makes me feel a little better now at being banned off there.

This is just my reminder that Reddit is full of the slimiest, most disgusting, horrendously negative, vile, Cancel Culture people on the internet.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Yeah no disagreement, Reddit needs to be taken down as a whole, you would not believe the kinds of things i have found on there.

  • What the hell is wrong with people

    This is just my reminder that Reddit is full of the slimiest, most disgusting, horrendously negative, vile, Cancel Culture people on the internet.

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  • R/politics is the most appalling subreddit. Good take.👍

  • Interesting mytake. Before gag I came from reddit too. So take that for what it's worth.

  • I didn't really have time to read it but I know where you're coming from and yeah Reddit is probably the most toxic place on the internet and has only got worse over the last 5 years. I don't use it anymore mainly because of this. People will attack your post for absolutely not reason at all and most of the time it has nothing to do with the content it the post, they are just there to be a jackass because they can. The last few times I was one Reddit it really made me loose hope in humanity, since being off of it I feel much better about people in general. I'm certainly not thinbskinned and am actually very much thickbskinned and there is really nothing to offends me, but when you are seeing the negatives onnanday to day basis, you just get sick of seeing it. It's an issue with pretty much all platforms, again another reason I don't go on Facebook or Twitter anymore. Not that this platform is free of toxicity but it attractes a far more accepting group of people, and is generally a much friendlier place.

  • Never used Reddit but after several posts i've seen on here I won't be in any rush to