All of your stupid girl questions answered

I know someone probably told you from a young age that there are no stupid questions, but they were totally lying to you. And there's plenty of stupid questions on girlsaskguys, but i'm just going to focus on the stupid girl questions. Because they are frequently the most rampant and airheaded.

All of your stupid girl questions answered

Q.) What does he mean by this?

A.) He means what he said, because men don't say one thing and mean another like girls do. That shit is way too fucking confusing

Q.) Is this okay? Is this normal? Is it ok to _____ after ____ amount of time.

A.) Who fucking cares? Exactly whos place in the world is it to tell you whats ok and whats not ok? Do you actually believe there's such a thing as normal? Why do you care so much what people think or let a complete stranger define what you can and can't do sexually or otherwise?

Q.) My boyfriend and i got into an argument. Am i really a bad person / selfish / to blame / etc?

A.) Yes. Probably. If you have to ask, chances are you're looking for someone to tell you that you're right in a situation where the only perspective you've provided is your own, which in all likelihood means you're wrong and you know it. Your boyfriend or whatever boy you happen to be in a conflict with is still going to know you better than a random dude on a website, and questions like this only serve to convince yourself of your own innocence through someone elses ignorance rather than take the blame for your part of things which is what you should be doing. And anyone who reassures you that you're blameless and victimized and special, knows absolutely fuck all about you and is probably just saying that shit because you have tits.

Q.) Why do boys want / think about / talk about sex?

A.) because its fun, because we like it and because we don't make stupid rules subjugating or shaming people for whatever number of sexual partners or try to time or limit our sexual interactions because some fucking pop culture magazine called someone a slut at some point. Women, as a whole, you are being totally fucking ridiculous about sex, you need to stop shaming yourselves for it, stop shaming us for it, and just overall shut the fuck up and stop complaining. Who gives a fuck if someone thinks you're a slut, who gives a fuck if someone is judging you, you don't think we're constantly judged as well? YOU judge us. Do we give a fuck? no. shut up. everyone gets judged by everyone. thats just the way the world works, suck it up an quit being so melodramatic.

Q.) how do i tell him about ______?

A.) You just tell him. simple as that.

Q.) Why hasn't he _____?

A.) Because you expect him to read your mind instead of just talking to him like a normal human being.

Q.) Does he only want me for sex? Is this being too easy?

A.) Just because a guy wants sex doesn't mean thats all he wants. there's nothing wrong with wanting sex. And he might not know if he wants more. But you shouldn't be concerned with being too easy. Girls try to make a big deal about this shit but thats not a bad thing. The opposite of easy is difficult and you sure as hell don't want to be difficult. Pick your battles and actually think about shit instead of just running off at the mouth about stigmatized things that don't even make sense rationally.

Q.) What do boys want?

A.) you already know what boys want. that shit ain't a mystery. In case you need a refresher:

There are a lot more stupid questions. This is just the tip of the iceberg. But as a rule, you can stop asking stupid questions, by just trying shit for yourself. Instead of asking questions, go out and LIVE. experiment. try new things. don't ask questions about things you haven't tried yet or haven't bothered to think about. you ask too many stupid questions cause you're afraid to try shit because you're afraid to make mistakes, but mistakes are a part of life. Shit is simple. Men are simple. Life is simple. Just fucking live it.

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