Need some advice from other girls please?

hi my name is sarah am 15 years old and i have a 11 and half year old brother we are wicked close but lately he is becoming extremely curious starting to peek and always wanting to wrestle I'm not uncomfortable at all just no idea whats going through his head or if this is a common thing or what options there are to handle it?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I agree with most of the serious posts here. I think at his age he's just starting to notice girls in a... less innocent way.
    I think the curiousity is normal and he's not trying to be gross or pervy towards you. It's just as others say. You at 15 are probably pretty developed and he's hitting puberty and his mind and body are starting on the path to sexual "maturity" haha the quotes are because most guys aren't sexually mature until way later in life when they aren't all about sowing their wild oats. I don't think its about you specifically. If you could feel comfortable with talking with your parents and explainig to them that you've caught him peeking and you think it might be time they have "the talk" with him. Chances are they haven't really noticed. With girls its easy, we get our period and they know we're gonna need some information and guidance. I deffinetly think when you talk to them it should come from a place of concern and not about complaint. Otherwise if they get angry at him and punish him... I don't know i think the way things are handled early in life really inpact our thoughts and behavior in the future so if handled with anger then he could think he's bad for having normal feelings / thoughts and that could do damage. If you can't get yourself to bring it up to your parents maybe just pull him aside and say "hey i know you've been peeking at me and thats not really okay because i'm your sister, but I can see you're reaching the age where you're noticing girls, so i think you should talk to dad" something like that. And for the wrestling, when my brother and I were that age (we're only about a year and a half apart in age) we wrestled a lot for fun lol. But it also could be he's just becoming a little more agressive because of the testosterone and its not an excuse to grope you lol. Hope I helped :)

  • Hi! We messaged each other earlier lol. I'm going to answer this right before I go. But I have a similar preference. I have a twin brother. And when i'd walk into his room his face would turn red and I could see that he was doing something like switching tabs and when I asked what he was doing he'd get kind of awkward and say something like, "playing games". So I checked his web history, and I wasn't trying to be nosy or anything but there were some pretty gross things on there. I sort of felt like I was losing my brother, because he never used to do these things. I can't explain the feelings, but I bet you felt it too. Anyways, he'd also be like why are you so shy in front of me? Or asking me why I hide my body from him if he walks in. And I thought it was strange cause I was thinking why would he care? Does he want to see me naked? But with a lot of time and understanding I realized that its normal. Other guys do it too, and they learn about it, they get curious, and things go forward from there. Your brother is just experimenting. He probably saw things like this or heard about them from somewhere. He's not perverted, he just trying out new things. You're the first girl he's going to use it on because, you're his sister. He doesn't want to peek on you in particular or anything. This phase will be over. But it might get worse when he goes through puberty. Good luck and I know how you feel! xx

  • He's just curious, it'd be weird if he wasn't, it doesn't mean he's into you or anything, just you're the easiest girl for him to peek at. If you don't like it, tell him and I'm sure he'll stop but it's not weird or uncommon.

    • thanks fot your anwser

    • that is not normal, or at all appropiate. you need to speak to a parent/guardian (or any adult you can trust) so that they can speak with hime and explain why it's inappropiate. attempting to peek at non related females is ok, so long as he keeps his hands to himself.

    • @creativeusername101 Those are exactly my thoughts!

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Most Helpful Guys

  • First catch him peeking, then ask him what he knows , if he some part of it then use books and guides maybe slideshows , some Google images to teach him. And tell him difference b/w bro and sis and bro and chicks. He is just curious. But before all this inform to parents about this condition. Tell them either they explain him going blue in faces or give you permission. Also it may not be one time digest topic. Just teach him about both anatomy outer apperance. And tell him , he will come to study about it in further classes. For now just tell me what he has to obey for due course of time. To be a gentleman in socity,.
    Teach him soon because you do not want to see him being stupid , better if you teach him before his friends and enemies teach him something wrong. Guide him , tell him to keep patience all his curio city will be cleared with time, tell him to enjoys girls company in childhood. Because soon he will have women's around him.
    I am glad to see a responsible elder sister like you, I never had a sister , only one older and younger bros, was given wrong guidance by friends but sorted my way out correctly. Once my elder bro seen me writing word 'fuck' and its meaning, he was mad and started fighting. Soon we were wrestling. Instead of guiding he always got mad on me for such things. One day while playing badminton in my alley I was reciting advertise of condom, see how stupid was I. So better guide him dear. I beg you.

  • My kids all wanted to see their mother and I naked when they were learning about their bodies. They were just curious about the differences between boys and girls and comparing themselves to adults. If you're worried look up developmental psychology. It's as normal as can be.

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  • Others are right on this one. It's a hormonal thing. He's getting more touchy & somewhat aggressive because of the dose of preteen testosterone he just acquired.
    He also probably doesn't understand what's awkward about it.
    He's at the age of transitioning from a kid to a teen.

    You should make sure he knows to give you your space though.

    My little bro is a year younger than me so I've been through it too.

  • Has this problem been resolved yet?

  • Don't worry. Although, I am an only child but have seen my friends and relatives' younger brother. Pretty much, they are getting older and as they get older they will be more curious about their sisters. Basically, they care for you.

  • I would get your family involved and ask to talk about it as a family. I don't have brothers so its hard for me to relate, but its better to bring something up that is on your mind then to avoid anything that you want to talk about. eventually it will come up and its better to bring it up sooner then later especially because it involves your brother. good luck

    • hmmm. I wouldn't do that. to embarrassing maybe for him

  • Seems little brother has hit that "stage" you might say. The curiosity of the naked female form. Those of us with younger brothers have been through this same thing. Time to lock doors when not dressed and time to stop the wrestling. :)

  • I agree with Longshot. Seems normal. You're a female that he is close to so he's going to be curious and use you to explore that curiosity but you should let your parents know and get their opinion too. You don't want to get put in an awkward and embarrassing situation.

  • Hey sorry I haven't been able to message you it told me I can't send you more messages until I get to a higher Xper level or whatever it was just so you know

  • I wouldn't say this is anything for you to really worry about, he's only peeking because he's probably curious about females bodies because they're so different and you are the closest person to him he can do that with. Plus you are changing in your body as you get older and he may not understand that and be curious but too shy to ask. If he carries on or it becomes worse or its making you feel uncomfortable tell him or your parents about it. I'm sure he won't be looking at you in a sexual way as you are his sister, just out of curiosity. When he gets a bit older this should stop as he'll understand it all more hopefully. But as I said if it's making you feel uncomfortable make sure you let him know if you don't want to speak to your parents. But I wouldn't worry too much :) I hope this helps.

    • makes sense for me

  • I would honestly talk to a parent or guardian about it. The parent should be the one to sit down and talk with him about it and privacy for the matter. Learning is better early.

  • I don't think that's weird at all. He's just curious and you are the person he feels comfortable with to deal with these curiosity's. My brother is also 11 and a half and he doesn't do the same things exactly but he will ask me questions about things he is wondering about whereas he won't ask our mom. Maybe you should tell him that peeping isn't the best way and that he can ask you if he has a question.

  • He must be curious.

  • It seems like he needs to realize the difference between other girls and his own sister. If I were you I would explain to him that he cannot be trying to look at you in "inappropriate" ways and just tell him it's time for some space. That's all. It doesn't mean you don't love him. He's your little brother and you're helping him. (:

    • good one

  • He's just a curious little boy. I doubt he's incestuous or anything like that, probably just wondering about girls in general. I would talk to him and ask him why he's been acting funny. If it's just curiosity answer his questions and it will eventually stop once he finds a girl he likes to fixate on

  • i always encourage openness and honesty! Talk to him, educate him about this situation, talk to him about growing up. Don't just push him away, tell him you need space and why you need space so that he doesn't feel ignored and can learn to be understanding and respectful :)

  • It's not weird it's common he's getting to that age where he realizes girls are attractive and he naturally is curious about it. Just tell him it makes u uncomfortabke and he'll stop

  • I only had an older brother and he hates to be touched so i really dont know... i would just tell him i dont want to wrestle etc or lock my door when i change. Maybe you should tell your mom...

  • Well I don't have a bro but in one of my earlier questions I told a story about this 13 yo boy I sit for his fam and he masturbates under his bed covers sometimes when I'm in his bedroom. Im not sure he knows I kno what he's doing, but Im pretty sure its sex related anyway. Yeah he is always trying to check me out but I never feel threatened or anything I don't know in a way it kindof cute.

  • Tell him if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I guess he's just curious? He's just started 'growing up' too so he's probably all over the place emotionally. He'll probably stop.

  • Pure curiosity I'm sure. I've got two younger brothers myself, and although I never caught them peeking, we would often have play fights - probably until we were too old as well!

  • Being curious is fairly common, however if he doesn't stop by the time he should be done with puberty (like 15?) then you might have a problem. Since he's 11 ( still pretty young! ) he's still at an age where he can be easily influenced. Next time you catch him peeking explain to him that a girl's privacy is an important thing he needs to respect, and don't give him the chance to peek or touch. Tell him to go away if you catch him peeking, and lock the door when changing. Don't leave your underwear somewhere he can see. As for wrestling, you can if you want to, but I would draw the line. Just ruffle his head and tell him that you're too old for wrestling. Be a wise and mature older sister to him, so that he can learn to respect you more and not think that he can look and touch you however he wants. That would be reallyyyy be a problem if he thinks that's okay later on.

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