Do you think finding someone attractive for their gender rather than sex is actually *sexist*? Why do some think gender is more important than sex?

I think it is sexist to claim that you find someone attractive primarily for the feminineness of their mannerisms and the way they dress. That has almost nothing to do with neither the individual physical appearance, nor the individual behavior, nor the individual values, nor the individual qualities of their personality. It's just a set of arbitrary socially defined qualities, and I find it disappointing that some people think adherence to that is sufficient to fill a role as a member of a specific sex. In a typical and optimal relationship, you will eventually have sex. Therefore, biological sexual compatibility with the biological sex of your choice is essential. Heterosexual people for example would like to have sex with members of the other sex, not their own sex. No matter how feminine you are, most heterosexuals aren't interested in rubbing their penis together with another one. So on this particular website, I am surprised that people are sexist enough to claim that the way you dress is more important than who and what you actually are. You might call it transphobia, I call it logical thinking. TL;DR: your sex is in my opinion more important than gender, and gender by definition is the root of all sexism and sex-based stereotyping. Liking someone for adherence to stereotypical concepts is shallow, and matching stereotypes won't make you biologically and thus sexually compatible with others. I don't see why people are fooling themselves, trying to accept everyone and anyone unconditionally. Do you think gender is sexist? Because I sure do.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • you put on clothes according to what you are or think you are. if you do otherwise you are either an actor or an idiot.

    Gender is not all socially constructed. but social norms and extreme religious morality have effected it. this is but a generalization to call gender a social construct. And an ignorant deed to part it from sex. sex is the root of the creation of gender in the society as a social construct. and the creation of many norms is based on biological sex's effects on behaviour, made by the different chemical reactions of the bodies of the males and females.
    you cannot talk about masculinity as a mere idea in a masculine and femininity as a mere constructed idea in a feminine. Masculinity that causes masculine behaviour in a male is a biological reality of the mind and brain. the same with femininity. and the 'gender' constructed rolls was constructed through generations based on what you can do and how you behave according to your biological nature. and they were all nearly one set of rolls in all cultures in every single 'unrelated' culture in the world, with very slight differences. even the brain wiring of males and females is different making their brains work differently and be good in different areas.

    Gender was never, and is never 'just' a social construct.

    One time I told you about this shit, and you couldn't provide any logical explanation against it except yelling your "There is no point in arguing with people who don't even understand how their beliefs are sexist or problematic."

    so I double

    "I like what i like and fuck you if you want to put a lable on it"

    I like masculine men, I like manly men who follow gender roles. and I am pretty sexist towards other types of men. and that is my damn fucking preference. and no fucked up man or woman with a communist mentality can tell me do or like it otherwise.

    your shit is shit. and it's so damn bullshit. Do it in your land of Huns, we do it our way in Germany.

    • I put on clothes based on what I like, and partly influence that decision based on what would get me murdered on the streets by insane people (as such, I am not interested in pink. Green, blue, and grey are good. They are neutral enough for people not to care. Also, skirts would just get me harassment, so that is also off the table.) As for the differences in the brain, "correlation does not equal causation". They don't know the exact effects of the brain differences, most of it is hypothesis. The term is called neurosexism, by the way. And it's disappointing to see if someone's preferences are shaped blindly by peer pressure. Similar level of closed mindedness as those who choose to obey a certain religion, just because it is in the book. In this case, that "book" being cultural traditions themselves.

    • "They don't know the exact effects of the brain differences, most of it is hypothesis." the hypothesises is based on the general behaviour. that didn't change even in 40 years of pressuring standards. "And it's disappointing to see if someone's preferences are shaped blindly by peer pressure." and again, your assumption is bullshit like always. biological nature, hormones that change the behaviour is not pressure but willingly followed. It is disappointing to see someone repeats his excuses without being able to reason. repeat I can't care.

    • you have something in your mind that is based on nothing realistic. in your dream world you have something and you want to stand for it by anything. I could respect that, as far as it is your concern and you don't act upon it and step forward to label others by it. your dream is your dream, keep it to yourself, and in your life. the society live as they want.

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  • What.. gender expression (femininity, masculinity) has nothing to do with gender identity, there are masculine trans women and feminine trans men out there. Being transgender has nothing to do with how you dress or act. It has to do with identifying as a different gender than you were assigned. Feminine boys or butch women are cis - not trans. So the problem I see here is you assume what people have in their pants defines them entirely as a person, which is wrong. Anyway, women who are trans generally HATE their "junk" so I can guarantee you won't see any "rubbing together" outside of p*rn which is likely where you got all your info from. Women who are trans sometimes choose to get gender confirmation surgery, basically a vaginoplasty. It ends up looking, feeling, lubricating, smelling and tasting exactly as it should. Men who are trans may choose to get GCS as well, in the form of surgeries that can create a penis and even redirect the urethra into it, and can get erect. Usually though, trans men just use strapons for sex or packers out in public.

    Pls learn before you speak about something you're clueless about.

    • Very very few trans people adhere to stereotypes, and I'd hope you've already researched the effects of hormones for both trans women and trans men. But then again you're only interested in discriminating against people who try to live their lives normally and be happy as themselves, so you won't make any effort to learn better.

    • ""It ends up looking, feeling, lubricating, smelling and tasting exactly as it should."" We don't have the technology for that, unless you reverse the effects of the AMH that does its effects during pregnancy. Which, we cannot. So it's highly unlikely that it'd lubricate or feel the same way as a real one. What people have in their pants defines what they should identify as. A "woman" is an adult female. A "man" is an adult male. Just because you don't like your genitals it doesn't mean that's not what you have.

    • We actually do have the technology for that, lol. The tissue down there is actually very similar between a male body and a female body, so when you introduce estrogen, the body goes "k" and does its thing, which even pre-op women report happening. I don't know about you dude, but most people don't think with their penis or vagina, and it's proven that gender is innate, so if you wanna deny the truth so you can believe your misguided world view and continue hating and disrespecting people for being who they are, then I guess I can't change your mind.

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  • Hmmm. Great question. I don't know! I actually think a lot about a person is shown in their dress sense, the way they present themselves etc. That's their public persona, the individual traits of their personality. Of course, I also think this says a lot in the opposite sense. The girls who wear clothes because they are fashionable, they wear the same dress as a celebrity or they almost have a uniform from the high street shops - that tells me a LOT about their attitudes toward conformity and social acceptance. But that's getting off topic. I am attracted to men, I'm quite traditional in my attractions and although I believe people should wear and do whatever makes them happy I am not attracted to metro-sexual men, cross dressers or men who aren't traditionally manly. But that's my perogative. I don't think any less of men who don't fit that description but I want a "manly man".

    I don't think all gender traits are sexist but I am feeling a bit annoyed as this morning I was asked to make tea at work for a visitor. I was only asked because I have a vagina. That pissed me right off.

    • What constitutes as "manly"? And of course, a female is obviously better at making tea because their brain structures are different. They were designed to be superior in that given task by many years of evolution since when the hunter cavemen got home to their caves from the vicious hunts that females were obviously inferior at, the cavewomen had to boil Their Men a cup of tea to ease the stress of everyday life. :p Of course, obviously, it sounds perfectly and unrefutably scientifically sound, amirite?

    • Manly means he can fix stuff, chop wood, takes charge at home, strong minded, strong physically, gentleman like - opens the door for me, tries to protect me, gives me his coat when I'm cold, all the stuff guys say feminists can't have because they want to be independant I want and have and still manage to have a loving and happy relationship where I am respected as a person and not as "a woman". You may find this confusing if you know who I am. I can do most of the things I want my man to be able to do, I am a capable and independant woman who can definitely look after self and doesn't need anyone to protect me, but I like knowing he would. I like that he wants to. I like that traditional gender role within a relationship. It's something which appeals to me.

    • And of course, it's in our genetic code to make tea for men. It's the only reason the cavemen kept us around, that and our ability to see loin cloths from leopards :P

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  • The brain does, in fact, appear to have a gender. However, it seems to be more of a continuum rather than all male or all female. It's possible, I'd say, for dfferent points on the continuum to be more attracted to each other. I think our sexual turn ons aren't fullt understood, though. But I don't think its only societal bias that most people are attracted to SOME members of their preferred sex and not all.

Most Helpful Guys

  • No, I don't. I think all of it matters.

    I don't think you can just argue it comes down to the mechanics of sex. I find the idea of being masturbated or fellated or having anal sex with a woman very appealing. I do not find them appealing with a man. Clearly my 'preference' goes beyond just preferred mechanics of intercourse.

    Femininity is not very important to me, but self-identified gender probably is. I say probably because I've never been in the situation where it came up. I could happily have an ongoing sex life and relationship with a cute tomboy. I think I would be uncomfortable having a relationship with someone who thought of themselves as male, even if they had been born with female genitalia, even if they were quite effeminate (they may think of themselves as an effeminate gay man, or even an effeminate gay cross-dressing man). Would I be happy having vaginal sex with them? I think I'd feel I was violating them. Would I be happy having them stimulate me? Probably in the moment, but I suspect I'd be ignoring their identity, and then feel crappy about it.

    How about a trans woman? Pre op, pretty sure it would bother me. I think? I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable being physically intimate with their genitals. If they had surgery? Of all the combinations I've talked about, it's the one I think I'd be most likely to be happy with. They see themselves as a woman. They physically present as a woman, naked, and in a sexual context. Their past would probably bother me to think about and dwell on. I don't know if that's being non-accepting. And maybe I'd be bothered and not get over it, but I don't -think- so.

    So based on my own outlook, I think both sex AND gender matter a lot. I think most heterosexuals without specifying it are attracted to the opposite sex AND gender. But I think a lot of what you assign to one gender or another doesn't matter. But there is a core part at which people feel that they are 'male' or 'female' that does.

  • It's not sexist, it's primitive. The traits that are commonly associated with femininity and masculinity are the ones that can be directly attributed to estrogen/testosterone levelas. therefore If someone claims to find someone of the opposite sex attractive for their feminine/masculine behaviors, they are simply proclaiming the most primitive form of attraction. Personality, individual qualities are all nuanced forms of attraction that would not have existed without the development of language and society.

    • Oops, forgot to mention that physical attraction is also a spawn of society. The assets we find attractive are determined by societal behaviors. PS: you post some really awesome questions on here that really make me think :) keep up the good work

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 10
  • Sex and gender are two different words and not synonymous. In addition, not all gay people rub their penises together (id guess).
    Gender is society based whereas sex is biological. For example I personally find myself attracted to a lot of tomboyish girls. I do not think that makes me gay because they dont adhere to society's view of girls as being weak, dainty, emotional, and obsessed with trivial things like clothes or makeup etc.
    Hope this helps... I was a little confused by what you were looking for in these answers.

    • People tend to say that "sex doesn't matter, if you feel like a woman then you should be one and people shouldn't judge you and should accept you" but that's silly due to lack of biological compatibility, if you are not female then you won't be a woman, no matter how you dress or how you talk. I agree on the tomboys, they're better, in my opinion primarily because femininity is a flawed concept with many negative elements to it.

    • I see, you appear to be referring to "gender dysphoria" according to the APA it is no longer classified as an abnormal psychological disorder. Their are biological causes for it, primarily that all originally female brain in utero, and when testosterone is sent to the brain and is converted to estradiol... it affects all of the brain but largely the corpus callosum, and if an abnormality occurs here it can result in a male being born with a female brain despite having male reproductive systems. In my opinion just because there is a biological cause does not necessarily mean it isn't abnormal. Psychopathy is biological but we still think it's abnormal... However onto whether or not they should be allowed to dress and act the way they choose is a resounding yes from me. What a person decides to do with their own body and their own sexuality is of no concern of mine. This is in partial due to my libertarian views of personal freedom.

  • I don't think gender is sexist

  • Sexism is irrational sexual discrimination.

    As you say, sex doesn't necessitate any particular set of behaviours. Therefore it can't be classified as sexual discrimination to prefer one set of behaviours to another.

    So, it's non-sexual discrimination. But, is it at least irrational? No, I don't think it is that either. Gendered behaviours are, I think, rational conclusions based on the understanding of the biological differences between the two sexes. To take an easy example, why do men sit with their legs apart? Is it because of social convention? No. Social convention doesn't force you to do anything. Is it biologically determined/necessitated? No. I can choose to sit with my legs together if I want. But, if I do, it feels very uncomfortable. And there we have our answer. Men sit with their legs apart because it feels uncomfortable to the penis and scrotum to do otherwise. It's a rational choice based on the facts of reality.

    • Women sit with their legs apart mostly because they are told that sitting with your legs apart is "not ladylike". Guys put their legs apart because their legs would be crushing their scrotums, but there is nothing similar for a female.

    • ... women don't sit*

    • Being told something isn't mind-control. Would a man commonly sit with his legs together if he didn't have a scrotum and a penis? We don't really know. But, I can think of rational motivations that would apply to anyone who doesn't have such an appendage: aiding bodily warmth, taking up less space, and indeed modesty/propriety (which doesn't apply only to women). Personally, for those reasons, I would sit with my legs together if it didn't feel uncomfortable.

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  • I think I agree with you to an extent. I'm more concerned with someone's sex than their gender in terms of whether I fancy them. I'm attracted to people who have female bodies (that is people who's sex is female), I don't particularly mind what their gender is, it's just important to me that they're attracted to male bodies and have a female body.

    I've got no problem with transgender people, but I don't think I would ever be attracted to one. It's not someone's gender that attracts me, it's their body and personality, not their gender (identity). I'm attracted to people with female bodies, I don't care whether their mind is female provided I like their personality and so on.

    • I don't really like that we expect people to act or behave differently based on their gender, obviously there may be difference between men and women on average in certain respects, but I don't think someone's sex ought to relate to an expectation of what they do/how they act.

  • I've explained both the difference between sex and gender and my own opinion here:

  • I like girls for biological and emotional reasons, so both their appearance and personality matters. I have to admit that I don't really see your problem here..

    • I think expecting every girls to like shoes and claiming they all suck at math and that they are all "emotional" and not "logical" are all sexist, and they all stem from gender. Although technically this question was more directed at how people here say it doesn't matter if someone is trans, even though technically they're ""women"" with penises which is just nonsense.

    • Ok I get you, and yeah of course the biggest factor to us men being drawn to women is because they biologically are women. I just feel like for example, fashion and them being emotional just adds to the attraction. But yeah all this trans gender shit is ridiculous!

    • glad we're on the same page :p

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  • Well i think gender is something that is created based on observations and generalisations of how people of different sexes behave. Its not like its just completely stereotypical; men and women are different both physically and mentally (at least to a considerable amount if not a huge one). So its natural for a female to act "feminine" and a male to behave "manly". They do not behave so just because society expects them to. Of course everyone is different and there are people who do fit into their "gender". And that is OK. And yes I agree with you that people should consider what and how a person is instead of just looking at his appearance and how well he behaves according to his gender expectations, but if someone is attracted to someone because of their typical "gender" behaviour then that's not sexist at all. In a way its just biological and phsychological...

    • do not*

  • I thin that its should be that her personality is it

    • I think I jammed too many different things into this question, and you didn't really get the end result. The question is how much of personality is defined by societal constructs, and also if adherence to those constructs truly is more important than biological sex (which it isn't, if you ask me).

  • I'm just wondering:

    Where in the actual fuck are all these questions coming from on here lately with people suddenly wondering why it's natural or not to be attracted to the opposite sex. There were 2 yesterday, one saying that people are a small bit shallow for being attracted only to the other sex. And the other... I have no idea what he was trying to say.

    So yeah, is there something going on in the news or on TV that is making people ask all these questions?

    • No idea. I personally was just bored.

    • Well to entertain you, I'll try and answer your question. Although, it might be broad and a bit off-topic. But you can always ignore it if you want :) I think society, at least American society, has slowly (but growing exponentially) moved into a mindset where we begin questioning things as a result of previously questioned things. Things like women's rights, civil rights, gender roles, foreign relations, politics, and so on. This has opened the door to people essentially saying "Hmm, what else can we question and debate on?". And THAT has then resulted people questioning things deep down in our reptilian brain, trying to essentially rewire nature. "Wait, why do I have to be attracted to a girl or guy, this or that behavior, etc?"... when we've developed over hundreds of thousands up to millions of years. We might be changing ever so slightly, but we developed just like every other animal, and not by accident or coincidence.

    • So in conclusion: I understand people questioning societal constructs. But when you start getting into natural, primal thoughts and behaviors? You're on a very abstract slope that I don't think very many people at all really understand what they're questioning, WHY they are, or what they even hope to accomplish. Basically, we've seen the light in regards to exercising our higher level intelligence... but we're too intelligent to know when to stop or to know when it's useful. I used to be all metacognitive like this... until I stopped and realized "It's ok to be an animal. It's ok to have desires AND to act on them. It's ok to behave a certain way or have a certain personality without having to question or justify it. IT'S OK" So I stopped wasting my time fighting Mother Nature, and I learned that the world won't listen to me anyway. So I'm living for me, in ways that make me happy without questioning things that don't need questioning :)

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  • No, that's absurd. Human attraction is never sexist. We are attracted to what we are attracted to. It's not a choice.

    What is it with your obsession with gender?

    • I think gender is the core root of all sexism.

    • I totally disagree.

    • Why? it's true. The reason why people are sexist is because they make assumptions about other people, assuming that they behave or act or work a certain way based on their genitalia. What is what determines what counts as a socially agreed upon set of behaviors that are attributed to a specific sex? GENDER. GENDER is the reason why people are sexist. If there was no gender, we would see each other for who they are, rather than as "women" and "men".

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  • The whole concept of gender is bs. There is only biological sex that makes us different.

    • Or at least, the factors that make us different are detached from both biological sex and the imaginary concept of gender alike..

    • I think we should look into biological sex and learn the subtle difference between the sexes stemming from biological sex and sexuality instead of adhering to the false concepts of femininity and masculinity. A lot of people are attracted to gender. The funny thing is that gender allows for repressed homosexuality. If you are attracted to the female gender you can have sex even with men claiming to be heterosexual.

    • @wölfin-fräulein "the creation of many norms is based on biological sex's effects on behaviour, made by the different chemical reactions of the bodies of the males and females. Masculinity that causes masculine behaviour in a male is a biological reality of the mind and brain. the same with femininity. and the 'gender' constructed rolls was constructed through generations based on what you can do and how you behave according to your biological nature" - It is funny how people pass down this propaganda from generation to generation without thought. There is no scietific proof to it because it is not true.

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