Why Virginity Still Retains Value, Even in Modern Times

Sex is Everywhere

In today's culture, sex is everywhere. We see it in the movies, on commercials, on the internet, and just about anywhere imaginable. From images, to dialogue, to explicit videos, and to sexually suggestive themes and innuendos, sex is glamorized and portrayed as a casual encounter, an important stepping stone to adulthood, and something that must be achieved.

Has Virginity Become Obsolete?

But what about virginity? What about saving oneself for the right person, or even marriage? Media and pop culture have scrutinized the idea of abstaining. Those who wait are often viewed as "prudes" or undesirable.

A negative image has been created for those who take a more conservative approach to sex, and stereotypes have been brought about, many referring to these people as usually being "unattractive," "obese," "nerdy," or "religiously zealous." This paints a picture that suggests those who often are virgins past a certain age are for reasons other than their own. That or they are just superbly religious.

The Truth About Sex & Virginity

Many claim virgins are rare and that most people lose their virginity now before they reach 16. This is far from the truth. Every two years, the Centers of Disease Control conducts a survey for adolescents, called the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. According to the CDC, the average age one loses their virginity is age 17. But note, that is the AVERAGE. That means there are those who lose their virginity before that age, but there are also many who lose their virginity after that age. Average just means typical.

About 60% percent of high school seniors at the time reported having intercourse at least once in their lifetime, which most of these surveys were issued in the spring semester of 12th grade year, not long prior to graduation. But each state also conducts their own with most results ranging from around 50%-65% for high school seniors. Bottom line, that myth has been debunked and trends over the last decade have shown consistency.

Her Campus, an online college community for women, conducted a survey and showed that most of the college women surveyed did not lose their virginity until college. A notable amount of women also reported to be virgins during the time of the survey. Her Campus also stated a consistency of results.

The Value of Virginity

But let's get to the main issue of this article, where we ask ourselves, "Why does virginity still have value?" Virginity is not just the physical state of ones genitals, or whether or not the hymen is still present or not. In fact, virginity does not pertain to just women but to men too; it is gender neutral.

Virginity is much more than one's genitals. It is that first time in general, the emotion, the intimacy, the memories and recollections that accompany it. They say one always remembers their first time, which is said for a reason.

Losing Your Virginity vs. Having Sex

When one has sex, that person is sharing a very personal part of themselves. When you lose your virginity, you share that part of yourself with someone never shared with anyone else before. When you have sex with others, you will always have that memory ingrained in your mind, whether it was a positive or negative experience, and the one you love will have to bear knowing that someone else was able to be with you in an intimate manner. This is often hurtful and can cause jealousy and turmoil with future relationships.

Like I said, virginity is not just the hymen. There are spiritual and emotional aspects attached to it. That is why virginity is one of the greatest gifts in this world. Not to say that virginity should be the only attribute valued in a person, but one of many.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Virginity only has value if you give it value. You aren't losing anything if you have sex, in contrary, you are gaining something: experience and pleasure. As long as precautions have been put in place like wearing a condom and other means of birth control as well as doing these things as best you can, risk of pregnancy and STDs are low. If someone has had sex but doesn't and has never had an STD and also doesn't have kids, they are not any less valuable than someone who hasn't. Having an STD or a child, which id baggage and complicates a relationship is what devalues the person, not the act in and of itself.

    • While that may be true, it does not make it less hurtful to any other future partners

    • It's only potentially harmful if the person has an STD and you don't even need to have sex to get HIV. The kid is more of an inconvenience.

    • I am not talking pathophysiological wise, I am talking about emotionally damaging.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • It still has value if you give it value. You say losing it is (or should) be some amazing spiritual emotional experience, when it doesn't have to be.

    • But why not?

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9 9
  • CDC: Risk Assessment
    Virginity Value
    Consequences of revealing Your Past.

    In the Past, I studied Physics.
    OMG!! not one of Those kind of girls!

    Risk assessment? Yes, in the US it seems ignorance is bliss and the most ignorant have the highest rates of disease and teen pregnancy.

    I was listening to two American women talking about "Sex Education" in which the teacher told them "easy girls" develop a Bad Repitation.

    I don't disagree. I make men climb mountains for me, but then I give them a reward that makes 72 virgins about as appealing as eating throw up off a bathroom floor.

    Virginity: the greatest gift?

    I do so want you to find a Virgin Surgeon, someone who not only has never performed the operation, but has never studied medicine.

    I am an educated, attractive, intelligent and sexual woman. Men have literally taken bullets for me. I am not Pushy-bitchy, but soft, submissive and demure, while being cunning, manipulative and deceptive (all those things a good pedophile priest will tell you is wrong).

    I love my men and men love me. Yes we were all virgins once, fortunately it is a curable condition.

    I think muslim men need 72 virgins because those men are as ignorant about pleasing a woman as any on the planet.

    Real men, even those who have small than average penises are able to be fantastic lovers. But it takes, knowledge, skill and a willingness to learn.

    "Passengers we are very lucky today. Our Pilot is a virgin pilot. Not only has he never flown a plane, this is his first time to be in a plane. Sit back and relax." ROTFLMAO

    • Speaking as a virgin, I have gained more experience from THIS SITE ALONE in the two months I've been here then I have in the rest of my life combined. How can people gain experience on sex without loosing their virginity? I don't know, maybe READ A BOOK ON THE TOPIC, YOU TWIT!

    • @Skadouchebag Yes, read a book or watch a youtube video, which by the way I love, though I find if I am trying to fix my iphone and the video is a young boy and it is 12 minutes long, what can I expect? About 5-7 minutes of free form comments about how he and Zack were at the mall, and a few minutes about mom. Once he gets to the instructions he will leave out critical points because apparently we all should know that part. The videos I love? they seem to be made by older Australian men they are 4 minutes long, cut to the chase, show everything. I am pleased you have gained from this site. If you think you virginity is valuable, you are going to end up with a douche. I have never met a man who thought that virginity was valuable who knew how to carry a conversation, be interesting, be thoughtful, be attentive <all of that out of bed and most never made it to bed, but the few who did, needed some serious teaching.

    • By "read a book" I meant something along the lines of "sex for dummies." and in the many months since posting this comment, I have gained much more knowledge. I'd suggest read what i posted to deviantart here (I mention my time on GAG in it) : sin-and-love.deviantart.com/.../Christianity-Sex-Marriage-and-Masturbation-557505303

  • It's all in your head basically. In highschool health class (this is in Canada) they took a very scientific unbiased approach and I think that way of teaching prepared me best for becoming sexually active. They taught that there is no way any doctor can definitively tell that you have lost your virginity and that the hymen SHOULD NOT BREAK!! it's there for life and is to be gently stretched out of the way if need be. The shitty thing about the hymen is that if you don't insert anything for a long time it goes back to it's original position and you have to stretch it out of the way all over again and possibly end up tearing it which is kind of bad. I had my first time the day before I turned 19 and I will never regret it, it was a great memory and I was (still am) in love with my boyfriend! I refuse to bother people about wanting to wait however long but I don't want to be judged for making the choice I felt was right for me either! I don't like thinking about your first time as "loosing" something for me it was gaining an experience and sharing it with the person I love :)

    • And you are still with that person too. But imagine disclosing to another partner your past, that can be detrimental. Not to say it cannot be overcome, but it does pose a potential obstacle. The motive of this article is to discourage teen sexual activity, because many find they are not ready and the mistakes can come back to haunt them.

    • I think teens have too many sources telling them what to do and what not to do concerning their sexuality and they should be shamed or scared away from discovering their own sexuality. When teens are armed with the correct knowledge they tend to make smarter decisions instead of being told flat out "don't because I said so!" they need to be told "if you do choose to, here is how to be responsible about it, if you choose not to that's cool too but here is the information for when you need it".

    • Even when preventable measures are taken, the vast majority of time they regret having intercourse and wish they waited. But despite being told this over the course of generations, the same mistakes are still made. Adolescents take a major risk when engaging in sexual activity. I agree we should not be as restrictive because that has an opposite effect, but we should encourage waiting and teach the importance of valuing how we share our bodies. The mistakes we make also affect our loved ones.

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  • I didn't ever lose my virginity; I GIFTED it to the man I wanted to have it. We are together, so he still has it.

  • Everything written here could as easily apply to any other experience that only half of high school grads have experienced with a romantic partner.

    Maybe only half of high school grads have eaten creme brulee on a date.

    They will never forget the first time they do.


    So what?

  • Sharing a part of myself with someone else is the point of having sex. There's nothing that says this experience must be with only one person.

    Absolutely there have been good and bad things to come from it. But that is called life. Just like learning how to ride a bike means that sometimes you scrape your knee. Just like heart break and love and joy and suffering are all part of the human experience, so is our sexuality.

    Despite people's hopes and dreams, monogamy hasn't worked out too well for us. Not to say we don't try, but the reality is that it's always been part of human culture.

    • Like I said, it can cause complications later down the road. There are many who still do value their first time, which may conflict. Some may be able to overlook ones past, others find it too difficult.

    • If someone can't overlook my past that's an issue for them, not for me.

    • True, but you can not blame that person either. You cannot deny it causes jealousy.

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  • I look at it like this. Virginity is a value. A high value in my eyes. Here is why. It shows me that she cannot be had by every Tom Dick and Harry that comes along. It shows me that I am not getting everyone else's left overs.

    Before I got married, I had been with three females before hand. I get that everyone makes mistakes. But please, Keep your mileage down. lol Self control and self respect is always a turn on.

  • here in turkey its still so much important

    • [Singing angels] Some faith in humanity has been restored!

  • If a guy was hurt that I wasn't a virgin I honestly would tell him to get over it. It's not like I was waiting my entire life just waiting for him to show up so he could be the one to take it.

  • Good article. There are two kinds of people here, those who think virginity has value and those who think it has none. But most importantly, both use different sources of reason, the first one uses emotion and the later, logic. I wonder what will happen if both sides use the other source of reason in explaining their stand. Those who value virginity use logic and those who thinks virginity is nothing use emotion. That will be interesting.

  • Amen, brother.

  • In the middle east and in muslim countries, virginity still retains its value. However, in other regions like America and Europe it's messed up so badly 😦

  • No one values it anymore

  • this is patriarchal propaganda

    • Name one sentence where he even IMPLIED one sex is superior to the other. All this applies to men just as much as it does to women.

    • @Skadouchebag, this always has been used to oppress only women

    • Again, it applies to men as well as women! It always has! Always will!

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  • Im just so fresh and so cl

    • sure u are bro

  • Virginity still holds value to many, for some of the same reasons it always has. For some people, not having had sex with various people, is still attractive trait to have, as it instills an intimacy in a marriage, that can not be there, if it has been shared with a number of others. Just as a secret or a important fact kept just between two people, is not the same if 20 other people are told the same secret of fact. Plus, just knowing that a person has had sex only with you, or with each other, for many people, is a strong binding issue in a relationship.

  • I am 24 and I'm still a virgn, but I don't see any value on person just because she/he never done sex.

  • I never had sex but my hymen is missing

    • Scientifically, hymen doesn't proof that you are 100% virgin or not. I can be lost even when you are having your menstruation discharge? Like for example, In rape case, it is determine by either DNA testing or any another physical and questionable evidence of mutilation in her Vagina. Apart, If you are honest enough, you yourself can only tell us/ or know the truth whether you are virgin or not... :-)

  • Are we supposed to believe that you aren't looking for a 16/17 years old virgin girl anymore to deflower, because they are so rare the older they get? Were are you going to find your virgin girl now? Mail order bride catalog or 20+ y/o virgins section?

    • I am just trying to boost not only my own spirits by creating these articles, but boost the spirits of others. I am just tired of seeing the media promote, influence, and condone sexual behavior at such a young age. If a person is truly and honestly ready to have sex, why should we stop em? But there are those who feel pressured, outcasted, and made fun of for not having sex, and I blame that on the media painting that image that it is "unusual" and "abnormal" to wait until you are ready or even until marriage. So why I use these articles for personal gain, I also use them to encourage and enlighten others.

    • I totally agree with you.

    • @Anayawilliams Thanks glad others agree

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